Kali River Rapids reopens.... and guess what??

Zac Skellington

Well-Known Member
For those wondering about the fire, it's probably not coming back for this reason: anyone who's ridden in the past year notice that there is now a CM sitting up there watching the rafts just before the drop? Can't imagine the mortality rate for those in that position would be all that low if the fire was still turned on.

Question: Are they there to stop the ride if guests are not buckled in? If so, why can't this be achieved remotely, using a camera?


Well-Known Member
There is a camera there and they do stop the ride, but the camera isn't angled to where you can see the belts. You can only see if someone is standing, so they have to send a CM up there to verify they are seated and buckled. Problem is that it is a LONG hike up there. There's not a direct route, and it can take a good 10 minutes each way. That's a 20min downtime for each person standing. Put a CM there, the downtime goes down to about 2-3 minutes.


Well-Known Member
For those wondering about the fire, it's probably not coming back for this reason: anyone who's ridden in the past year notice that there is now a CM sitting up there watching the rafts just before the drop? Can't imagine the mortality rate for those in that position would be all that low if the fire was still turned on.

seriously? It wasn't an issue for the first 10 yrs of operation....Build the CM a tower/perch above the effects and get them working again.


Well-Known Member
There is plenty of room for CM's to walk around in the Burn Zone. Fire effects being turned off is for a different reason.

If people are standing up in any ride, then the Operations CM's are trained to stop the ride, tell the guests to sit down, then restart the ride. And sometimes the boats or ride vehicles stop in the wrong places like in between two sensors then they can't restart the ride then everyone has to be evacuated off the ride, then they move the RV or boat to the proper position and then restart the ride and that usually takes 45min to 1 hour. Then they can admit guests again, and it was all due to guests not paying attention or following the rules not because the ride "broke down". 95% of all ride stops are guest related, Maybe 4% operations CM's cause and 1% are actually parts breaking.


Well-Known Member
Really frustrated and saddened by this. I've been to AK a bunch of times (~10 I'd say) and have never ridden Kali, mainly because the kids had been too small and I always heard mixed reviews. Now I'm really dissuaded from ever experiencing this .. shame.

To give the benefit of the doubt, all maintenance decisions (or lack thereof) come down to budgeting I'm sure, not necessarily that the local or even park managers don't want to maintain the attractions - the problem is that the budgets are cut from the top so there just isn't enough to properly service the equipment. Sad really, as it just comes down to maximizing profit to shareholders and execs.

Now, I never grudge a company from going after a profit - heck, most everyone that has a job on this board hopes their company will succeed. More company profit means a bonus for me, so of course I support money-saving tactics. In this case though, when it ultimately waters down the Product, surely things must change. The problem is that attendance hasn't dropped in accordance with show quality, so the viewpoint from the top gets skewed. Again, tis a shame ..


Well-Known Member
True, fire effects are not cheap so the budget is one reason they're gone. and where the CM sits isn't exactly right in the fire, but in the summer, it's already an extremely hot position. Bring the fire back, the cast risk dehydration, heat exhaustion, smoke inhalation...it's not just the flames in and of themselves that are safety concerns, I'd imagine.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
To give the benefit of the doubt, all maintenance decisions (or lack thereof) come down to budgeting I'm sure, not necessarily that the local or even park managers don't want to maintain the attractions - the problem is that the budgets are cut from the top so there just isn't enough to properly service the equipment. Sad really, as it just comes down to maximizing profit to shareholders and execs.
But then, if the budget is slashed, why still schedule a six week refurbishment and do... hardly anything?


Think for yourselfer
True, fire effects are not cheap so the budget is one reason they're gone. and where the CM sits isn't exactly right in the fire, but in the summer, it's already an extremely hot position. Bring the fire back, the cast risk dehydration, heat exhaustion, smoke inhalation...it's not just the flames in and of themselves that are safety concerns, I'd imagine.
Come on.


Active Member
While you received a lot of flak for this, I'll rush to your defense!

