Main Street Bakery to Serve Starbucks Coffee


Not really considering the Starbucks Bakery will probably have more traffic than that in just one day. Unless that petition gets into the millions, don't expect Disney to care about a bunch of upset people who will still continue to spend money in their parks and resorts regardless of whether or not its commercialized. The reality of it is, people don't vacation to WDW to sit in a bakery eating generic pastries that can be bought in multiple locations, they go to the parks to go on rides and experience attractions. The dining aspect tends to be secondary to most.
Wouldn't doubt that a lot of the signatures are from people who just see "Starbucks is replacing Main Street Bakery" and immediately flip out (similar to this thread, heh).


Well-Known Member
Crazy. Absolutely crazy. ... Folks not reading the FACTS about this. About how this will actually IMPROVE the MK. About how this is a win-win-win for guests/Disney/Starbucks. About how this will NOT be a typical locale anymore than the DCA location is. About how their Disney favorites will still be available along with some great Starbucks goodies and FINALLY some coffee that is actually drinkable. Yet, I go out for day ... and night (saw Skyfall: quick Spirited review: 3 stars, good but vastly overrated ... no, not the best Bond ever and not even Top 5 in that dept.) and the insanity is now 20 pages of whining and ranting like this is the end of the MK. ... Yet there's another thread about ride/show issues on the same page here with maybe 10 posts.

Because the fan community is severly screwed up and focuses on small insignificant things be they good (oh, look ... it's the Orange Bird back) or bad (WHAT NO THEMED NAPKINS?!?!)

You want to take up a fight against Disney for gosh darn (you know the expletives are flying here in the Spirit Cave) improving the park?!? Why don't you petition for show quality issues? How about a thread about Disco Yeti: Fans Held Hostage Day Whatever and every day keep putting posts out and contacting folks at Disney in the exec and social media circles? Why not let Disney know of your concern about their ever-increasing prices for lower quality experiences and you might want to hint that you really don't want fundamental changes that will affect your wallet and/or your visits when NEXT GEN and FP+ kick in.

You have such misplaced anger here. Seriously. And you sorta embarass the entire community with it.

Maybe start a campaign for things that matter. And give Disney kudos when they get something right, and this is something right.


Well-Known Member
I LOVE THE WAL MART QUOTE. They keep changing what is magical about Disney World and I dont want modern day, I want the FANTASY of being there. Going away from the real world and getting stuff I CANNOT get at home. Whenever I vacation anywhere, the first thing I do is find non chain places to experience. I know even Walt had corporate sponsorship but it was incorporated so that it didnt relinquish the idea or theming of the area or attraction. But he didnt let Coca cola put a world of coke on main street. He endorsed it without shoving it down your throat - subliminally. Get on board Imagineers. I know you have great ideas but dont keep tearing down the house that Walt Imagined to further your idea of what we want.
The interesting observation with Coca-Cola is that it dates back to 1886 and was well established by the time Walt Disney moved to Marceline, Missouri in 1906. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to imagine Walt drinking Coca-Cola as a boy.

Stepping back for a moment, I have no objection to Starbucks coming to WDW or to the theme parks. I don't care if Starbucks coffee is sold on Main Street USA. I strongly dislike it appearing on Main Street USA as a Starbucks brand store, regardless of the theming. For a WDW aficionado, Main Street USA is holy ground. To have a modern company that is representative of the "mallification" of America move onto Main Street USA is a disturbing trend. Notice how nearly no one is complaining about its Epcot location? Notice that several have suggested there are other locations within MK that could readily accept a Starbucks?

To anyone that thinks Starbuck's is going to maintain a minimalist presence in that location, please consider the following post:

We all know Iger obsesses over the bottom line. He's going to do whatever generates the most short-term revenue, everything be damned.


Well-Known Member
So because of the coffee your throwing in the towel? You were one of the loudest voices when it came to the inability of Disney and thier lack of originality. Yes the change has not come over night with the bakery replacement. It has come over a long period of time. Yes just another "death by a thousand cuts" jab of the pervebial slash of TDO and Disney on cutting cost and making an addition by subtraction.

Throwing in the towel?!? Hell, I won't throw in the towel until they pry it from my cold dead hands. This is a tiny mole hill issue where it is actually an IMPROVEMENT. The bakery will get a full makeover and look better than it ever has and serve a wider selection of items and quality items than before. This isn't bad at all. It's good. The bakery is NOT being replaced. It's gaining a sponsor and a much wider menu. Your angst and disillusionment is so misplaced. Seriously. ... Remember, I'm the big bad Disney Hater. Here to simply bash away, right?

