Coming from someone who's not a coffee am I supposed to know that? I'm just as content with the bottled Diet Coke they sell everywhere throughout the parks
Not being snarky or rude, just curious. If you have no idea about the vast array of coffee-based beverages, all the differences and preparations, etc. then why do you wage such discontent against them in general? I mean, that would be like me proclaiming that I totally hate something that I never really took the time or made the effort to understand and try. Wouldn't I have needed to give whatever the thing is a fair shake before proclaiming it awful and a company who sells said product abhorrent? I've read the last 3 pages of this thread and your comments all feel like they come from a place where you don't really know the Starbucks product, you've not enjoyed coffee in the past, thus this addition to the MK as well as Starbucks are the scourge of the earth. But you know, coffee is not like Coke. What you taste can vary so much in so many ways. Preparation, type of beverages, add-ins, etc. Really its a matter of knowing what your tastes are and translating them. And even in the world of coffee drinkers, every person who likes coffee will not like every coffee based beverage. I love coffee and there's all sorts of things that are coffee based that I don't like. To say Disney's offerings are superior anyway is absolutely not true. Even Disney's current little coffee spots and stands have never offered the variations and options that a good coffee shop offers. They offered enough I could order a (yes!) $4+ coffee and get by but it wasn't what I'd typically order. They simply didn't have what I like. In the past, when I've ordered at the Disney coffee stands or spots what I paid for the size and quality of what I got was not the same as going to a Starbucks or PJs. What I got was less quality, less add-in options, for less quantity at a similar or higher price. Tell me, how is Starbucks such an awful thing? They're going to offer more variety of coffee beverage options to people (and there's a LOT of us). You say you only drink diet sodas. That's cool. That's your preference. For me, I can't drink carbonated drinks. Believe me. I'd LOVE to. I can't. They swell me up so badly, makes my fingers feel so tight and my joints hurt. My husband was a lifelong Dr.Pepper man but can no longer have caffeine at all due to health problems. Starbucks offers us things that we can enjoy. Me? I love iced coffee, flavored with sugar-free syrups, sweetened with Splenda, with extra non-fat milk to further tone the bitter of the coffee. My husband loves to have the vanilla creme Frappucinos. There's no coffee in those. A non-coffee drinker hating the idea of an actual coffee shop is like me, a non-soda drinker, hating a soda stand or fountain. Just because I haven't found a liking for it doesn't make it bad. The world does not exist for my pleasure alone. Right?
As far as Starbucks as a company being evil in some way, do you really know anything about Starbucks? Really? Because all the neighborhood stores I've been in tend to be pretty civic-minded being proactive and involved in the communities they are part of. Even the corporate you see taking stands in different social and economic issues that are part of the world we live in. A company willing to be human and involved, I dunno, hard to see that as the pure evil some make it out to be. I may not agree with every one of the stances they take, the efforts they make, or what they do but that's okay. At least they are doing something and making some effort. Sure beats nothing in my book. That's just me.