Main Street Bakery to Serve Starbucks Coffee


Well-Known Member
C'mon, let's leave the hyperbole out ...
If 10 years ago I suggested that pieces of Splash Mountain would be falling off, would that have been hyperbole then? Probably. But hyperbole has a strange way of becoming reality.

I understand where you are coming from. However, we've both been posting for years about the slow decline of WDW; "death by 1000 pin pricks". I also understand that you like Starbucks and dislike Nescafé so I appreciate you view this as a big improvement. (I don't like either BTW and tend to bring my favorite coffee with me on business or vacation trips.) However, knowing how the money machine works at WDW, I'm surprised you are unwilling to entertain the notion that this might be a possible first step towards turning Main Street USA into a Mall of America, with Eddie Bauer, The Gap, and Auntie Annie's Pretzels to follow in a few years. I don't think current WDW management would walk away from this if there were serious money to be made. All are very popular and I'm sure TDO would hide behind their usual "responding to guests' request" dribble they use to justify every decision. I am surprised that, if there is money to be made, you think it will stop with a Starbucks.

P.S. I know you feel Main Street USA "died" in the 1990s. I remember the transition and never had a heartache with it. In my view, the Emporium location was always a Disney store selling Disney "stuff" and whether the old "stuff" or new "stuff" was better was a matter of opinion. (I prefer the "old" stuff, BTW.) Again, just an opinion. Im not parading this as fact.

P.P.S. I agree with you that parts falling off Splash Mountain is a much bigger deal. We've been beating the declining maintenance "dead horse" for years. What I don't agree with is that I can only be unhappy about one or the other. I'm pretty good at multitasking and can be P.O.'ed about both at the same time.;)


Premium Member
Starbucks at Fountain View is a great idea but there are shops on Main Street that no one would even notice missing, why the bakery out I all the things?

Because kicking out a store.. would require merchandising giving up money producing square footage. Food & Beverage just overhauling one of their existing location - does not require fighting with other departments over square footage and the associated inter-division fighting over who is worth more.


Well-Known Member
Mr. Rational, didn't you say the return of the Orange Bird was evidence of the substantial improvement of WDW management?

Maybe you meant to imply you're rational on this subject but not others?

I will readily admit that I probably overreacted to that as I got caught up in the buzz. I also probably shouldn't have started my post in this thread with the implication that I'm rational and others aren't. I've said plenty here over the years that I've later come to see was wrong or misinformed.

However, to say I said Orange Bird was evidence of a "substantial improvement of WDW management" completely misrepresents what I actually said. Here's what I wrote on the subject, in part: "My general point is that the little things add up (both bad and good). Details are what keeps me coming back to Disney, and it has been sad that in recent years a lot of details that might be perceived as "fat" have been trimmed from the parks. When I see things like this done to restore some of (what I perceive to be) these details or richness back to the park, I see that as a step in the right direction."

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
P.S. I know you feel Main Street USA "died" in the 1990s. I remember the transition and never had a heartache with it. In my view, the Emporium location was always a Disney store selling Disney "stuff" and whether the old "stuff" or new "stuff" was better was a matter of opinion. (I prefer the "old" stuff, BTW.) Again, just an opinion. Im not parading this as fact.
Not to drag this thread of course - it is such a stimulating debate, not going around in circles or rife with bitter insults at all! - but to me, the Emporium is the Emporium, regardless of any decrease in merchandise.

The issue with the Emporium is that West Centre Street was demolished to make way for twenty feet of extra roadside storefront for the Emporium. As if people wouldn't know it was there otherwise.

To me, the slow decline of MS, the destruction of so much that was unique, is why I am wary of other 'improvements' that replace the unique with what one can get everywhere else.


Well-Known Member
So basically what we have here is people complaining about something they don't like, then we have people complaining about those people complaints and claiming they aren't worthy complaints!? And now you have me complaining about the people complaining about the original people's complaints. Damn I can't even follow that. But who is anybody to tell someone what's worthy of a complaint or not? This board is 99.9% anyways, why not let those who wanna about this have at it, and the others can about everything else.


Well-Known Member
So basically what we have here is people complaining about something they don't like, then we have people complaining about those people complaints and claiming they aren't worthy complaints!? And now you have me complaining about the people complaining about the original people's complaints. Damn I can't even follow that. But who is anybody to tell someone what's worthy of a complaint or not? This board is 99.9% anyways, why not let those who wanna about this have at it, and the others can about everything else.
I can't stand it when people complain about people who complain about people who complain.


