I agree with you in that I think that all claims should be investigated and I don't subscribe to the idea that automatic guilt be assigned to everyone that is accused. However, in Trump's case, there certainly is enough women claiming that they were assaulted, and enough corroborating witnesses involved for me to believe that there should at least be a formal investigation into these matters. It's not like we are talking about the kind of accidental contact that happens from time to time. That sort of thing has probably happened to most of us. In fact, just yesterday, as I was walking across the gym through a crowd of middle schoolers during recess, one of my seventh grade girls ran up to me from behind and ran right into my hand as it was swinging backwards as my arm does when I walk. I don't know exactly where my and hit her, but I can tell you that I about experienced a heart attack at the time when I looked back to see who my hand bumped into and realized it was a female. All I need is for a child to claim I touched her inappropriately and get investigated for it. I thank God there was a camera pointed directly at us which would prove that I was walking away from her and obviously didn't try to make contact with her. Anyway, she asked me her question and then happily skipped away so she may not have even felt the contact for all I know and even if she did, it apparently didn't phase her. Anyway, I would hate to think what could have happened to me personally if she had thought I was being inappropriate, even with the camera evidence that I did nothing intentionally. I would have still been investigated if she would have made a claim and my life would have been turned upside down. Stuff like that happens. But the claims against these men, Trump included are definitely more than accidental contact in my mind. We have more than just the words of one or two women. There are reasons to believe that an investigation is in order (imo) and I think the day will come when President Trump will be formally investigated. I think it's only a matter of time.