I'd like to think that the MAGICal community is better than this. Yet, I see so many hysterical posts and so many missing the facts that have already been posted so many times. If you can't bother to get the facts about an issue than you have no business offering an opinion. It would be like asking me what truck to buy or how to cook a turkey. I have no experience and no facts, so my opinion would be worthless.

I also would like some of the posters here give others a little break. Most of them may have never visited WDW when the unique shops exsisted. To them the bakery was one of the most unique shops left. Nor have they been here on the Magic to have learned the history of the parks. Yes in the big picture the bakery is just small potatoes but to some it is more. Atleast respect thier point of reference. Also saying that the WDW guest are thier own worst enemy is that fair either. These guest you speak of are the same ones who DIsney has marketed to....cultivated and in away programed. Memories and you.....Share the memories....etc. etc. Well one of thier memories are no longer going to exsist. And you hammer them for it?

No,I'm not giving breaks . If someone didn't visit WDW for the first time until 2003 that's their loss and the fact they don't know what they missed doesn't change the fact that I do. That fundamentally gives my perspective more weight ... more gravitas because I've been coming regularly since 1974 and I do have the experience. I also have the experience of being a regular in Anaheim and at all their international parks (btw, please excuse thm exnessive typos that ape appearing i my posts of late ... for some reason, either thru MAGIC itsndy or maybe mm friends at TWDC, my keystrokes are not appearing correctly and I am leavqvg this sentence as it appears so you'll get the idea. Sinqp it's onl; happenisg on MAGIC, I'll leave some tech-savvy person to offer an opinion as tw why that may be.)

The bottom line is the newbies should give some respect to the tribe's elders who know what WDW was like from way back the wild 70s ... imagine, only one park and three Disney hotels and not a character meal, collectable pin or 400-pound CM in sight.

Me ? after doing some soul searching, I thought about it and I too am throwing in the towel. Go ahead remove all the Nescafe machines and put in Starbucks. I just dont care anymore. The WDW I cherished is gone and very little remains....only in name. Will I visit? Yes I will, but will less frequently and I will enjoy other attractions in the area more often. Apathy is the worst thing that can happen to your customer base and I now am at that point.

Am I overeacting because of a stupid Starbucks? I am sure a lot of you will assume so...but becarefull about assumptions. No, everyone has thier breaking point. It isnt just the bakery, it is the culmanation of it all. Mostly seeing Disney spending BILLIONS on properties all the while neglecting the park I once loved so much. I am sure Disney dosnt care aand they say someone will be right behind me to take my spot....but will they? Not according to the latest occupancy rates. Some of you will dismiss it and say...." one less person in line" Good for you....Spend thousands of dollars on substandard entertainment. Wait for 30 minutes for a cup of coffee you can get down the street from your house.

I understand your frustration and share much of it. But I think attacking Disney over this is a dumb strategy.

Take up real issues. Coffee ain't one of them.

Trust me, If it wasnt for a family members CM discount I doubt that I would return anytime soon. I am done.Yes, I do have one more trip booked. In about six weeks. I am taking my five yr old grandaughter on her first visit. Its a shame she will never see how truly Magical WDW once was. God only knows when she will experience her second visit.

Well, if it wasn't for CM friends walking my family in for free, I might not be plvknning (yeah, khat's supposed to read planning ... hey, Steve, is someone syrewinfg or SCREWIING with my acount here?) a trip in December myself. But I just must see this huge Fantasyland project that's been four ypar (didn't coml cose to a 'P' key) in the making.


Well-Known Member
@WDW1974 is right. People are complaining about the wrong things, Disney fans are their own worst enemy. They wouldn't know quality if it came up and bit them in the a$$.

No, they would.

Thing is, they'll never get quality if they continue to behave like uneducated petualant children.
This isn't simply my opinion, but folks inside the company at some pretty high pay grades.

They don't sweat the inconsequential stuff at DLR ... they focus big picture. And that's why quality wise in almost every area, the two resorts are day and night.


Well-Known Member
Agreed - clinging to yesterday's scraps and missing the bigger picture. Its much akin to the 'I've been visiting since 2007 and I think the place is great!' posts.