Well-Known Member
IMO the only decent coffee in WDW is, and will remain (since I dislike Starbucks almost as much as I dislike Nescafe), the coffee sold at the Joffrey's kiosk outside AK.

BTW, the folks in that kiosk insist they will be selling Joffrey's coffee there "forever." Take that with the usual grain of aspartame.


Well-Known Member
If they start selling Starbucks drinks and keep the bakery's menu then I'm fine with this, but if they replace the baked goods with Starbucks far inferior versions I'll be pretty upset.

How about this...if that is what they do, don't buy any. Before long the original will be back (if it ever really leaves). Way to much opinion based on unknown facts in this thread to take it seriously. Vote with your wallet, but wait and see what you're voting on first.:)


Well-Known Member
I can't stand it when people complain about people who complain about people who complain.

Haha I know right. I don't really care, I'm just making an observation. A lot of people like 74 seem to think they can tell people what to and what not to complain about. It's like who are you? Especially when they are the kings among us when it comes to complaining. Complaining with a passion.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
OK, let's see another four pages on this bull(crap). ... This IS the problem with WDW fans. Pure and simple. And great fodder for my Mental Health and the Disney Fan Community: How Pixie Dust Destroys the Brain tome (maybe coming sooner than I expected!)

There is a new thread here asking about a piece of Splash Mountain falling into the flume last week. It actually was a bit longer ago and I mentioned it elsewhere ... a piece of mountain actually hit a few ride vehicles WITH people in them. From what I've been told, no one was seriously injured and since there's little in the real media about it, one could concur that Disney paid the folks as little as possible for having a chunk of the Briar Patch fall on their logs and moved on.



It's utter insanity (if you make it a latte it's udder insanity too!) This is why we can't have nice things. 25 pages in and people still think they're losing the bakery or their big buns (no one can say WDW fans ever pass on desserts with 3,000 calories in them!)

Attractions are literally falling apart while guests are riding ... WDW is crumbling all over the place and you're all upset because of some childlike view of how the Starbucks brand isn't compatible with the Disney BRAND. Guess what? You're wrong. ... and just like I don't like the Marvel BRAND becoming part of Disney, I'm a grownup and can look at the positives and deal.

It's like we need a forum intervention here.

Now back to the beautiful weekend in paradise.

Perspective. Coffee really is just a hill of beans after all.

I regret naming this thread in the way I did. I think it still would have gone downhill but I don't think the cheaky title helped. The bakery, if it follows the DCA example, will only be improved by this's a net GAIN not a loss. And as Spirit as so rightly stated, if you think Starbucks signage on Main Street is a bigger deal than the state of some attraction upkeep you need to get your priorities in order.

The truth is that for 95% of MK guests will see this as an improvement IF they even notice and IF they don't just think that Starbucks has always been there.


Well-Known Member
Comment on MS changing in the 90's. I'm assuming that we are referring to when all the specialty stores with high priced items and antiques were taken out and replaced by Disney Stuffed Animals. Is that correct? Well, here's my opinion about that. WHO IN THE HELL GOES TO A THEME PARK TO BUY EXPENSIVE ONE OF A KIND (Yea, right) TRINKETS AND ANTIQUES?

I suspect that those stores are gone because all kinds of people rubber necked inside, picking up everything that wasn't nailed down and then put it back in the wrong place and never bought anything. If that stuff had been selling, the shops would still be there and I'll guarantee you that if there was such a store on Main Street in the early 1900's and it didn't sell anything, it too would be gone. Can't get more authentic then that can you?

There is much more cash flow and profit in selling two stuffed Mickey's with a $5.00 mark up then no antiques with a $300.00 mark up.

Here's where your power comes in. If you like something then support it. Disney never claimed to be a museum. It is there to generate money. If you don't like the new Starbucks and what it sells, don't buy anything, Starbucks will be gone faster than you can down a competing Cappuccino.


New Member
OK, let's see another four pages on this bull(crap). ... This IS the problem with WDW fans. Pure and simple. And great fodder for my Mental Health and the Disney Fan Community: How Pixie Dust Destroys the Brain tome (maybe coming sooner than I expected!)

