Do you by chance have some sort of list of reasons why a CCW permit can be revoked? I was unable to find anything other than the official law that reads like stereo instructions. Also in my search I cam across an article written in 2008 when Florida was abut to hit 1 million CCW permits. That article noted that to date only 4 CCW had been revoked. If that number is remotely correct is seems like the only reason this person will loose their CCW is due to the attention it has received.
It's a long list.

If any of the following are reported to the state, your license will be suspended or revoked. But it's even more difficult than revoking a driver's license unless there is an incident, as the general public, or even family members, may not know you have one.
Physical infirmity that renders handling of firearm/weapon unsafe.
Felony conviction
Found guilty of any drug crime
Committed as substance abuser
2 DUI convictions within 3 years
3 disorderly intoxication convictions within 12 months
Adjudicated as an incapacitated person
Committed to a mental institution
Chronic user of alcohol or other substances
Convicted of using firearm while under influence
Withheld adjudication on any felony, or any misdemeanor crime of domestic violence (until 3 years elapsed since completion of sentence and all conditions)
Current injunction against repeat or domestic violence
Otherwise prohibited from possession/purchase of firearm by FL or federal law which would be:
>felony indictment or information - pending
>withheld adjudication on felony or misdemeanor crime of domestic violence if plead guilty, or if found guilty after trial
>arrest for any dangerous crime per F.S. 907.041 - pending
>arrest for any violation of C.790 - pending (this is the chapter that covers all firearms and weapons)
>arrest for resisting officer with violence, drug crime, extortion, explosives, assisting suicide, treason, sabotage, criminal anarchy - pending
Found guilty (or suspended sentence) of any felony or misdemeanor which involves violence (until 3 years after completion of sentence and all conditions)