Lindsay Lohan - Out ?


Well-Known Member
What does this have to do w/ gay marriage? :ROFLOL:Oh SBK, you always know how to entertain me. :wave:


New Member
I admit, I might have posted this in the wrong thread group. Moderators please move this to a better sub-division.

I was just wondering if disney was going to be supportive (as they should be) of one of their prote'ge's, or were they going to distance themselves from her.

I see a balance between support and distance being the best option for them. Without getting too much into the personal belief aspect of this debate, I would argue that drawing attention to it would be like saying it was something unusual to be gawked at and prodded. The more this country can get away from turning someone's lifestyle into a spectacle, the closer we can get to acceptance (or at least tolerance) of personal choice.

I agree that they should be supportive but I'm not sure in terms of business if it is the proper or appropriate choice. The amount of interest that some people take in the personal lives of others boggles my mind, so it seems best if Disney does not get involved. I think remaining neutral is the best option for all parties. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I admit, I might have posted this in the wrong thread group. Moderators please move this to a better sub-division.

I was just wondering if disney was going to be supportive (as they should be) of one of their prote'ge's, or were they going to distance themselves from her.

I think that if they did (distance themselves) it would be for all of her questionable behavior in the past year with drugs, drinking etc...not because of this. Besides look at Ellen- Dory was her comeback. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
What does this have to do w/ gay marriage? :ROFLOL:

I didn't say it did. Someone else did. :wave: Matpez wrote: Ultra if you want to make "a sin" a law.... I can only assume he was making a reference to the marraige debate. I'm not the one who brought that issue up. I merely took issue with referring to people of my beliefs regarding homosexuality as "ultra conservative", since that term seems to me to be quite clearly a term of reproach.

Oh SBK, you always know how to entertain me. :wave:

Well, thank ya. :D:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Well if Lindsay is going "lesbian", couldn't she find someone a little hotter? :lookaroun

On that, we can definitely agree. From the standpoint of physical looks, Sam definitely got the better end of that deal. :ROFLOL:


New Member
Ultra if you want to make "a sin" a law...


Oh snap. I like him!

Amen on that.

I myself am a gay man, and it never fails to amuse me when someone is threatened by my way of life.

I find it hilarious that something as PETTY and small as me liking guys is such a big issue to people.

While I may not agree with someones religion/orientation/habits, I am CERTAINLY not gonna protest that person, or what they choose to do in their personal time. Isn't this America? Hmmmm. I thought that we live in a FREE country where we are allowed to (within reason) do what we please. Guess I was wrong.

And as for Disney.......

I am moving down to Orlando next summer to begin working a DREAM job at the Magic Kingdom.

See folks, everyone is all for equality and acceptance for all until someone they don't understand/agree with expects the same basic HUMAN RIGHTS that we all expect and deserve. Whether it be something as dumb as race, or orientation. People are cool with loving others and being kind, unless it comes to a black person. Or a gay person. Or a mentally challenged person. Then its a whole new ball game.

Now, I am not preaching, and trying to advance any 'policy'. I just think that it is time to embrase that phrase 'with liberty and justice FOR ALL'.

I leave you with a quote from my bumper sticker.

It reads.......

Support Disney family values. "When you wish apon a star, makes NO difference WHO YOU ARE."

BTW Congrats Lindsey! Welcome to the out and proud community. :)


If Disney applauded this, they would get backlash from ultra-conservative Christians, and if they lauded it, who knows what a PR mess that could be. Not commenting is the best way forward, and even then -- Lindsay Lohan and Disney aren't synonymous with one other, so why would Disney comment?

Not just ULTRA- conservatives who would be mirked, just saying. Wonder what Walt would think, it has been noted by some that he was a Goldwater conservative, and had strong political views, just something to think about. not trying to make a point.

But anyway, I think Disney has cut ties with her after all of her antics. Anyway I don't believe it is necessary for Disney to release a statement on that sort of thing, a relationship which an actor has.


Well-Known Member
Oh snap. I like him!

Amen on that.

I myself am a gay man, and it never fails to amuse me when someone is threatened by my way of life.

I find it hilarious that something as PETTY and small as me liking guys is such a big issue to people.

