Lame excuse for nightlife?


Well-Known Member
It failed. Who cares as to WHY they built it. It was morally bankrupt when it opened.
But. they did the right thing by closing it.

Won't someone PLEASE think of the children!!!!????

Do you know how many gay interracial newlyweds who read Harry Potter visit PI? MONSTROUS!!!!!

^ As for the post above, the incident did not happen in PI, but the fact that they came out of it showed how PI corrupted them? For all you know they just could have come from Marketplace or Planet Hollywood and like many folks just walk through PI without stopping. Stupid teens are everywhere and WDW is no different.


I said it was closing because it wasn't profitable.. and thats true.

Well....some of it was profitable. Just not as profitable as the bean counters thought it could be if it were leased out to third parties.
Another example of current Disney management placing efficiency (money) ahead of courtesy and show. Basic Keys to the Kingdom stuff.

Notice how what is moving in is not exactly "family" oriented. Like, say...a tequila bar for example.


As a former local, regular PI patron, that's exactly what I've been doing since PI closed, that is, bar hopping at City Walk (Universal) and the place just keeps getting better every weekend.

Having said that, I still miss PI and would probably go back if they ever re-opened the clubs.


You obviously must be one of the gang members!

Why did you have to come to PI and kill it!?



Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I said it was closing because it wasn't profitable.. and thats true.

The closing of PI hurt the whole perceived value of the resort as a whole.

Sometimes the profitability of a part of the whole must be sacrificed for the profitability of the whole.

Spaceship Tony

New Member
Wow- I'm not a big poster on forums in general, and now I know why.

On this thread alone I have seen people bash other individuals they have NEVER met because in one of the most PG nightlife environments, adults, like myself, wanted to conclude our days of fantasy fun with some dancing and and good times. Pleasure Island IS nothing like Las Vegas! It was a family friendly (18+) nightlife substitution for mostly people who will never get to go out dancing in their home towns. While pleasure island was not profitable (hence the intelligent move of closing), does not make the well themed, cheesy family style night spots breeding grounds for drunks who "get people pregnant" as posted earlier.

I own a company, two bars, and am 25 years old. I work my butt off everyday, and when me and my girlfriend who is 28 go to disney world and ride Pooh 18 times because we're anemored with being kids again, we are the cute couple in the world. But when we were in the nightclubs at PI we were raunchy drunks, about to break the law and breed insane amounts of illigitimate children? I never knew that people who enjoy dancing are criminals, and that when people DRINK around the world at Epcot they're enjoying family time, while if they are at mannequins they are seeds that should be in vegas with coke whores.

phew, I needed that

That being said thanks to those who sent me the info about Rix, it looks great. And I am all for some sort of Comedy club type of entertainment in DTD, and think there definately will be at some point soon


New Member
Original Poster
Wow- I'm not a big poster on forums in general, and now I know why.

On this thread alone I have seen people bash other individuals they have NEVER met because in one of the most PG nightlife environments, adults, like myself, wanted to conclude our days of fantasy fun with some dancing and and good times. Pleasure Island IS nothing like Las Vegas! It was a family friendly (18+) nightlife substitution for mostly people who will never get to go out dancing in their home towns. While pleasure island was not profitable (hence the intelligent move of closing), does not make the well themed, cheesy family style night spots breeding grounds for drunks who "get people pregnant" as posted earlier.

I own a company, two bars, and am 25 years old. I work my butt off everyday, and when me and my girlfriend who is 28 go to disney world and ride Pooh 18 times because we're anemored with being kids again, we are the cute couple in the world. But when we were in the nightclubs at PI we were raunchy drunks, about to break the law and breed insane amounts of illigitimate children? I never knew that people who enjoy dancing are criminals, and that when people DRINK around the world at Epcot they're enjoying family time, while if they are at mannequins they are seeds that should be in vegas with coke whores.

phew, I needed that

That being said thanks to those who sent me the info about Rix, it looks great. And I am all for some sort of Comedy club type of entertainment in DTD, and think there definately will be at some point soon

Well be careful at Rix because there are some "seedy" people starting to hang out there. I also hear that some dancing goes on every now and then when people drink those alcoholic beverages. But the biggest thing to stay away from are the poles around Disney, I hear young adults are molesting them all the time. Beware of the polesssssss. Sorry couldn't help myself, some people are just to thin skinned. I am sure we are about to hear how thin skined they


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Wow.. name calling.. thats obviously the way to influence corporate mind..

Meanwhile.. I bid the clubs a fond farewell.. I have no problem with them going away in lieu of new restaurants in DTD.. If you want bars and clubs, go to bourbon street in New Orleans..

Why is it so difficult to understand that removing the clubs doesn't mean no 'nightlife'... PI clubs were not profitable, and were not popular with the average family... you can dispute that as much as you want..

I suspect this 'debate' will go away as soon as the rest of the former club space is re-purposed into new entertaiment venues..

I don't think you've been reading everything people have to say. While some of said no PI= no nightlife, most have not. Indeed, there's plenty of nightlife at WDW. Parks open late. Rix, Jellyrolls, Atlantic Dance, Raglan Road, Outer Rim, Tambu Lounge and many others are all pleasant enough.

