Kali River Rapids reopens.... and guess what??


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I think it's complicated. Don't you have to get a genetically matched couple through the breeding program? I don't think breeding big cats is quite as easy as breeding Mittens and Smokey either.
Mittens and Smokey??

Theoretically, two Bengals (Male and female) or two Siberians should be able to reproduce in captivity.

It just isn't as easy as in the wild.


Well-Known Member
Mittens and Smokey??

Theoretically, two Bengals (Male and female) or two Siberians should be able to reproduce in captivity.

It just isn't as easy as in the wild.
Your family kitties of course ;)

Do you have to have a genetic match in order to breed tigers? I realize Bengals are not the same as elephants, but our lady elephants had to have a genetic match bull found in order to breed. They couldn't just pick out the nearest Asian bull elephant.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Your family kitties of course ;)

Do you have to have a genetic match in order to breed tigers? I realize Bengals are not the same as elephants, but our lady elephants had to have a genetic match bull found in order to breed. They couldn't just pick out the nearest Asian bull elephant.

I'm not really sure about the genetic match stuff.....it wouldn't seem likely that they are matched up in the wild though.

Wouldn't too close of a genetic match result in small birth weight and possible birth defects?


Well-Known Member

I'm not really sure about the genetic match stuff.....it wouldn't seem likely that they are matched up in the wild though.

Wouldn't too close of a genetic match result in small birth weight and possible birth defects?

When they say match, I think they mean it differently. Like they don't come from the same line or they both have genetic dispositions for certain desirable traits etc.


Well-Known Member
Yes, i noticed the re-theming this past year when i visited....i liked the re-do on Grizzly quite a bit.
Nice to hear there are plans to add some AA animals. :)

Kali River Rapids has a theme, and quite a rich one if you are versed in Asian folklore and cultures, particularly India. I have a interest in this, so for me the queue is stunning and about 80% of the reason why i ride the few times i do. The various buildings one passes through on your way to the load area set up the story pretty well..but you have to be aware of what you are looking at. The *Black River* is touted as a place or foreboding doom...with the Tiger Temple ,murti grotto, and prayer hall being places where one can ask the gods for safe passage along the river.
The original ride concept was going to have live tigers visable from the river, and you can see many references to them in the queue and even in the elaborated carved wall right before the loading area.

The ride could have used a few more obstacles, but we all already know the story of why Kali ended up so short in length and compact in size. I find it to be a nice little diversion on a hot afternoon...but those effects from the past are indeed missed.

In all the times i have ridden, only once did i get soaked. You can usually tell who that lucky person will be by the time your raft reaches the tail end of the de-forestation scene. It is a fun game to try to guess before you reach that spot, but once your raft hits the top of the chute to begin it*s trip down you will know for sure!
I love the queue too. It's probably my favorite in WDW. I'm sure most guests have no idea the worth of some of those props.
There is always one person who gets soaked on the drop. Whoever happens to be in the seat when the raft turns that is back directly to the drop.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
When they say match, I think they mean it differently. Like they don't come from the same line or they both have genetic dispositions for certain desirable traits etc.
I'll be the first to admit that I know very little about this, but it is interesting.

Do you have first hand experience with elephant breeding?


Well-Known Member
I believe there are stats somewhere that show the majority do like to get wet on water rides. The rest are poncho wearing fannies.

On average, on Kali, I've gotten about just the right amount of wet -- enough that I know that I was on a water ride but dried quickly enough that the rest of my visit wasn't miserable.

on average.

I didn't get wet at all twice & soaked to the bone the third time.


Well-Known Member
I'll be the first to admit that I know very little about this, but it is interesting.

Do you have first hand experience with elephant breeding?

It is interesting! I don't have first-hand experience with elephant breeding, but the OKC Zoo, which is a part of the AZA Species Survival Plan breeding program for Asian elephants, recently bred its female Asian elephant Asha to a matched male in Tulsa. Reading more about it, perhaps the matching is not so complicated, but more like making sure they are not too closely related. I'm posting a link to OKC Zoo's elephant page if you're interested.


From the FAQ:

Asha and Chandra traveled to the Tulsa Zoo through a breeding recommendation from the Asian Elephant Species Survival Plan (SSP). The SSP matched our girls with Tulsa's bull elephant, Sneezy. Asha and Chandra spent time getting used to their new environment, then going on "dates" with the handsome Sneezy!


Well-Known Member
For those wondering about the fire, it's probably not coming back for this reason: anyone who's ridden in the past year notice that there is now a CM sitting up there watching the rafts just before the drop? Can't imagine the mortality rate for those in that position would be all that low if the fire was still turned on.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
For those wondering about the fire, it's probably not coming back for this reason: anyone who's ridden in the past year notice that there is now a CM sitting up there watching the rafts just before the drop? Can't imagine the mortality rate for those in that position would be all that low if the fire was still turned on.
Fireproof suits are not that expensive.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree with him you dont go on kali or popeye because you want to ride it and be dry, the point is to get soaked.
Yes, but they have to be approved through SSP. The tigers on the trek were confiscated by fish and wildlife years ago and technically are not pure breds and wouldn't be allowed to breed.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Original Poster
For those wondering about the fire, it's probably not coming back for this reason: anyone who's ridden in the past year notice that there is now a CM sitting up there watching the rafts just before the drop? Can't imagine the mortality rate for those in that position would be all that low if the fire was still turned on.
Just chuck a fireproof blanket on them.
Ask Aerial ;)

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
I think it's complicated. Don't you have to get a genetically matched couple through the breeding program? I don't think breeding big cats is quite as easy as breeding Mittens and Smokey either.
Yeah, I was kidding. The AZA keeps a whole family tree of all the animals with a SSP program and "allows" zoos to start breeding certain tigers when they see fit. Any female tigers at DAK are probably on birth control, which is a little :confused: to me.


Well-Known Member
Grizzly is the best rapids ride anywhere, and shows that Disney can do it right, and set the bar...when they want to.

Next to Grizzly, Kali is just pathetic.

Originally I would have said calling Kali "pathetic" compared to Grizzly was a bit harsh. But I've only been on Kali twice; first in 1999 when I thought it was good but seemed very short (before Grizzly opened), and then a second time around '05 when I thought it paled in comparison to Grizzly and definitely felt too short. But that was back when the fire effects worked, the lift was misty, and the other effects were working properly.

Kali was skipped on my later WDW visits mainly because DAK was being skipped entirely on my later WDW visits.

If they have now shut off most of those major effects, while minor effects work sporadically as the videos here now seem to show.... well, then yeah, Kali is now just pathetic. :(

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