Lasseter Taking Leave of Absence


Well-Known Member
Patients making passing comments at you and getting handsy is just part of being a nurse, especially in an old folks' home. Sorry, but that's the truth. I'm not going to be mad at a 90+ year old man for not being the most up to date with social behavior. If we want to talk about a real story, how about this tweet by Bob Iger? You knew about Lasseter and you didn't speak the truth. Or perhaps "your" truth was that Lasseter did nothing wrong?

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Well-Known Member
Patients making passing comments at you and getting handsy is just part of being a nurse, especially in an old folks' home. Sorry, but that's the truth. I'm not going to be mad at a 90+ year old man for not being the most up to date with social behavior. If we want to talk about a real story, how about this tweet by Bob Iger? You knew about Lasseter and you didn't speak the truth. Or perhaps "your" truth was that Lasseter did nothing wrong?

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No other profession in the world has to deal with that sort of behavior and just accept it. I'm withholding judgement because I don't know the truth, but that's not an acceptable part of working as a nurse. My GF, her friends and colleagues, and all the nurses I work with would disagree with you wholeheartedly. NO profession should have to endure what nurses often endure. To make matters worse, the attitude of, "welp, that's part of the job, deal with it," is still thrown around in healthcare. Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
No other profession in the world has to deal with that sort of behavior and just accept it. I'm withholding judgement because I don't know the truth, but that's not an acceptable part of working as a nurse. My GF, her friends and colleagues, and all the nurses I work with would disagree with you wholeheartedly. NO profession should have to endure what nurses often endure. To make matters worse, the attitude of, "welp, that's part of the job, deal with it," is still thrown around in healthcare. Pathetic.
This rumour comes from a very unreliable source and is likely to be untrue. Even if there is truth to it, he is a 95 year old man who was in the care of these "professionals" and deserves to have his privacy and dignity respected. This seems like a breach of his rights to privacy.


Well-Known Member
No other profession in the world has to deal with that sort of behavior and just accept it. I'm withholding judgement because I don't know the truth, but that's not an acceptable part of working as a nurse. My GF, her friends and colleagues, and all the nurses I work with would disagree with you wholeheartedly. NO profession should have to endure what nurses often endure. To make matters worse, the attitude of, "welp, that's part of the job, deal with it," is still thrown around in healthcare. Pathetic.
Nurses deal with people who aren't mentally all the way there so they're going to say and do things that aren't appropriate. It's as much part of the job as cleaning up the poop at a zoo is part of the job.


Well-Known Member
This rumour comes from a very unreliable source and is likely to be untrue. Even if there is truth to it, he is a 95 year old man who was in the care of these "professionals" and deserves to have his privacy and dignity respected. This seems like a breach of his rights to privacy.
Trust me, I'm not claiming him to be guilty or innocent, I have no way of knowing. And I'm not sticking up for those nurses, if Lee's claims that they are exploiting him for his money are true, then yes they are acting unprofessional and deserve serious consequences i.e. loss of licensure. I simply don't have the information to make any judgement.

I am responding to the claim that sexual harassment, particularly vulgar comments and groping, in nursing is expected and "just part of being a nurse." There is absolutely no truth to that. No nurse, rather nobody, should ever have to endure sexual harassment because it is expected in their profession. I'm all for innocent until proven guilty, but excusing sexual harassment because nurses should expect it and deal with it is childish, disrespectful, and unintelligent.


Well-Known Member
Nurses deal with people who aren't mentally all the way there so they're going to say and do things that aren't appropriate. It's as much part of the job as cleaning up the poop at a zoo is part of the job.
You are severely misinformed. There is no proof to that whatsoever. What experience do you have in healthcare? I see you are 19 years old, so I highly doubt you have any, unless as an aide.

Working at a zoo and in a hospital, albeit similar paces, are totally different things. Nurses do literally clean poop, but they should never have to accept sexual harassment because it is part of the job.

Curious Constance

Well-Known Member
You are severely misinformed. There is no proof to that whatsoever. What experience do you have in healthcare? I see you are 19 years old, so I highly doubt you have any, unless as an aide.

Working at a zoo and in a hospital, albeit similar paces, are totally different things. Nurses do literally clean poop, but they should never have to accept sexual harassment because it is part of the job.
He's talking about mentally incapacitated people. Not a 35 year old guy who knows what he's doing. No one is saying anyone should be forced to deal with that.