But it's also the same mentality that just wants to repeat elements of past successes instead of build new ones. 'They did that in Ride1.. so all rides must be that way'. Copying instead of understanding.

After seeing what they did with the Pig Cafe in DCA - I'm not worried honestly. The staff is probably better trained then the Disney F&B people anyways.

I see it as an improved menu and sponsor changes. Not much more than that.


Simple as THAT!


Well-Known Member
Man I wish I bought stock in Pixie Dust back when I had the chance. Man, are a lot of people snorting way too much.
Of all the things to be upset over. Where's your petition to save Splash Mountain? Every show scene is falling apart. But no, they're going to add a small sponsor logo to the Main St. Bakery.

Because fanbois are like kitties when you shine a light (every played with a laser pointer and a feline friend? that's sorta what's going on here).

No, why complain about a showcase E-Ticket looking basically like $hi* for the past decade (and, please, no comments like 'I was there a week ago Thursday and other than one Animatronic bird in the LP, everything was working' because if you say something like that you have no idea how many things are wrong to begin with) ... BTMRR was down for NINE MONTHS for a major rehab and when I rode it last month, I stopped counting at 10 things I saw that were broken/non-funcational/not working correctly.

SQSs are so poor at WDW that most guests who have only visited WDW and only in the past 8-10 years have absolutely NO CLUE as just how bad things are.

I've said this before and will again, but if OLC ran the MK, I'd bet that tomorrow 65% of the park's attractions would stay closed. Disney simply doesn't care and uses the fact that many of the folks here and in the fan community don't care as a reason to put out a substandard product.


Well-Known Member
Stepping back for a moment, I have no objection to Starbucks coming to WDW or to the theme parks. I don't care if Starbucks coffee is sold on Main Street USA. I strongly dislike it appearing on Main Street USA as a Starbucks brand store, regardless of the theming. For a WDW aficionado, Main Street USA is holy ground. To have a modern company that is representative of the "mallification" of America move onto Main Street USA is a disturbing trend. Notice how nearly no one is complaining about its Epcot location? Notice that several have suggested there are other locations within MK that could readily accept a Starbucks?
The "mallification" of America already arrived when the Emporium swallowed half of Main Street. Frankly, amidst a sea of generic Disney plush toys and T-shirts on the opposite side of the street, I think a decent coffee outpost (that'll most likely still be themed as a turn-of-the-century bakery) sounds like a refreshing change.


Well-Known Member
I was going to post something about fans sitting back - but felt getting something to eat was far more important than hitting my head off a brick. Please never NEVER leave.

You know, I take so much crap posting here. From the regulars who follow me around in freaky stalkish ways just looking to pounce on my every word to the trolls who join and enter serious discussions to purposely derail the topics to the way some of my posts disappear for reasons that aren't really clear at all (I take my words very seriously since I've been paid for them -- often!) to even the fact the owner (Steve) and I often get heated in our debates about WDW, although I obviously respect the man or I wouldn't give this site the time of day, ... in other words, there are plenty of reasons for me to just say 'Guys, I'm out ... catch me at WDW hating the place multiple times a year!'' But I don't ...

But threads like this give me pause and get me quite depressed because I feel like there's a fundamental disconnect with so many people. This is a good thing (whether you drink coffee or not, the Bakery will be improved with a sponsor like Starbucks). And there's so many bad things that should be focused on so we can get most of them fixed ... yet 20 pages on this. It just makes me wonder why I bother ...

Oh, and to cheer up all the Star Wars lovers, talked to someone up the food chain at Disney this morning (well, early afternoon by my standards) and was told to not expect anything Star Wars related in either USA resort and that includes the Studios makeover. Rasulo/Iger weren't lying on the teleconference when they said attractions for Hong Kong and Shanghai (both of which have different Marvel attractions also under development). I wasn't going to post that here, but since everyone is crying a river of latte, I thought I'd give them something else to cry about.


Well-Known Member
The "mallification" of America already arrived when the Emporium swallowed half of Main Street. Frankly, amidst a sea of generic Disney plush toys and T-shirts on the opposite side of the street, I think a decent coffee outpost (that'll most likely still be themed as a turn-of-the-century bakery) sounds like a refreshing change.
THIS!!! I really don't understand all the hate directed towards this change when far worse stuff has happened to MSUSA.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Universal should've used A&W Root Beer for Butterbeer in WWoHP.

