La Fiesta de MJ


Active Member
Uponastar said:
Connor, what I was starting to tell you last night was that I googled Cars and found several sites that have trailers and film clips. There's also a site that had a page of quotes from the movie. I didn't have any luck finding the quote, but since you know the scene, you might be able to find a clip that contains it.
Didn't check the clips, but I found a quote page on imdb and it was not there.
Dot said:
EDIT: I love the clips I saw though! Funny!
Go see it.


Active Member
Hi all.

Back from a long day of babysitting my niece. She's such a cutie.
My Tarzan CD came today. :D :sohappy:

Read the thread about MJ. More prayers going their way.



Well-Known Member
Hey all. Just got off of work, and the first thing that I had to do was check for any updates on MJ. I really hope that things get better for them. I am keeping them in my prayers. Work wasn't too bad. I was down on Main Street, so there was no shade whatsoever. So anyway, I will keep checking on here for any updates, and hopefully things get better.


New Member
Original Poster
Hello and goodbye.

My family is going to dinner at a totally cool restaurant in which on of my uncles is the head chef. Cool stuff.


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