Main Street Bakery to Serve Starbucks Coffee

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Perspective. Coffee really is just a hill of beans after all.

I regret naming this thread in the way I did. I think it still would have gone downhill but I don't think the cheaky title helped. The bakery, if it follows the DCA example, will only be improved by this's a net GAIN not a loss. And as Spirit as so rightly stated, if you think Starbucks signage on Main Street is a bigger deal than the state of some attraction upkeep you need to get your priorities in order.

The truth is that for 95% of MK guests will see this as an improvement IF they even notice and IF they don't just think that Starbucks has always been there.
Suggested new thread title: Main Street Bakery to be improved with delicious Starbucks offerings!

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
You know things are bad when I...*gulp* agree with Condorman!

Calm down, this is an addition, hardly a subtraction. So you might have to go to a different store to get a specific item if it doesn't stay with the Bakery, is it really that big of a loss? Bring on a frappuccino when its hot or nice gingerbread latte when its cold, I might actually appear in the parks before noon! They won't have Starbucks music playing, they won't be selling the latest Enya CD, but I wouldn't mind their cute menu drawings. There won't be a massive Starbucks sign, but I think a carved, wooden hanging Starbucks sign might not look too bad, honestly.

Oh who am I kidding, I'm just giddy the line to get my Starbucks beverage in the morning will hopefully be a fair bit shorter without all the people who are so up in arms in here!

I know! It'll be so great to be able to get a GOOD cup of coffee on Main Street! :)


Well-Known Member
Comment on MS changing in the 90's. I'm assuming that we are referring to when all the specialty stores with high priced items and antiques were taken out and replaced by Disney Stuffed Animals. Is that correct? Well, here's my opinion about that. WHO IN THE HELL GOES TO A THEME PARK TO BUY EXPENSIVE ONE OF A KIND (Yea, right) TRINKETS AND ANTIQUES?

I suspect that those stores are gone because all kinds of people rubber necked inside, picking up everything that wasn't nailed down and then put it back in the wrong place and never bought anything. If that stuff had been selling, the shops would still be there and I'll guarantee you that if there was such a store on Main Street in the early 1900's and it didn't sell anything, it too would be gone. Can't get more authentic then that can you?

There is much more cash flow and profit in selling two stuffed Mickey's with a $5.00 mark up then no antiques with a $300.00 mark up.

Here's where your power comes in. If you like something then support it. Disney never claimed to be a museum. It is there to generate money. If you don't like the new Starbucks and what it sells, don't buy anything, Starbucks will be gone faster than you can down a competing Cappuccino.
I think you are confusing Liberty Square with Main St...
Main St had the Penny Arcade(an attraction), Magic Shop(specialty lo cost items that added to theme), Book/card shop(still sell this stuff in the larger Emporium), Center St and later the Cinema(attraction) to sell the Art stuff. Considering the bank had been the Art Store, they made a decision that package pickup capacity was more important than the Cinema.

On a side note, unlike DL, the Magic Shop in TDR has shop specific Disney themed books & magic tricks. But I would never want to buy anything like that in a theme park.


New Member
Lets not forget people that the disney parks where built on brands and sponsorship. This is nothing new for disney and will be a great addition to the parks. I'm sure that the character of the place will be maintained and that starbucks will offer a wide variety of food and beverages as the bakery once offered.


Active Member
Quite disappointing. The Main Street Bakery added a very special touch to Main Street M.K. Soon it'll be no different than a local shopping plaza. There's Starbucks practically everywhere, but there was only one Main Street Bakery M.K. :(


Well-Known Member
Pretty disappointed with this...for several reasons. (1) You start bringing in big brand stores into the parks and you take away from the uniqueness of places like the Main Street Bakery. What's next? Make The Emporium and MouseGears a corner Walmart? (And...there's a difference between selling some Nestle's products in a store and making the entire store Nestle' an example) (2) Everything in Starbucks is ridiculously overpriced. (3) Will snack options for those who use the dining plan still be used in Starbucks?


Well-Known Member
Would you all be satisfied if they kept the name Main Street Bakery, but added the tag line featuring Starbucks? They're going to keep the popular, well known items in the bakery, but are improving it with supplemental coffee options and some non-Disney pastries.


