To relfect back on the previous page.....Yes, there are 2 (two) elevators within Cinderella Castle. My wife and I were extremely fortunate to be online at the exact time a few years ago to try and purchase the very limited D23 Magic and Merriment weekend of December 2012 at WDW. We we very blessed (along with the other 100 or so) to be taken up (in groups) to the Dream Suite via the elevator. It is a gorgeous elevator with 14K gold inlays in the tile type floor and yes, it does continue up to another floor where Tinkerbell then climbs to the "launch platform". As we all know, the Dream Suite was used for many things including a call center for a good period of time. The Dream Suite is gorgeous and our 10 minutes walking around and taking pictures was soooo worth the cost of the D23 event....
The second point mentioned above about the new tower heights in relation to the original illustration does also appear to be true. I did not see any difference and certainly not anywhere near the same as the screenshoot of the CAD noted above.