Main Street Bakery to Serve Starbucks Coffee


Premium Member
Im so sad. Putting A Big sign saying "Starbucks" on Main st. will ruin the atmosphere, let alone it breaks my heart. :oops:

I think this bears re-posting. This is what the Starbucks in Disney California Adventure looks like:



Well-Known Member
That doesn't really answer my question. Is the menu going to be completely different, is what I'm getting it. Will it be a Starbucks exclusively or like I said the existing Bakery with Starbucks on the menu?

People are acting as if the Bakery is going to be gutted and a modern day Starbucks is going inside.


Premium Member
That doesn't really answer my question. Is the menu going to be completely different, is what I'm getting it. Will it be a Starbucks exclusively or like I said the existing Bakery with Starbucks on the menu?

It will NOT be exclusively Starbucks items. In response on one of the blog comments it says:

"Hi Amy, yes there will be a selection of Disney favorites that you’ve enjoyed at the bakery over the years."

This is the same way the one in DCA is setup, a mix of Starbucks and Disney products.


Well-Known Member
It will NOT be exclusively Starbucks items. In response on one of the blog comments it says:

"Hi Amy, yes there will be a selection of Disney favorites that you’ve enjoyed at the bakery over the years."

This is the same way the one in DCA is setup, a mix of Starbucks and Disney products.
Great! Then I don't see what the fuss is all about really. I'm just glad the rumor of removing the Plaza restaurant and replacing it with a Starbucks isn't true.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Like a few other rational posters here, I am utterly shocked by the fan response to this news. When I saw the DPB spot late on Friday, I didn't think much of it, as I had long assumed that Main Street would be the location for the Starbucks in the Magic Kingdom. In my mind, any possible "issue" with this had been resolved when FF&P opened in June. I know not everyone goes to DLR, but there are glowingly positive reviews all over the place. That some people have spent the time to post dozens of speculative posts in this thread yet have refused to read those reviews is a bit flabbergasting. Are you all burying your heads in the sand in purpose, or is it just your standard operating procedure?

The points as to why this is not a bad thing have been made and made again without any sort of logical retort by those opposing the move, so I won't waste my keystrokes with further support.

I will say that this thread should be bookmarked as definitive "proof" that WDW1974 isn't just some surly curmudgeon who gets his kicks by fixating solely on the negatives at WDW. Sure, he discusses the negatives a lot, but I think many of us recognize a rational basis for doing so. Maybe now that the roles are (evidently) reversed with regard to the positions he and his bashers are taking in this thread, people will realize that they've misjudged him.

That, or he's actually a corporate plant working for Starbucks who has carefully concocted a certain negative posting style for the past several years to make his positive opinion on this specific piece of news have more weight and make the rest of us more receptive to Starbucks' diabolical plan to slowly turn the Magic Kingdom into the 'Mermaiding World of Sally Starbucks' (a corporate mascot mermaid character who will be announced next week and will be the star of New fools thought that stuff was actually for Ariel?!).

Actually, scratch everything I wrote above that last paragraph, I THINK I'VE FINALLY OUTED '74!

But if you skip the insults, can you really not see why there are people opposed to this move who do know what happened in DCA, who do have a pretty good idea of what is coming to WDW, and who drink nothing but coffee all day long?


Premium Member
That doesn't really answer my question. Is the menu going to be completely different, is what I'm getting it. Will it be a Starbucks exclusively or like I said the existing Bakery with Starbucks on the menu?
Neither, both, who knows;). If you go back to post#1 there is a link to the official park blog story. It says a full Starbucks menu. In the questions at the bottom they say about 30 times that there will be a selection of bakery favorites but the final menu is not set. I interpret that as some, but not all of the original menu mixed in with Starbucks menu. There has been a picture posted here a number of times of the DCA location which has 2 shelves of Starbucks items and 3 Disney shelves. No guarantee that the setup will be exactly the same, but it should be an indication that there will be a mix.