Well-Known Member
Quite disappointing. The Main Street Bakery added a very special touch to Main Street M.K. Soon it'll be no different than a local shopping plaza. There's Starbucks practically everywhere, but there was only one Main Street Bakery M.K. :(

This is an interesting thread, to say the least. All that I can say with regard to Starbucks is that if you can get it at Target, really, it's not so impressive to have on Main Street. I think that what many are saying that even if you still have bakery items that exist today at the Main Street Bakery, you still get a portion of the shop taken over by Starbucks and just the notion of yet another thing that you can find everywhere else gets prime real estate on Main Street.

Sponsorships have been a part of Disney theme parks since the beginning, but at that beginning they were a necessity to fund park operations. As years progressed, sponsorships were converted into bottom line enhancement items. They aren't a necessity, rather another revenue stream for the Walt Disney Company. I have no problem with sponsorships and they've yielded wonderful things from companies that we wouldn't have been exposed to before such as Dole and the Dole Whip.

The problem seems to be the, excuse the term, corporate whoredom that exists today within the company. Main Street USA, I guess is becoming a true example of America, a place where chains and corporations plant their stakes on every corner and unique, original concepts struggle to get a footing.

I guess I'll have to pay another six bucks on top of my hundred bucks to get it in to buy coffee that I can get when shopping for diapers and cat litter at Target.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member


Well-Known Member
Lets not forget people that the disney parks where built on brands and sponsorship. This is nothing new for disney and will be a great addition to the parks. I'm sure that the character of the place will be maintained and that starbucks will offer a wide variety of food and beverages as the bakery once offered.

Hogwash. Who wants sponsors? What, are we gonna go all Tokyo Disneyland and have sponsors for practically everything? Who wants to be remotely similar to them? Anyone seen their Splash Mountain presented by Nissan?

Or like Epcot during its medieval period. Thank god we don't have Imagination plugging Kodak any longer, or ExxonMobil for Energy. We might lose Ellen!

I'll take the same old crap any day as opposed to a subtle commercial under the entrance marquee.

Sponsors....bah. Who needs 'em.



Think for yourselfer
Starbucks makes a nice cup of coffee. Something not readily available in WDW. For those worried about corporate signage, and big corporations overtaking quaint little Main Street, I believe it opened with tremendous Coca Cola signage right across the street from where the Bakery is now. At Casey's.

BTW the Cinnamon Rolls are terrible now. They used to be akin to a Cinnabon. Now they are hard, dry, and typically not fresh.


Well-Known Member
wow...29 pages on this? look what happens when you take a break for a few days...

i really don't have a problem with this. one of the first comments in the parks blog says they're keeping some menu items, for all of you who are worried about losing your favorite treat. and truthfully, ever since i tried to choke down a cup of, what equates to, liquid garbage to try and keep me going through an extra magic hours one night this summer, i have realized just how necessary the starbucks incorporation is.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
Ha! That's me laughing at anyone complaining about Starbucks drinks being overpriced... you do realize we're talking about Disney World, right?

It was pretty chilly at DCA the other day, so I went looking for a hot chocolate. There was a coffee ODV stand that had hot chocolate... $5 for a roughly "grande" sized cup of hot chocolate from one of those giant metal tanks. I said screw it... if I'm going to pay a ridiculous price for hot chocolate, it might as well taste good. I went to Fiddler, Fifer and Practical. $3.69 for a venti hot chocolate made with real-life milk in front of you and whipped cream and chocolate syrup on top. Plus the milk, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, etc. on the counter for you to add to your drink. For cheaper than the basic Disney stuff in the same park.


Well-Known Member
Would you all be satisfied if they kept the name Main Street Bakery, but added the tag line featuring Starbucks? They're going to keep the popular, well known items in the bakery, but are improving it with supplemental coffee options and some non-Disney pastries.

This is what I'm expecting/hoping's another picture of the DCA location:


I think the Starbucks sign is sort of by the blue awning (tall, brown rectangle thing on the side of the building). Hopefully they'll do something similar on Main Street. And for me personally, I would gladly pay an extra $1-$2 for Starbucks coffee and say good-bye to the Nescafe...:confused:

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