Premium Member
Watched ABC tonight, John was a passing note, not a story at the end of Rose's story with no Coco footage, just pics of him. Hopefully no Media outlet is planning on using Coco footage! Any chance it'll stay just a passing note/story esp with the Holiday Weekend coming up: families not watching much news, hard news anchors off for the holiday. So maybe it won't affect Coco too much? I've been hearing some good things on Twitter about Coco before tonight. Might see next week, Hopefully it'll still be in UltraScreens next week after this news.
On to the bigger Problem: GOOD GRIEF!!!!!! What is going on here?!?!? I'm shocked about John and Charlie from last night . Charlie was well respected I know.
Along with the people in DC, Spacey and Weinstein,
why is this exploding now???
I'm hoping Hollywood changes the way they do movies. Less sex and a LOT less cheating( it just looks bad after Weinstein)
Coco hopefully still has the chance to be a great movie and stand apart from what Hollywood has to offer.
PS Saw " The Star" today. Finally a good Movie! Even if it was geared to people below me age!
I'm not trying to justify this - at all - so let me be clear...
But I don't think revelations are gonna stop anytime soon because of how commonplace this is...
People are attracted to each other...chemically and instinctually on a subconscious level. We have science now that proves these things.
And because the human brain is the one machine we will never figure out...they're gonna keep screwing up with this.
Morality was created by man...biology was not. Nature beats nature every single time.
The real question is will society figure out a way to reset the narrative and move on? Either intentionally or organically? Because i don't think there's a bottom to this well. Most would be exposed...figuratively, of course.