'Let the Memories Begin' castle projection test video


Well-Known Member
Love the sketchy Castle (I bet they'll start with the fact that Walt's dream was merely pencil on paper... until it turns real!!) The pictures on the castle are INCREDIBLY tacky. Why not make a wall of pics on the castle and simply have them fade in and out? The "screensaver" presentation is horrible. The ending of the video is VERY intriguing... using the WoC projections on the castle is very interesting... I would love the "Part of Your World" portion of the castle fireworks to include the ocean projections! And the green Maleficent flames would make an incredible addition to the finale of Halloween Screams or maybe even the finale of Wishes!

So much possibility... too many pictures.

I agree. I am just hoping that when the say "test" that its only a test. That they haven't worked out the bugs. I love all of it except the oddly placed photos.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I liked how the pixie dust and Tink flew around at the beginning. That's a cool way to start off some fireworks. Other than that, I'm pretty disappointed. I don't want to see pictures on the castle!

Tink flying around looked cool. Real cool

But the pictures looked cheap. CHEAP.

Not everyone will like changes at WDW, however 99% of the time changes are done at WDW with class.

HOWEVER, I could make a powerpoint presentation on my computer with a bunch of pictures at the same quality level.

I agree about the Tink thing. That's neat....hopefully, since this was just a test, they we rethink some of these ideas and only use the best ones. The pictures need to go.

Also, anybody else notice what appears to be a drop down projector screen about where they use to have the giant 50 mirror medallion on the front of the castle.

I hope that thing is motorized so that we don't have to look at it during the day. :hurl:


Well-Known Member
I'm not a big fan of pictures being shown on the castle. Seems to take a little bit of the majesty away from it. I don't care to see other people's pictures up there. Feels too AFHV to me.

Ya know, people will probabably love it though when their picture shows up.

And does Disney need their permission to show a person's image? Seems they would as it is sort of like advertising. I bet there will be a tiny little sign at the entrance tunnels with the legal speak permitting it (like they do when filming things).

I liked the Celebrate campaign better.


Well-Known Member
You know what should be done! Someone take a picture of themselves as Waldo and hopefully will see it projected on the castle...We can then play where's waldo! :lol:

Wow! THAT was amazing. I had never heard of this show. Very Halloween-ish! Thanks for the link.

This was at DLP in 2004 from what I understand it was only done once...But, still pretty cool. Especially Vincent Price's Laughter hauntingly still used for the attraction.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
The use of the projector is good..I'd still like to see something done for Haunted Mansion tho..Like they did the storyline of Phantom Manor on the building.

Very cool...but obviously Parisoner's/Parisians/Parasites don't know not to take a flash picture of a projection either. :brick:

I foresee this being a major problem at MK with this.


Just watched the video...eeek! The only part that was cool was the Tinkerbell flying around, I like that. The sketchy lines are weird looking and the pictures look tacky. The idea of the pics and videos isn't all bad but I would never put them on the castle! I don't know whee else to do it but not on the main focal point of the park.

Could they maybe just stop coming up with celebrations? please???

That's why I suggested running them a couple times a day on the monitors that show while you are in line..I understand that they are a part of the "show", but...
I just think that it is strange. :shrug: Showing a slide show of your vacation pics to family is one thing, but to total strangers..why?? :veryconfu I'll just skip this show and find something else to do.


Well-Known Member
I just don't see how projecting guest images on the castle is any kind of draw. I don't like the pictures cluttering up the castle and I'm not about to sit around waiting to see if my family ends up being shown. The castle is beautiful as it is, especially at night with the lighting.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I am now convinced that WDI is completely out of imagination! "When all else fails, show guests a picture of themselves (new SSE, Tower of Terror Nighttastic, etc)!!!" And then of course, the average idiot eats this crap up, so I almost can't blame them for not trying.

But this is DISNEY. They should be trying NO MATTER WHAT.

This isn't trying. This is "OMGZ we need a celebration otherwise SURELY attendance will drop!!" At this point if they did NOT do a "celebration", that would be more of a celebration to me.


Active Member
This is the most stupid thing I have ever seen. I couldn't even watch the entire video clip, I was horrified! :hurl:

Who thought of this?? Did this person actually get paid and commended for coming up with this idea?


Well-Known Member
Pros: Interesting effects, with the pencil line sketch and Tink.

Cons: I can make a better photo slide show with my Mac.

My MAIN problem with this new "celebration" is that it's cheap and banks on nostalgia. Nostalgia is flawed, it's emotional, and it's irrational. It's a dirty ploy to bank on people's children, parents, and families to sell them into a park. And then to try and get them to do all the marketing for you is even slimier.

It's a shame that Disney think they can't go one full year without some sort of promotion or celebration going on; that their product is too weak otherwise. A crying shame.


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess it was only a matter of time before a video screen ended up on that castle. They're everywhere else in the parks.

Why can't we just turn it into a big birthday cake, that seems like a great idea...



New Member
I don't think the projections would be that bad if they could sure up some of the lose ends to this idea. If they could provide some sort of way of organizing the pictures by date of visit, then it would be much more appealing. When you submit your "memories" there could be an option to put in what dates you will be going to either resort. Then they could have an automated email system in which they tell which day of your visit to come to the Magic Kingdom if you want to see your "memory" on the castle. This would eliminate the problem of having your picture shown......whenever.

As for the actual projection test, I think it leaves a lot to be desired. The test just looks like a Windows Movie Maker slideshow, splashed up on the Castle. Not very professional, and it seems to me they didn't think about how to creativity project the pictures on the castle. There are many ideas that come to mind, none of which involve static panning pictures/videos. Why not have collages that form interesting shapes. Have themes to each part of the show; Happy, Funny, Magical, etc. With these themes they could also use dynamic lighting to further drive home the idea of the themes.

The whole memories promotion just lacks preparedness to me. It need something to actually make we want to make memories, not share old ones.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Ugh! Next people will be able to tweet their own messages onto the castle! Then we know the magic is gone!


Actually, I think the plan is to give everything in WDW its own Facebook page.

Spaceship Earth needs a hand these days LMAO
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