None of those bear any resemblance to what was at PI, and, more specifically, the Adventurer's Club. I can replace the rest of PI elsewhere, but I am not familiar with anyplace like the AC, and that is what I miss.

Great post. With common sense.
P.I. was horrible IMHO. Good riddance.
WDW greatest decision EVER was to finally close P.I.
VERY VERY few vacationers will miss it, locals (seedy ones) WILL miss it.
It was no secret that there were issues will the type of folks hanging out there.
P.I. was the opposite of what Disney is all about.
As stated above, if you want to bar hop, go somewhere else.
If folks cant go on a family vacation (as over 90% of WDW business is families) and not bar hop...then maybe one needs to get better habits.
If you want nightlife...goto ESPN club. Have a drink and watch a game.

Why must I be content with lesser choice in nightlife. I like the ESPN club, and have spent several enjoyable evenings there. A replacement for the Adventurer's Club it is not. It is different. There are nights when I want a sports bar, and night when I don't.

Now you know how we feel about EPCOT Center.:wave::lol:

Well said, Lee. Your points are quite concrete. Makes me wish I got to see AC.

If it comes back, Evan, I'll show you around the place.

Nothing concrete.
Just...reading between the lines. Adding up bits and pieces.
Hoping that where there's smoke, there's Fingers...:)

Hope you're right, Lee. I don't really give it much chance, but it costs little to hope.


New Member
Well be careful at Rix because there are some "seedy" people starting to hang out there. I also hear that some dancing goes on every now and then when people drink those alcoholic beverages. But the biggest thing to stay away from are the poles around Disney, I hear young adults are molesting them all the time. Beware of the polesssssss. Sorry couldn't help myself, some people are just to thin skinned. I am sure we are about to hear how thin skined they

Again, I didn't say drinking, behavior, or anything BESIDES financial reasons were the motivation behind PI closing.. My personal experience being what it is, who the hell are you to say what my children should and should not be subjected to? Disney is private property, you DON'T the right to act in lewd or publically insulting ways ANYWHERE on property.. that includes the festive teenages and wear vulgar tshirts to the parks ;)

I'm not thin skinned.. Before security dealt with the issue SEVERAL families (ready, thats disneys key market) were offended...

I guess it was ok for him to stand there dry humping the pole, and saying he was going to ______ (butt) rape it next, right?

Get a clue, it wasnt' appropriate, no matter WHERE you are. disney has never been, nor will it EVER be, a red-light district


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
To be fair, we were not in PI, the morons came out of the PI area , though... Otherwise, I would agree with your post... Having said that, there IS and WAS no age restriction in the area at that time, and my kids were 3 of the hundreds there.. even if I had been in the PI club area, what was doing is considered ILLEGAL , regardless of the 'age' of the people around... IT's called LEWD behavior, and people are arrested for it all the time....So, you're opinion is that it's ok for a guy to scream "I'm gonna **** this pole!!" in the middle of ANY adult area? Surprise! It's NOT!

Honestly, I saw almost the exact thing in the park at Disneyland. In Tomorrowland. It happens.

Still, none of that ever was an even an issue before they opened up the island to everyone. That was the killer.
There were many options besides closing everything.

That is terrible behavior. And I will accept that Disney hopes to have less of that behavior with PI closed. And it'll probably succeed. But as Lee points out, similar examples have occurred all throughout WDW, DL and other family-friendly places, and the operators of those places have often found ways to deal with it other than closing things down.


Well-Known Member
Ahh see what happens! I go to work and I miss all the fun. I swear I had been to PI loads of times, I even had my 21st birthday at the Adventurers Club and I have NEVER seen any of these gangs that they are talking about. Let’s face facts here, Disney closed PI because they are too cheap to pay the bills anymore at PI and they want others to do that for them. And for the record I don't think these trolls get it when we AC fans talk about why we are upset it’s gone. I loved the "club" clubs as much as the next person but I would be fine if they were gone as long as AC and maybe even CW were still open. That’s the only reason I went there, it was something special where you could spend time and feel that Disney magic. If I wanted a dance club I'd just go to Boardwalk.


New Member
That is terrible behavior. And I will accept that Disney hopes to have less of that behavior with PI closed. And it'll probably succeed. But as Lee points out, similar examples have occurred all throughout WDW, DL and other family-friendly places, and the operators of those places have often found ways to deal with it other than closing things down.

Again, I don't promote that this is why the PI clubs were closed, just pointing out that an observation on this thread was incorrect.. It WAS and DOES happen.. whether or not PI was to blame is not possible to determine.

Spaceship Tony

New Member
I agree that in the World, the last thing Disney needs is innapropriate behavior- such as pole humping, or shirts that say something innapropriate ect. Yet, alot of those issues can be resolved with trained, adequate security. The PI security I met were pretty lax in every way, and there was also NO effort made to have it be a more secluded adult area.

Look, adults spend the money to go on these vacations and while not everyone needs a nightlife section and many rather eat at newer restaurants then rock out a bit, it is nice to have the option of an adult area at the vacation CAPITAL of the world....


