Maelstrom refurbished!


Well-Known Member
I actually really like the rotating schedule of festivals at Epcot. It keeps things fresh, especially for locals, and keeping things fresh is a very Epcot-y thing to do.

Off topic but they could just put them in millennium village. Thats already a tent anyway. The wonders of life is too beautiful of a place to degradingly treat it like some county fair.

Anyway, I'm surprised Norway pulled out of the ride. I don't know about other people, but fond memories of this ride made me want to go there. They should really repurpose the theater though. It looks a bit grimy these days. They already have a nice restaurant so maybe they could turn it into like a Norway discovery center or something like imageworks or whatver they call communicore these days. Well I don't know what would be in there lol. hmm. maybe extend the ride...noo too big budget and risks the ride changing into something doofy. Maybe a meet and.....err got that already. A gift shooopppppp err also got that. Well i'm as stumped as they are lol. I guess the only real options are to leaved it be or make a new film. Or make an original 4-d viking vs troll adventure.


Well-Known Member
A friend and I skipped the ride the other day but stepped into the gift shop. When we left again, a surveyor CM with a tablet stopped and asked us if we had just ridden Maelstrom. I said we hadn't, but half-jokingly said I could tell him anything about it. After a pleasant conversation we walked away, and listened in a bit as he asked other guests how they felt about the attraction.

Not overwhelmingly interesting, but I'm assuming this is in response to the changes and it sounds like they may still be tweaking things.

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