I keep hearing Small World referred to in terms of "appropriateness" like it's some sort of holy shrine.
It's a RIDE folks.
...and honestly, I can't really remember the last time I went on it thinking "Ah, look at all the various children representing their fantastic cultures! Look! It's the mexican children all happy celebrating the day of the dead! And look over there! (insert region of the world)!"
No. Mostly I'm going "It's a smaaaaall wooooorld aaaaaafter all. It's a smaaaall wooooowlrd aaaaaafter all. It's a smaaaall wooooorld aaaaafter all. It's a smaaaaall, smaaaaall wooooooooorld!"... and then it takes a good 2 to 3 hours to get it outta my head.
I don't really think the kids in England are going to be writing angry, insulted letters because someone put Peter Pan's shadow on the wall... or god forbid made a little cute peter pan doll somewhere in the corner of the room. I don't think arab kids are shedding a tear of injury because Aladdin got snuck into the middle-eastern portion.
I mean, really? Really? You're making a big deal about this? The most this is going to change is someone is going to take pictures of the ride while singing the song and looking at the pretty dolls... then they'll notice a character, and go "HEY LOOK IT'S (character name here) OVER THERE!" Take a picture and moooooove on down the line. Very...very....very distracting.
We wouldn't want stupid, harmless, innocent fun getting in the way of the education and spirit of unity involved in It's a Small World, would we? Not at DISNEY WORLD! No stupid, pointless fun at disney world!
If you care about the kids THIS much, and they go through with these HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, DECIETFUL AND DISGRACEFUL additions to such a proper and graceful ride such as IASW, then send them letters by all means. Petition they add a Unicef collection thingie at the end of the ride, on top of donating the coins in the water. That'd be a good one.
Well, I mean, people will be too busy ranting and raving about how they saw Stitch in the ride to care at all about Unicef... or children... or their cultures... to donate, but every little bit helps. Right?
Oh, just to break my mean streak, I think it'd be AWESOME if Stitch was in the ride somewhere. I was thinking about it, and given the fact that the mischeif-factor for him is being played up so much (especially with the pins) I think it'd be hilarious if they snuck him in somehow.
In fact, I propose a new trend: Hidden Stitches. It's even a clever play on words!
I'd look for 'em.