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Again, I don't promote that this is why the PI clubs were closed, just pointing out that an observation on this thread was incorrect.. It WAS and DOES happen.. whether or not PI was to blame is not possible to determine.

I understand. But your dislike for PI seems to have been based in part on this. But if "it is not possible to determine" whether PI was to blame, why direct your annoyance at PI? :shrug:

I do understand, though, that you're in favor of the change because you believe you will like what goes in better than you did what left. Makes sense, and I suspect that there are many who feel the same -- certainly Disney thinks so. I felt the same way about Horizons. But it didn't cause me to come down hard on those who still miss Horizons to this day. People are, I think, reacting more to the harshness of your language than your view that Disney did the right thing in closing PI.


New Member
Original Poster
Again, I didn't say drinking, behavior, or anything BESIDES financial reasons were the motivation behind PI closing.. My personal experience being what it is, who the hell are you to say what my children should and should not be subjected to? Disney is private property, you DON'T the right to act in lewd or publically insulting ways ANYWHERE on property.. that includes the festive teenages and wear vulgar tshirts to the parks ;)

I'm not thin skinned.. Before security dealt with the issue SEVERAL families (ready, thats disneys key market) were offended...

I guess it was ok for him to stand there dry humping the pole, and saying he was going to ______ (butt) rape it next, right?

Get a clue, it wasnt' appropriate, no matter WHERE you are. disney has never been, nor will it EVER be, a red-light district

You know what I was at nine dragons with my wife, and the guy at the table next to us was using a four letter word every other sentence. You know what I did, I got up walked over and explained that it was not acceptable and he stopped and bought us a round of drinks. Situation solved, we didn't call security and I didn't have any bad thoughts about disney because of it. There are people all over who act lewd, you can't change that. Doesn't make disney a red light district.

When you have 46 million people coming to visit the parks a year your going to get all kinds. YOU need to get a clue, your naive to think disney can weed out those type of people, and it doesn't make disney look bad because they can't. But I think you know this and just like to stir up trouble with the people who like PI by being negative, and when someone pokes you about it you get all bent out of shape like you did. I even mentioned you would in the initial post mr. thin skinned.


Well-Known Member
That being said thanks to those who sent me the info about Rix, it looks great. And I am all for some sort of Comedy club type of entertainment in DTD, and think there definately will be at some point soon

Your Welcome! If you need more suggestions of places to go out at night I post a list in a recent Thread called "Clubs , Bars ?" I hope you find it informative.


New Member
^I'm going to have to say yes.

How bout these facts?

I spent every Thursday night, and almost every weekend at PI from January-May 2008. Never was there "gangs." Never were any of the female or male friends I was with were ever harassed by these "seedy" elements you like to talk about.

A good friend of mine works DTD security, and in the 4 months she worked there while PI was still operating, she was never called in to stop "seedy" elements from causing mischief.

How bout them facts?
He said,she said.....thats very immature.
I could say...."i lived in Gary Indiana for 8 years..i NEVER saw or knew someone that got murdered or raped.
But, we know it happens alot there.
Your examples were of no merit.
Your examples were not facts, just observations by 2 people.
P.I. closed because of this fact: it was a failure. WDI, did not like the "seedy" element to it. That is word for word. and, it lost money...


He said,she said.....thats very immature.
I could say...."i lived in Gary Indiana for 8 years..i NEVER saw or knew someone that got murdered or raped.
But, we know it happens alot there.
Your examples were of no merit.
Your examples were not facts, just observations by 2 people.
P.I. closed because of this fact: it was a failure. WDI, did not like the "seedy" element to it. That is word for word. and, it lost money...


I am officially speechless. You have gained a new low. Apparently countless first hand accounts mean nothing.

Just curious, who do you know in WDI that did not like the "seedy" elements of the place. Because everyone I know in WDI loved PI, especially the AC.

And you do know it wasn't WDI's call to close the clubs...right? That would be management's call.


New Member
Bring it. Let's go.

PI was closed for purely financial reasons, let's start there.
Next, there was NEVER a seedy element at AC. Never.

Did you ever go, or are you basing your statements on some personal belief?:shrug:
You apparently missed the podcast where WDI "suits" were recorded stating "the whole atmosphere on P.I. is getting "SEEDY".
It was on several Disney podcasts appox 5 months ago.
And, of course i went to PI..ONCE. thats all it took. Heck, if i wanted that kinda entertainment, id goto Orlando or Miami. Its not Disney and its not family oriented.
Dont think that $$ is the ONLY reason P.I. closed. There was 1 other MAJOR reason. Image. It was AMAZING the amount of people who complained about the "element" that hung out there.
So, adios P.I.


New Member

I am officially speechless. You have gained a new low. Apparently countless first hand accounts mean nothing.

Just curious, who do you know in WDI that did not like the "seedy" elements of the place. Because everyone I know in WDI loved PI, especially the AC.

And you do know it wasn't WDI's call to close the clubs...right? That would be management's call.
Read my previous post.It is right there where the word "seedy" came from
You dont like opposing points of view do you?
You think 2 first hand accounts "account" for all that goes on there.
That makes absolutey no sense.
My 3 year old would talk like that.
I expect more of you.

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