Location of a fifth park


Well-Known Member
How about before they build something new add on to Disney Studios, like iirc, they were going to do, use one of the parking lots as space. Then again, all that park needs is more layout problems. Heck, if they wanted more space, just take out the soundstages that are never in use. Ughh.

And speaking of master plans, change is going to happen to them obviously, I don't see Walt's EPCOT anywhere.

Scar Junior

Active Member
Rockin Roller said:
I still really hope before they even build a fifth park that they first add more attractions to some of the parks that really need some rides and stuff like MGm. I wouldnt be upset if they made a fifth park but I rather see more rides, shows, and other stuff. In my opinion if u built a park disney should wait another few years. I realize building the park would take a while but I rather c more rides and stuff in the parks.

Worry not. They're not going to open a new gate without first fixing troubled areas at all parks across the world. While some imagineers might be "planning" lands and parks, it doesn't mean jack. Others with better sources than me can verify that ideas are always in the works because that is their job.

Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Edit: Spelling.

Scar Junior

Active Member
SkipKid said:
And speaking of master plans, change is going to happen to them obviously, I don't see Walt's EPCOT anywhere.

Well, the way I see it: Epcot + Celebration = Consolation Prize.

EDIT: But you're right... things change constantly.


New Member
I'm also against the idea of a 5th park right now. There's already so much to see and do at Disney that a 5th park might be overkill.
But on the subject of bus drivers and such as sources, typically any castmember whose ID isn't blue with a sparkly stripe in it, isn't going to have any clue as to what is going on in the company. I'm one of those castmembers with no sparkly stripe and Iger doesn't call me up with his plans, Phil Holmes waves to me once in awhile but that's about it.


New Member
No New Parks.....not yet.

The WDC needs to stop adding parks for allittle while and start paying alittle attention to slowly decaying parks (MGM and DCA), and making other parks better than they are.

Im sorry if that sounded harsh, I really meant that in an optimistic sense.:drevil:

To the person who said EPCOT + Celebration = Consolation prize. Eventhough technically your right, the Real EPCOT would have been sooo cool.

Scar Junior

Active Member
theTank524 said:
To the person who said EPCOT + Celebration = Consolation prize. Eventhough technically your right, the Real EPCOT would have been sooo cool.

Agreed. That's why its only a consolation prize. Back in my baseball days the consolation prize was never worth winning. It was like, "congrats... you're the champion of losers."


New Member
A 5th park would saturate the market. Just b/c the list of options gets bigger doesn't mean the vacations get longer.

I swear I've replied back to the same topic in at least 3 threads. Can we soon drop the discussion of the 5th gate and discuss the 4 that already exist.


Well-Known Member
disneylandkid said:
when it happens it will happen. i dont understand why we have to chatter about it now

Because this is a chattering board and the entire point of it is to chatter about things, such as 5th gates, even though it has been chattered to death.


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify...

Walt Disney World Resort Complex - Land Use (as of 1999)

00.04 % Residential - 11 acres (17 homes of RCID government employees)
00.98 % Commercial - 244 acres (mostly Downtown Disney, plus various office buildings)
12.27 % Hotels / Resorts / Golf - 3,059 acres
08.98 % Entertainment - 2,237 acres (Major Theme Parks & other attractions)
02.76% Support Facilities - 689 acres
09.76 % Public Facilities / Roads - 2,432 acres
04.06 % Agriculture - 1,012 acres (mostly used for cattle grazing)
24.46 % Undeveloped Open Space - 6,096 acres*
30.56 % Conservation - 7,617 acres
06.13 % Water Bodies - 1,527 acres (Reedy Creek Swamp, Bay Lake, Seven Seas Lagoon, etc.)
100.00 % TOTAL 24,924 acres

* This category is used to describe all undeveloped, non agricultural land outside the Conservation area. Most of the land is forested. About 3,558 acres is wetland areas, designated by the District as Resource Management and Recreation areas. It also includes 2,538 acres of vacant land, most of which is suitable for future development.

(These figures include just the Walt Disney World Resort complex, and does not include areas such as Celebration, and other land owned by the Walt Disney Company and governed by RCID but not part of the entertainment complex)

Source - Reedy Creek Improvement District Full 2008 Comprehensive Plan


New Member
Rockin Roller said:
I still really hope before they even build a fifth park that they first add more attractions to some of the parks that really need some rides and stuff like MGm. I wouldnt be upset if they made a fifth park but I rather see more rides, shows, and other stuff. In my opinion if u built a park disney should wait another few years. I realize building the park would take a while but I rather c more rides and stuff in the parks.

This was announced as the 10-year plan about 3 years ago. No new parks at WDW for at least 10 years, instead investing in the parks that already exist. This is why 3 attractions opened last year, three will open this year, Downtown Disney is being overhauled, and more and more work is being done within the existing parks.


Active Member
ShoreDopey said:
there was no reason for you to jump down my throat about a rumor that I heard
i've re-read my first reply to you about 6 times now... i REALLY don't think i was "jumping down your throat", sorry if i came across as rude or mean, i was just trying to tell you a little of the history of the recurring rumors


Active Member
What I had been told by a WDI Engineer back...

Cmdr_Crimson said:
I've looked at satellite images of the entire resort complex and it gets me wondering of the whole idea of a fifth park we all like to dream about. And the only place that looks like they could place is east of the Magic Kingdom... any other place I've seen is either too close to a resort or closer to another park.

I could be wrong tho on where it could go...but..where would you think?

in 1990 when they were either announcing or preparing to announce the Disney Decade was there were eight gated attraction sites. One was on the Epcot monorail line just north of Epcot. Putting a park here enables Disney to take advantage of the existing roadways and exits, the monorail, and there is enough land for related hotels. Another was across the entry road from the above site and another just below that in the area just north of what is now AK. He had also listed the site on the east shore of Bay Lake but said there were significant concerns of the environmental impact and it being so close to property boundaries.


Well-Known Member
Our local mailman just told me that the 5th gate will be built inside of bay lake with the parking facilities underneath the 7 seas lagoon. New transportation vehicles will be purchased that are monorail trains, boats, busses, and submarines making them capable of taking any route based upon traffic conditions.

Of course WDI still has some major issues to deal with in regards to this plan. The number 1 problem they face is the relocation of the Disney Vault. The vault is actually located underneath Bay Lake and to the west of the missile supply tunnels that run from the Kennedy Space center to the MK. It will be interesting to see how they deal with that.
jmvd20 said:
Our local mailman just told me that the 5th gate will be built inside of bay lake with the parking facilities underneath the 7 seas lagoon. New transportation vehicles will be purchased that are monorail trains, boats, busses, and submarines making them capable of taking any route based upon traffic conditions.

Of course WDI still has some major issues to deal with in regards to this plan. The number 1 problem they face is the relocation of the Disney Vault. The vault is actually located underneath Bay Lake and to the west of the missile supply tunnels that run from the Kennedy Space center to the MK. It will be interesting to see how they deal with that.



Well-Known Member
The issue really isn't land. Disney has been selling off land. In addition to the locations already mentioned Disney could always use a parking lot and build a garage. It's even possible that Disney might get rid of one golf course.


New Member
CoffeeJedi said:
i've re-read my first reply to you about 6 times now... i REALLY don't think i was "jumping down your throat", sorry if i came across as rude or mean, i was just trying to tell you a little of the history of the recurring rumors

You wern't being mean considering the font used.

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