But he's 95 and possibly losing it. If that's the case it's an entirely different scenario. He might be fully aware and a disgusting pig too. No one knows, but not all situations are equal and deserve to be treated as such.


Well-Known Member
He's talking about mentally incapacitated people. Not a 35 year old guy who knows what he's doing. No one is saying anyone should be forced to deal with that.

But he's 95 and possibly losing it. If that's the case it's an entirely different scenario. He might be fully aware and a disgusting pig too. No one knows, but not all situations are equal and deserve to be treated as such.
So because Stan Lee is 95 he's mentally incapacitated? No. The poster I responded to made an unfair generalization. Look at his most recent response.

Even if he's mentally unstable, a nurse doesn't have to put up with that. Under NO circumstance is a nurse required or expected to put up with sexual harassment.

I took issue with his broad statement that sexual harassment is "part of the job." No other 4 year degree has the stipulation that sexual harassment may occur, so why should nursing? It shouldn't and doesn't. But, TROR seems to think differently.

Deleted member 107043

I'm willing to cut Lee a bit of slack for his age, but under no circumstances should sexual abuse be acceptable in my book. Assuming the allegations are true I bet his defenders would be singing a different tune If he had been handsy with a child. He's not so senile that he can't tell the difference between a grown woman and an underage girl. He knew exactly what he was doing, and over the course of his life it probably wasn't the first time it's happened.


Well-Known Member
He's talking about mentally incapacitated people. Not a 35 year old guy who knows what he's doing. No one is saying anyone should be forced to deal with that.

But he's 95 and possibly losing it. If that's the case it's an entirely different scenario. He might be fully aware and a disgusting pig too. No one knows, but not all situations are equal and deserve to be treated as such.
I encourage you and TROR to share your insight into the world of healthcare. Please, elaborate what makes sexual harassment "part of the job." I'm all ears.


Well-Known Member
Already did. You are too angry to access what I said without jumping to conclusions.
Reread your post, no insight given. Just an opinion with no experience to back it. I'm level headed currently, and have been all night. Thanks for the concern though. I'm looking for real life experience with sexual harassment as a nurse. Doesn't have to be you, maybe a friend or colleague.

I'm a little dumbfounded that any of you think sexual harassment is "part of the job." It's not circumstantial, never has been and never will be.


Well-Known Member
Already did. You are too angry to access what I said without jumping to conclusions.
TROR, I would really like to hear your insights. Please, you made such a bold claim, but when it's time to defend it you have nothing and live behind Constance. Step out and share your reasonings behind your claim.


Well-Known Member
Nurses deal with people who aren't mentally all the way there so they're going to say and do things that aren't appropriate. It's as much part of the job as cleaning up the poop at a zoo is part of the job.
I keep rereading this, and each time get more and more confused. It makes absolutely no sense. Have you been a nurse? Do you know any nurses?

I've shared this with a couple of nurses now and they all agree you seem very ignorant on the topic at hand.

Curious Constance

Well-Known Member
Reread your post, no insight given. Just an opinion with no experience to back it. I'm level headed currently, and have been all night. Thanks for the concern though. I'm looking for real life experience with sexual harassment as a nurse. Doesn't have to be you, maybe a friend or colleague.

I'm a little dumbfounded that any of you think sexual harassment is "part of the job." It's not circumstantial, never has been and never will be.
Okay let me try explaining. The way I see it there are two possible scenarios.

First. The guy is a pig and always has been. He's entirely aware of his surroundings and actions and gropes women anyway because he thinks it's his right as a dumb celebrity. This is very possible. It wouldn't surprise me in the least. Just because he's 95 doesn't mean he's automatically not all there. If this is the case he should be exposed and the women he's abused should obviously never have to be around him again and he should be forced to pay for his actions financially and legally.

Two. He's 95, has developed Alzheimer's or something similar and is acting in ways that he would never have dreamed of before. He's not really aware what he's doing and how it's affecting the women. If this is the case, I don't think the women should have to deal with it either. I think they should be replaced with male nurses quietly and his privacy should be respected. No reason to drag his name through the mud if he's not acting with a full deck of cards.

All I was saying is there are two possible scenarios here and I don't think they should be treated the same. Notice I don't think the women should be forced to put up with it in either case either.