Tourists wouldn't know any better and besides they like it when the parks remind them of the strip mall back home in Cleveland.

You know, I almost always agree with you ... but not here. The battle for MSUSA was lost in the mid to late 90s when all the unique shops started disappearing and just continued with one bad decision after another. This isn't a bad decision. This will actually improve MSUSA.


Well-Known Member
I was concerned when I heard Starbucks was going into DCA, as I don't care for their coffee. But I do like their medium roast better than Nescafe at any location on both coasts with the exception of Brown Derby. When I asked why that was, the waiter told us that they are the only location that brews Nescafe the correct way, and that ALL the other locations take shortcuts.
I understand that Starbucks had many concerns about CMs in DCA being well trained in the methods used by Starbucks. Well I guess that got worked out well to the satisfaction of Disney, and Starbucks. Both times I have been to the Starbucks location in DCA, it was very busy. The food is very good, and I'll admit to getting coffee there and liking it. The added pleasure is the theming and ambiance.


Well-Known Member
The interesting observation with Coca-Cola is that it dates back to 1886 and was well established by the time Walt Disney moved to Marceline, Missouri in 1906. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to imagine Walt drinking Coca-Cola as a boy.

Stepping back for a moment, I have no objection to Starbucks coming to WDW or to the theme parks. I don't care if Starbucks coffee is sold on Main Street USA. I strongly dislike it appearing on Main Street USA as a Starbucks brand store, regardless of the theming. For a WDW aficionado, Main Street USA is holy ground. To have a modern company that is representative of the "mallification" of America move onto Main Street USA is a disturbing trend. Notice how nearly no one is complaining about its Epcot location? Notice that several have suggested there are other locations within MK that could readily accept a Starbucks?

They picked the best location. It was either the Plaza or the Bakery and, obviously, Bakery makes most sense. And it is NOT a Starbucks in any traditional way. I've been to the DCA location and except for the coffee cups (and let's not forget you often get generic Coke cups at WDW), you wouldn't even know the place was selling the products.

I think fewer people are complaining about EPCOT because FW has been destroyed beyond all hope ... oh, and on the flip side, until 5-6 years ago, Fountainview was a COFFEE BAR, not an ice cream counter. So, in essence they are returning it to its older purpose and using a lot of dead space near/behind it for seating.

To anyone that thinks Starbuck's is going to maintain a minimalist presence in that location, please consider the following post:

We all know Iger obsesses over the bottom line. He's going to do whatever generates the most short-term revenue, everything be damned.

Read it. NOT going to happen. Seriously. Not gonna happen.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Hmm, considering that on opening day in October 1971 Main St Bakery was sponsored by Sara Lee, even had the Sara Lee sign hanging on Main St, not sure what your point is. If anything, that's what the true tradition of Main St WDW is. And seeing a sponsor coming to the bakery is just acknowledging what Disney has always done at DL and WDW, it's not bashing people. Sponsors are the tradition and if one truly wants tradition back then the petitions should be asking for a return of Sara Lee.
Yes. But, Sara Lee is a coffee brand. Not a franchised chain of coffee houses.

Personally, I'd be fine with the Bakery serving $tarbucks coffee. But not with 'a $tarbucks'. Not even one dressed up as an authentic store, which can't stray too far from being $tarbucksy, or the sponsorship would be rendered meaningless.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
But no... you're all correct, we should look down upon Disney for bringing in a higher quality product than what they already have. We should criticize them for theming it in such a way that fits with Main Street USA. We should complain when they address one of the largest complaints of any guest on property because we all fear change. We should continue to complain about things that are actually improving and ignore the things that aren't.
I look down on Disney for failing to bring in a higher quality product than they have. Despite guests complaints.

Of course, this deal is not about improving coffee, but about sponsorship. If it was about better coffee, Disney would get...better coffee. Coffee is simply the sum of the quality of the beans, water, machinery and the server. I can teach a monkey to make great coffee. If WDW wants to improve its coffee, then it needs to improve its coffee. Instead of replacing two single sales points.

'Guests complain that they can't get decent ketchup anywhere in WDW.'
'Okay, replace the ketchup at the fixings bar at AS Sports!'.