Well-Known Member
You are probably right. There are assumptions being presented as fact on both sides. We do know for sure that Starbucks will be coming to MK in the place which was the Main Street Bakery. Disney is claiming that it will fit the theme of the existing area. They will serve both Starbucks Coffee and drinks as well as some of the Disney classics (no details on what those actually are). The DCA Starbucks location does not have an obvious Starbucks look or feel and serves both Starbucks and classic Disney stuff. This is all fact.

Things like I hate Starbucks Coffe, I love Starbucks, I don't like coffee at all and I don't like 3rd party vendors are all valid opinions. The grey area is when people say they are opposed to this because they dont want a Starbucks sign to be the first thing they see when they look down Main Street or something along those lines. You are stating an opinion (I don't like this plan) but its based on something that is not fact and is probably not true. When someone else reads this statement they assume that this will ruin the view on Main Street and it feeds the fire. Until the work is done or they release more details we can't really know if there will be a giant Starbucks sign outside, but it is not very likely. This is a discussion forum so there is nothing wrong with a little back and forth with facts and opinions mixed, but if you mix fact and opinion or present opinions or assumptions as fact it's also fair game for someone to call you out on it.

No. I can GUARANTEE that there will not be. The Bakery will look and feel better than it ever has, take it to the bank and complain about rides that are crumbling as people ride them ... complain about the insane costs of food and beverage or about how you don't want everything Fastpassed ... complain about cutbacks in quality across the board. But leave the damn coffee out of it.


Well-Known Member
Isn't that ironic? Suddenly some of the people who supposedly are the big Disney haters out there are ok with a change and others are getting so upset that this is one the fastest moving threads on the board.

My analysis of this conundrum is that people like @WDW1974 are in fact able to see WDW in an analytical way. They are drawing from experience and knowledge to interpret the facts presented in a way that makes their opinion so valuable. Others just bring their emotions to the table. The parks certainly are places that are designed to create emotions, but often emotions can get in the way of seeing the big picture of things. And it appears that people generally hate it when they are told that their emotion does not make sense - so they have to try to belittle those who point out the flaws by calling them haters or - if that's not possible as in this case - interpreting their criticism as insults. Sometimes I am amazed at what a case study for human behaviour message boards can be...

To me this appears to be the Lights of Winter all over again - and I think it is sad that little things like this get the attention that big things like the show quality standards of the state of the Disney World transportation system don't get. And I am even not fond of those sponsoring deals at all!

Now, obviously, I'm going to like this post -- and like it a lot!:)

But you hit the nail on the head. Too many folks here are reacting like petulant children. To be fair, many adult Disney fans certainly suffer from severe cases of arrested development. There is no sane, logical reason for there to be 26 and counting pages on this absurdity. I never favor threads being closed because usually they're mine or ones where important issues are being raised. But I'd love to see this one locked. The insanity paints all of us in a very bad light and amuses all those working the cubicles at Celebration Place.

And,yes, I'd also agree this is like LoW, which I also didn't get (although to be fair made much more sense than any of this very misplaced angst).

Oh, and for the record, I don't think I've had Starbucks in at least three weeks.


Well-Known Member
It's simply inaccurate to suggest that show quality standards don't get a great deal of attention. These get attention all the time. A week doesn't go by without someone starting a new thread concerning something broken at WDW.

The difference is that Starbucks coming to Main Street USA is new news. The difference is that a lot of people have an emotional attachment to the Main Street Bakery. Sadly, no one had the chance to grow up with a working Yeti because it worked for such a short time. However, lots of people grew up going to the Main Street Bakery. Lots of people have an emotional attachment to Main Street USA. As I've posted in the past, Main Street USA is holy ground for many WDW aficionados. They are messing with a WDW legend.

Except that it isn't new at all. This was announced early in 2011 and where did you think the MK locale would go? They want high profile locales near the entrances of the parks. The only place considered for Starbucks other than the Bakery was the Plaza and it was deemed too small and unworkable.