Well-Known Member
Okay let me try explaining. The way I see it there are two possible scenarios.

First. The guy is a pig and always has been. He's entirely aware of his surroundings and actions and gropes women anyway because he thinks it's his right as a dumb celebrity. This is very possible. It wouldn't surprise me in the least. Just because he's 95 doesn't mean he's automatically not all there. If this is the case he should be exposed and the women he's abused should obviously never have to be around him again and he should be forced to pay for his actions financially and legally.

Two. He's 95, has developed Alzheimer's or something similar and is acting in ways that he would never have dreamed of before. He's not really aware what he's doing and how it's affecting the women. If this is the case, I don't think the women should have to deal with it either. I think they should be replaced with male nurses quietly and his privacy should be respected. No reason to drag his name through the mud if he's not acting with a full deck of cards.

All I was saying is there are two possible scenarios here and I don't think they should be treated the same. Notice I don't think the women should be forced to put up with it in either case either.
You didn't! Trust me, I'm not arguing with you anymore. In fact, I %100 agree with you. That was very well put and you were spot on. That would likely happen in a hospital and nursing home setting. Thanks for laying it out like that, we are totally on the same page.

I'm curious what the person who suggested that "it's a part of the job" has to say, TORR. One can't make a suggestion as bold as that and expect no backlash. It's disrespectful and should be addressed. If you reread his post, he literally says it's part of the job. I'd like a little more context. But, more than anything, I'd like for him to gain a little more respect for the profession and stop thinking things that just aren't right.

Practical Pig

Well-Known Member
This discussion is getting too over-heated with hasty assumptions about other poster's intentions. Of course deliberate sexual harassment by a mentally competent person is always, unequivocally unacceptable, and nobody should have to put up with that, regardless of profession.

In the case of mentally incompetent people, like people suffering from dementia, the people who accept payment to take care of them need to take care of them. There is a professional need to accept that the incompetent people in their care no longer have the capacity to make competent decisions.

I've been told by several mature people who have held these care-positions that it is very common for elderly dementia victims to engage in inappropriate sexual actions. It is a factual health-care circumstance for some elderly dementia victims, and the health care professionals who choose to work with this population sub-set need to cope with it, or leave that field, because the dementia victims don't have that choice.
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Well-Known Member
Lee is denying everything, and the first site to report on it is a tabloid. He very easily could have been sexually harassing those woman, but he also might be the victim. Right now it's a bunch of "he said, she said" with no evidence. Even an email or something from when the events allegedly took place stating what happened and when would be helpful.

I'm gonna wait for this one to go to court before I grab my pitchfork.


Well-Known Member
This discussion is getting too over-heated with hasty assumptions about other poster's intentions. Of course deliberate sexual harassment by a mentally competent person is always, unequivocally unacceptable, and nobody should have to put up with that, regardless of profession.

In the case of mentally incompetent people, like people suffering from dementia, the people who accept payment to take care of them need to take care of them. There is a professional need to accept that the incompetent people in their care no longer have the capacity to make competent decisions.

I've been told by several mature people who have held these care-positions that it is very common for elderly dementia victims to engage in inappropriate sexual actions. It is a factual health-care circumstance for some elderly dementia victims, and the health care professionals who choose to work with this population sub-set need to cope with it, or leave that field, because the dementia victims don't have that choice.
No assumptions were made, I took TROR's post at face value. It goes without saying that if one chooses to work with the senile population, that person has likely accepted the chance of sexual harassment and understands the circumstances prior to entering the environment ie nursing home etc.

We have no way of knowing the truth just yet. Not enough information released. However, the allegations explained that he wanted sexual acts performed at home, key being home. These are home care nurses, not nurses working in a dementia facility. They likely care for post operative and injury recovery patients, not the senile.

I'd be curious to know the ages and experiences of the mature group you talked to. You see, times are changing in healthcare. This is good, some are stuck in the past.

Practical Pig

Well-Known Member
No assumptions were made ...

Based on my reading of your responses to this topic, I have to disagree with this premise.

We have no way of knowing the truth just yet.

I haven't made any comment at all concerning allegations against Stan Lee or his response.

I'd be curious to know the ages and experiences of the mature group you talked to.

I included the word "mature" both as an indication of their experience in the field, and as commentary on your attempt to discredit another poster by observing that he was nineteen years old, when you yourself are a mere four years older than that.

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