In reading the last few rumored change threads, there seems to be the same argument presented by the same self-righteous few who think "too many people on wdwmagic complain about changes". Here are a few general words regarding that:
1) How is you constantly complaining about their complaining any better than their complaining? (Your argument goes: "if you don't like WDW, why keep going?" My argument: "if you don't like the criticism at, why keep coming here? I'm not saying you don't have a reason, but it's argument by analogy--if you have a valid answer to your question, surely they have one to theirs).
2) No one is going to possibly be able to find a change that has been
universally praised here. With thousands of members, that just isn't possible. Finding ones with a positive
consensus is totally different. You are always going to have select people complain about attractions changing. It's pretty easy to differentiate the majority (here, not in 'real life') from the vocal minority. (Example: several of you say "we" don't like the PotC changes yet the general public does...there was a poll here last summer that had over 90% of respondents preferring the current version).
3) Don't be critical of someone asserting something then failing to back it up if you do the same thing. That's hypocritical.
4) Somewhat of a correlary to that--if someone fails to qualify something with "in my opinion" or "I think", don't jump down their throat for presenting their opinion as objective fact. This is an internet forum, not a doctoral thesis. We don't use citations or footnotes here. Moreover, persuasive writing style encourages dropping these weak qualifiers.
By the way, this is all my opinion, it isn't necessarily fact.