And as I've said ... what 143 times so far ... MSUSA was altered beginning 15 years ago ... it's a shadow of what it was. The real MSUSA is long gone.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
'74, you know I have no problems with ya, you know I enjoy your posts, and heck, have PM'd ya and had some decent convos with ya, but you are complaining about this thread being 26 pages, meanwhile you add to it only adding to the page count...

Yes, this is sill to be discussing something as minor (and it is minor) as this... And this shows the mentality of Disney fans... Splash mountain is falling apart HOW DARE YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!!!! THE TARPS LOOK GREAT AND ARE A SAFETY MEASURE, NO WAY THEY SHOULDN'T SHUT THE RIDE DOWN TO ACTUALLY FIX IT!!!! WAIT, STARBUCKS IS SPONSORING MSB??? GET THE PITCHFORKS!!!!!


Premium Member
No, sponsors give TWDC additional sources of revenue and profit. Unfortunately, less and less of that profit is being used to fund WDW refurbishments and enhancements while more and more is being used elsewhere.

Do you really think the net proceeds from Starbucks are going to be used to fund a new attraction? That money is going to be used to fix any one of a dozen rides? That money is going to be used to hold down the price of admission?

I bet Disney wanted this more than Starbucks - and not so much for the sponsor dollars, but for the additional REVENUE. Disney has been courting Starbucks for over 3 years. The joy of Starbucks for a vendor is the average sale price is significantly higher than just standard coffee... plus.. bringing in the brand will drive additional sales. Higher average prices AND greater demand? It's Christmas in April for Disney with bringing in Starbucks.

I don't really see this as 'finding someone willing to pay us money to give them advertising' as much as Disney F&B getting a boost.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
QUite right and this is my last post in it (hopefully) ... ignorance just bothers me greatly (as you should know from other threads here!) ... sometimes, you just gotta let in inmates take over the asylum.
Not to keep dragging you in, but, dude, the inmates have taken over this asylum long ago...

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Yes, this is sill to be discussing something as minor (and it is minor) as this... And this shows the mentality of Disney fans... Splash mountain is falling apart HOW DARE YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!!!! THE TARPS LOOK GREAT AND ARE A SAFETY MEASURE, NO WAY THEY SHOULDN'T SHUT THE RIDE DOWN TO ACTUALLY FIX IT!!!! WAIT, STARBUCKS IS SPONSORING MSB??? GET THE PITCHFORKS!!!!!
Come on. That is a complete strawman.

As useful, and condescending, as: "Splash is falling apart and here you fans are celebrating a stinking cup of coffee and the arrival of your favourite outside chain. Is that all it takes for Disney to have you put your blinders on? No wonder WDW is falling apart with fans like that. You people need to be ashamed of yourselves you ought to be in the Splash thread".

It is pointless. It adds nothing to any discussion. On the contrary, it aids to prevent polite conversation from developing. Nor is it even a decent argument, or reality-based. It is mostly just a passive-aggressive means to let of some steam, some name-calling under the pretense of not doing exactly that.


Premium Member
The primary falsehood built into your premise is that someone not liking the Main Street Bakery being replaced with a Starbucks is an ill-formed opinion. I don’t need “facts” to like or dislike Starbucks or its coffee. (Except perhaps to have tasted it at least once but even that is not needed to have an opinion of Starbucks as a corporation.) The only fact is that Starbucks is moving in.

Starbucks is moving in - but Disney isn't moving OUT. Take note that the DPB team used the same exact terminology to describe the DCA location as they described the coming MK location. Yet, the DCA location isn't a Starbucks store like you and others keep fearmongering over.. but rather a location that sells Starbucks products and is just as Disney, and Disney FIRST, as any other location on property.

You're playing chicken little without even a clue on what the property will look like. How sound of reasoning is that?

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Maybe it is the thread title that draws so much attention. A little sensational and misleading, perhaps. Going back at least to the mid-80s when yours truly worked food and beverage in Main Street North, the bakery was where very little was going on compared to all the other locations still open decades later. This is a positive change in my opinion.

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