Lasers back on in Dinosaur


Well-Known Member
Makes you wonder how long the Astro Orbitor will spin above guests heads before the lawyers get too twitchy...
I was down their for the opening day of star wars weekends last friday and on Hollywood Boulevard a couple good sized Palm Tree Husks came loose from overhead and hit the pavement right next to a Disney Photopass photographer ... not sure if anyone else saw it or not, but it startled him ... I walked up to him after and (jokingly) asked him not to make to big a deal about it or else they would put nets up all over the park.


Active Member
Anybody remember this guy from Splashtacular at Epcot?

I just had to look up that show and I have to say. wow.



Think for yourselfer
I believe its a mix of both. The Yeti has structural issues but there is an added reason not to get back to A mode due to lawyers in the US parks. Surely if items were properly designed, built and maintained things wouldn't fall down? There again, WDW doesn't have a great track record with this. Splash and the Net of Life hammered this home for Orlando. Seeing the swinging pirate overhead in DLP last year reminded me how good things are when they do work and are trusted and maintained to work.

That net is IMO the single biggest eyesore in all of WDW. I rode TTBAB in early April and I couldn't believe how awful it looked. It completely obscures The Tree of Life, and all of the beautiful carvings it is adorned with.

Walking through that queue I was literally feeling anger. That's how bad it was.


Well-Known Member
Except the booths arn't actually brand new, are they? They are F&W booths with new signage.
True but they're still a new offering at F&G which I quite enjoy. There are enough problems at Epcot where I wasn't compelled to go after the festival kiosks.

I wasn't nearly as kind in my DHS food and beverage survey.


Think for yourselfer
True but they're still a new offering at F&G which I quite enjoy. There are enough problems at Epcot where I wasn't compelled to go after the festival kiosks.

I wasn't nearly as kind in my DHS food and beverage survey.

I also quite liked the addition of the Food Booths for F&G, though, I think the menus need some tweaking. But that's a conversation for a different thread.

DHS has food?
These threads get off topic so fast.

I've tried my best to look through this thread - but have the lasers been confirmed? If so, where on the ride. Thanks!!

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
Good additions! So this then is the 100% official, articos list of acknowledged insiders:

Marni (good friends with Martin)​
The Empress Lilly (bestest insider)​
WDW74 (spirit wannabe)​
PeterAlt (knows all about the upcoming 5th gate)​
Eddie Sotto (aspiring imagineer, would be cool if they hired him, some of his stuff is promising, if unpolished)​
Don't trust anything said about George, including this.​


I occasionally have stuff I can say...


Well-Known Member
I didn't even know there were supposed to be laser effects! Hope they can keep them running long enough for us to see them next May. We never did get to see the Yeti before it broke.

I totally forgot about the lasers!
My family and I went to AK the year "Everest" opened. The yeti was working, and it was easily
the most amazing visual of all Disney World. It looked so real, and I feel it was just inches from scratching
my face off! It felt SO close to me, It was amazingly lifelike and terrifying!
I really hope it gets repaired so everyone else can experience the climax of this ride!


Well-Known Member
So I have an odd question. How does stuff like this get added? Do Imagineers check up on the rides occasionally and make suggestions? Do the rides get an allotment of money each year to plus the attraction? Like where does the idea and the funding come from to add stuff to an existing attraction?

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