I'm not sure if you're referring to me, or to conservatives in general, but speaking for myself, I am not threatened by you or your way of life. I am happily married and have my own life and your way of life poses no threat to my life nor my marraige.

While I may not agree with someones religion/orientation/habits, I am CERTAINLY not gonna protest that person, or what they choose to do in their personal time. Isn't this America? Hmmmm. I thought that we live in a FREE country where we are allowed to (within reason) do what we please. Guess I was wrong.

Again, I'm not sure if you're referring to me specifically, or to a general group of people. But I don't protest people either. What Lindsay does in her private life is none of my business, although I do have my opinion on that lifestyle according to my faith. I won't lose any sleep knowing that she's gay, as we are all responsible for ourselves, to live our own lives and not worry about what others do. So who she dates...male or female...does not affect me at all. On the other hand, though, when you, or anyone else, makes a point to be very public about your lifestyle, and feels the need to make it everyone else's business by telling everyone about it, and rubbing it in people's faces, then don't expect everyone to embrace it with open arms. And don't expect me to congratulate you or pat you on the back, or in any way encourage you or validate your lifestyle. And don't be surprised if someone else chooses to be just as open about their opinions as you are with yours.

See folks, everyone is all for equality and acceptance for all until someone they don't understand/agree with expects the same basic HUMAN RIGHTS that we all expect and deserve. Whether it be something as dumb as race, or orientation. People are cool with loving others and being kind, unless it comes to a black person. Or a gay person. Or a mentally challenged person. Then its a whole new ball game.

And I've noticed that many people seem to be very supportive of a person's right to an opinion...that is until someone's opinion clashes with their' which point the open mindedness ends.


New Member
LOL No, I am not refering to you my friend. That is why I feel so lucky to live in America. We can all express how we feel, without fear of death, jail, or anything else.

I completely respect you, and your opinion. But it is just that.......your opinion. Just like my opinion is just my opinion. It doesn't make it right or wrong. It is a personal opinion.

And I don't expect everyone to understand me. And I am comforitable enough with myself to be ok when someone disagrees with me.

You yourself seemed awful defensive.

As a matter of fact, I welcome your opinion. In fact, I encourage it. Everyone has a right to say and beleive what they wish.

Again, that is what makes this country so great.

However, you mentioned that you have issues with anyone who, "makes a point to be very public about your lifestyle, and feels the need to make it everyone else's business by telling everyone about it, and rubbing it in people's faces."

My friend, that door swings both ways. Don't preach to me about your way of life. Don't talk like your way of life is gospel truth, and the right way.

And as I recall, I wasn't "rubbing it" in anyones faces. I took ONE sentance in my entire post to talk about me being gay. Allow me to quote myself!

"I myself am a gay man, and it never fails to amuse me when someone is threatened by my way of life."

Wow, look at me go! Watch me ram my way of life down yours, and everyone elses throats!

Lastly, allow me to comment on your words.

".......then don't expect everyone to embrace it with open arms. And don't be surprised if someone else chooses to be just as open about their opinions as you are with yours."

My friend, and yes, I count you as a friend, please listen to your very own words.

If you consider stating the fact that I am gay is ramming anything down anyones throats, then you seriously need to rethink the meaning of 'ramming'.

Why do people feel the need to label those of us who have a biblical conviction against homosexuality as "ultra" conservative? Am I conservative on this particular issue? Yes I am. Do I consider myself "ultra" conservative? No. I guess that's the problems with labels like this. We all consider people farther to the right (or left) of us as "ultra" and consider ourselves to be "regular". :lol:

To me, an ultra conservative is one who preaches fire and brimstone upon those who go to movies, play cards, watch TV, etc. People, such as myself, who believe homosexuality to be sin, are just "regular" conservative, not "ultra" anything. LOL

But this thread will no doubt be locked, as threads like this inevitably turn into a big argument. Some of us think it's a sin, many of us don't. I don't go around starting threads to advertise my opinion on homosexuality, but when someone else feels the need to start a thread advertising their's then yes, I'm going to weigh in with my own opinion on the subject. And that's how argument's get started. And no matter how respectfully I, or someone else, may express our opinion on the subject, there are always going to be those who can't reciprocate that respect...or those who make it into an insult right off the bat by referring to those of a differing opinion as "ultra conservative".