See? It's nonsense. As always, Disney presents a change driven in by financial considerations as something driven by guest demand. It is plain spin. Succesful social media propaganda. Starbucks is coming to Disney for reasons of Starbucks branding (and I don't mean the branding of beans!). Not to improve the quality of the coffee. If quality of the coffee was the concern here, WDW wouldn't leave 98% of the coffee it serves unchanged. This is about Starbucks gaining a presence at two prominent locations for reasons of branding, not guest experience, or coffee quality.


Well-Known Member
They picked the best location. It was either the Plaza or the Bakery and, obviously, Bakery makes most sense. And it is NOT a Starbucks in any traditional way. I've been to the DCA location and except for the coffee cups (and let's not forget you often get generic Coke cups at WDW), you wouldn't even know the place was selling the products.

I think fewer people are complaining about EPCOT because FW has been destroyed beyond all hope ... oh, and on the flip side, until 5-6 years ago, Fountainview was a COFFEE BAR, not an ice cream counter. So, in essence they are returning it to its older purpose and using a lot of dead space near/behind it for seating.

Read it. NOT going to happen. Seriously. Not gonna happen.
I hope you're right. Considering the lack of faith you've expressed in Iger & company time and again, I don't see why you have any faith in him now.

Small Town USA was not destroyed in one step by the sudden opening of a Big Box Wal-Mart. It happened incrementally. With the invasion of Starbucks, we are witnessing Step One of the transition of Main Street USA into the Mall of America.

No doubt Starbucks is going to be highly profitable. When Iger sees the numbers, do you really think it’s going to end there? Do you really think Iger is going to say “no” when (for example) The Gap or Eddie Bauer comes knocking with an equally lucrative deal?

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Why do people dislike the new? The unknown? The unique and original? Why the need to have the same coffee at Disney that you have everywhere else? Why the need for a logo, a brand - all the time, every time?
Make up your own mind of what is food coffee, don't let the logo on the cup decide that for you.

What I wouldn't give for MS to build a turn-of-the-century coffee house! Preferably Italian, some pictures of a Calabrian village on the walls as a backstory, migrating from New York to the midwest to spread the blessings of fine coffee. a place that serves delicious espresso and cappucino. Authentic coffee. Now that would be an improvement. Not $tarbucks 20,001 and 20,002.

We need to demand that quality becomes the focus, not corporate sponsorship. We ought to demand better coffee.

Why the disdain for the unique shop? The singular experience? The MK bakery is a great place, good atmosphere, great CM's. Why relegate it to an advertissement, to a place where Starbucks can buy itself an artificial history, trick its youngest and future guests that Starbucks has always been part and parcel of mainstream American tradition?

Hmmm...I'd be very curious to a see a breakdown of those in favour of 'Name brand' vs 'Unique brand' here.
I think that the Americans are more positive to replacing the original offering for the known brand.
To European sensitivities, the chain, the logo, the franchised restaurant, is held in lower esteem than the unique, one-of-a-kind offering. To Americans, the chain, the recogniseable brand name, represents quality. As a general rule of thumb of course.


Well-Known Member
I look down on Disney for failing to bring in a higher quality product than they have. Despite guests complaints.

Of course, this deal is not about improving coffee, but about sponsorship. If it was about better coffee, Disney would get...better coffee. Coffee is simply the sum of the quality of the beans, water, machinery and the server. I can teach a monkey to make great coffee. If WDW wants to improve its coffee, then it needs to improve its coffee. Instead of replacing two single sales points.

'Guests complain that they can't get decent ketchup anywhere in WDW.'
'Okay, replace the ketchup at the fixings bar at AS Sports!'.

See? It's nonsense. As always, Disney presents a change driven in by financial considerations as something driven by guest demand. It is plain spin. Succesful social media propaganda. Starbucks is coming to Disney for reasons of Starbucks branding (and I don't mean the branding of beans!). Not to improve the quality of the coffee. If quality of the coffee was the concern here, WDW wouldn't leave 98% of the coffee it serves unchanged. This is about Starbucks gaining a presence at two prominent locations for reasons of branding, not guest experience, or coffee quality.

Of course it is, and what is wrong with that? Sponsors have been a huge factor in the parks since 1955. If you want to know one reason why WDW is in the shape it's in, take a look at the sponsors they had in 1972 or 1982 or 1992 and today.

And conversely take a look at TDR where virtually every attraction, dining location, parade etc has a sponsor and the parks are near pristine. there is a corelation.

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