WDW doesn't operate as a whole. No, DAK is operated as a seperate entity. With a vice-president solely responsible for DAK. If Michael Colglazier (DAK vice-president until last month) had closed Everest for six months in the three years he had been DAK vice-president, then indeed guests would've simply gone to the other WDW parks instead. BUT...DAK's attendance would've taken a major beating, and DAK would not have been the park that in a complete surprise move overtook DHS to become third park in Orlando - which it did under Michael Colglazier's watch. And he woudn't have been made president of the entire DL resort on account of this spectacular result.

This is why nonsense such as is the sorry state of Kali happens. The man responsible got rewarded for it. The other vice-presidents at WDW all have taken notice: TWDC promotes those who increase the numbers of their own unit, and do so in the short term. Unless you want to be the village idiot, a WDW manager knows: the good of the whole or of the long term be damned.

So was it under Michael's watch that DAK stopped evening extra magic hours? I imagine that 'attendance' is recorded as the 1st park you visit so if you get your park to offer EMHs in the AM only instead of wasting a day by having them at night, you get more guest to visit your park as their fist park of the day and you eventually get a rise in 'attendance' over a park that only offers morning hours twice a week....


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
True, fire effects are not cheap so the budget is one reason they're gone. and where the CM sits isn't exactly right in the fire, but in the summer, it's already an extremely hot position. Bring the fire back, the cast risk dehydration, heat exhaustion, smoke inhalation...it's not just the flames in and of themselves that are safety concerns, I'd imagine.
Neither is park admission.


Well-Known Member
It is actually fairly encouraging that no one is rushing to defend TDO. It seems we are getting ever closer to a general breaking point for WDW fans. There is only so many times folks will be willing to turn the other cheek, as it were. Maybe we are running out of cheeks.
Eh, give this thread some more time before assuming no nuts try will try to defend this. It was only posted today and there aren't even 100 posts yet. I'll be surprised if some of them don't eventually show up.
See, it was only a matter of time before someone came here and tried to spin their webs, and here they are. No matter how ridiculous or indefensible, it's inevitable that someone will attempt to spin it. Sad but unfortunately true.

It gives me no end of amusement when people go out of their way to try to come up with reasons justifying a corporation screwing them over as customers.
They are working a little too diligently at spinning this one......
Indeed. Trying way to hard, they're getting desperate due to the lack of any sort of valid excuses.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
See, it was only a matter of time before someone came here and tried to spin their webs, and here they are. No matter how ridiculous or indefensible, it's inevitable that someone will attempt to spin it. Sad but unfortunately true.

It gives me no end of amusement when people go out of their way to try to come up with reasons justifying a corporation screwing them over as customers.

Indeed. Trying way to hard, they're getting desperate due to the lack of any sort of valid excuses.
Why should that be?

I think it is perfectly sensible that if a new workplace is added, that any nearby open fire effects are permanently removed. Common sense, really. Call me a socialist, but I don't think a $9 an hour worker should work in hazardous conditions. We don't need Kali to be a killing machine like Primeval Whirl, which kills employees for sports at an even higher rate than that alpha male killer whale at Sea World.

I do have a hard time figuring out where the CM spot near the fire is. I don't remember seeing any there, maybe I just haven't been paying attention. I don't know if CM working conditions is really the cause, or just fan speculation. Certainly, the fire was not deemed hazardous enough not to have it near guests strapped helplessly in a floating raft.

Where's Marni? In the OP he said that the fire was never intended to come back, so perhaps he knows why?


Well-Known Member
The fire has apparently been gone for quite some time before this "new workplace" was added. I visited several years ago and the fire effect rarely functioned even at that time. I seriously doubt it was disabled to make it safer for the cast member. That also doesn't explain the other effects missing in the ride such as the mist. If you're going to disable show elements due to there legitimately being a cast member safety related reason, add new ones to compensate (liking moving the fire effect farther away).

Regardless, I do not buy that they disabled this for cast member safety at all. It's almost certainly budgeting reasons as usual. For Disney internally, it's just another excuse for them to use to provide themselves with some more money to swim around in. Unless actual insiders show up and tell us this decision was done purely for cast member safety, I'm not going to believe this removal was motivated by anything other than greed as usual.

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