There is a new thread here asking about a piece of Splash Mountain falling into the flume last week. It actually was a bit longer ago and I mentioned it elsewhere ... a piece of mountain actually hit a few ride vehicles WITH people in them. From what I've been told, no one was seriously injured and since there's little in the real media about it, one could concur that Disney paid the folks as little as possible for having a chunk of the Briar Patch fall on their logs and moved on.



It's utter insanity (if you make it a latte it's udder insanity too!) This is why we can't have nice things. 25 pages in and people still think they're losing the bakery or their big buns (no one can say WDW fans ever pass on desserts with 3,000 calories in them!)

Attractions are literally falling apart while guests are riding ... WDW is crumbling all over the place and you're all upset because of some childlike view of how the Starbucks brand isn't compatible with the Disney BRAND. Guess what? You're wrong. ... and just like I don't like the Marvel BRAND becoming part of Disney, I'm a grownup and can look at the positives and deal.

It's like we need a forum intervention here.

Now back to the beautiful weekend in paradise.


New Member
Do you really need to insult people with an opinion different than yours?
Thank you ParentsOf4 I was thinking the same thing.I for one am upset, and feel I should be able to voice my opinion regardless.Do I thing WDW will even listen? No not really,and now some one had mentioned that they manufacture pumped in and out fragrance, boy there went the Disney Magic right out the window. Had no clue


Well-Known Member

I am giving myself an hour to recover before I contact my parents. They are going to take this just as bad. Since childhood, that bakery is so tied to my memories of Main Street. The first place I hit when I get to MK.

My parents look forward to this as if they were waiting on line for an attraction. Actually, they don't function well in the parks unless they get their Main Street Bakery fix of some kind of cake and coffee, and then we would hang out there and just enjoy being in MK and on Main Street.

How do I break the cinnamon roll cut off gently? Will they maybe sell them somewhere else in the park? I can live with just the coffee being replaced, but why would Starbucks agree to not push their own food products and keep the bakery's?

Also, I saw that one post about the Plaza rumor. This is too much to take in one thread. I will die without that cheesesteak, if it is true.

o_O um nothing's changing other than a Starbucks addition. Your precious cinnamon rolls will remain.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
And as Spirit as so rightly stated, if you think Starbucks signage on Main Street is a bigger deal than the state of some attraction upkeep you need to get your priorities in order.
There is nobody here who remotely thinks that. :confused:

"If you think celebrating the addition of a Starbucks is more important than people dying in Syria then you need to get your priorities in order"

It's nonsense. Needless distractions to a fine thread. Annoying, derogatory remarks that bring the thread down.


Active Member
The only mistake Disney made with the announcement of bringing Starbucks to MSUSA was whether or not they would retain the existing fan-favorite menu items of MSB, i.e. the cinnamon roll, alongside the incoming menu items of Starbucks, i.e. the vanilla-scented scones. That's all. And until it re-opens next spring, housewives and uber-planners everywhere will be panicking like war-rationers wondering what to do with their extra stomach real estate while visiting the MK. I can assure you, Disney is not about to bastardize the decor, the ambiance, the CM costumes, or blindside passersby with gaudy Vegas neon signage. If anything, they may just make the place look better than it ever has before. Other than this lack of info, the arrival of Starbucks is a non-issue.


Well-Known Member
i'm a bit late to the party- i've been away for a bit. but i just threw up in my mouth.....

i've really been trying to be less picky about the way things "should" be and just enjoy them, but disney just keeps selling it's soul piece by piece. (imo :rolleyes: )


Well-Known Member
You know things are bad when I...*gulp* agree with Condorman!

Calm down, this is an addition, hardly a subtraction. So you might have to go to a different store to get a specific item if it doesn't stay with the Bakery, is it really that big of a loss? Bring on a frappuccino when its hot or nice gingerbread latte when its cold, I might actually appear in the parks before noon! They won't have Starbucks music playing, they won't be selling the latest Enya CD, but I wouldn't mind their cute menu drawings. There won't be a massive Starbucks sign, but I think a carved, wooden hanging Starbucks sign might not look too bad, honestly.

Oh who am I kidding, I'm just giddy the line to get my Starbucks beverage in the morning will hopefully be a fair bit shorter without all the people who are so up in arms in here!

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