:sohappy: Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Some one help me out please..... Why should I, or Disney for that matter, care if Lindsey(or anyone else) is gay, drunk, or doing drugs? Other than my family and friends on the dinking and drugs thing.

Sbkline... Apparenttly you are not threatened by someones lifestyle... but the word ULTRA really ticks you off!!!! Wasn't that grade school????? :ROFLOL:


You make me laugh. Now back to Disney stuff!!!


Well-Known Member
LOL No, I am not refering to you my friend. That is why I feel so lucky to live in America. We can all express how we feel, without fear of death, jail, or anything else.

I completely respect you, and your opinion. But it is just that.......your opinion. Just like my opinion is just my opinion. It doesn't make it right or wrong. It is a personal opinion.

And I don't expect everyone to understand me. And I am comforitable enough with myself to be ok when someone disagrees with me.

You yourself seemed awful defensive.

As a matter of fact, I welcome your opinion. In fact, I encourage it. Everyone has a right to say and beleive what they wish.

Again, that is what makes this country so great.

However, you mentioned that you have issues with anyone who, "makes a point to be very public about your lifestyle, and feels the need to make it everyone else's business by telling everyone about it, and rubbing it in people's faces."

My friend, that door swings both ways. Don't preach to me about your way of life. Don't talk like your way of life is gospel truth, and the right way.

And as I recall, I wasn't "rubbing it" in anyones faces. I took ONE sentance in my entire post to talk about me being gay. Allow me to quote myself!

"I myself am a gay man, and it never fails to amuse me when someone is threatened by my way of life."

Wow, look at me go! Watch me ram my way of life down yours, and everyone elses throats!

Lastly, allow me to comment on your words.

".......then don't expect everyone to embrace it with open arms. And don't be surprised if someone else chooses to be just as open about their opinions as you are with yours."

My friend, and yes, I count you as a friend, please listen to your very own words.

If you consider stating the fact that I am gay is ramming anything down anyones throats, then you seriously need to rethink the meaning of 'ramming'.


In the context of a discussion about sexuality, I'd rather not use any terminology involving ramming something down someone's throat...or any other part of the body for that matter. :eek::ROFLOL:

You're right though, in regards to your statement that you didn't go out of your way to publicize your sexuality. Even though I included you in the statement, I guess I was referring more to those people (and yes I do know at least one personally) who do make sure that everyone knows their sexual preference...but then are unwilling to accept that others may have a different opinion and be just as willing to voice it. And, as another example, I remember years ago, in college, when the college "gay days" (or whatever they called them) came around, there was a big campaign to encourage everyone to wear blue jeans to show support for the gay movement. I ended up wearing jeans simply because I forgot all about the whole thing and that's what I normally wore. But I remember reading the hate letters in the student paper the next day by the pro-gay people, denouncing those "intolerant bigots" who wore slacks or other types of pants. So here we have people trying to force people to endorse a lifestyle and then crying foul when they choose to wear a different kind of clothing so as to express a different opinion. I disagree with homosexuality, yet I can respect a person's right to live the lifestyle of their choosing, knowing that it is not I who am/will be their judge. On the other hand, though, when you (generic you, not you specifically) drag others into it by demanding, in this case, that they wear a particular article of clothing in order to show validation of your lifestyle, then don't be surprised when you don't get the results you want (not saying you do this kind of thing). Or, when someone opens a thread in order to draw attention to a gay coming out of the closet, and then to draw further attention to the fact that he hopes Disney encourages her, then that opens the door for others, such as myself, to offer a counterpoint.

And you're right about not preaching my lifestyle to you. I don't think that's what I was doing and if it was, I apologize. I'm not attempting to preach my lifestyle to you. I merely expressed my opinion since someone else opened the issue for discussion. Yes, I think homosexuality is contrary to God's ordinances. But no, I won't stand here and preach it to you.

And thanks for counting me as a friend. I have no problem counting you as one either. :wave:

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