Just A Little Discouraged


Well-Known Member
Guests can be challenging sometimes, but it's up to us to make sure guests are taken care of and receive a magical experience no matter what. Remember the Basics:

"I project a positive image and energy."
"I am courteous and respectful to all guests, including children."
"I stay in character and play the part."
"I go above and beyond."

The most we can do in challeging situations is to be kind and respectful and handle it as Disney as possible. It's best to remember that for every disgruntled guest there are hundereds more who are thankful for being in WDW and for the great service they receive. We're there for them. Without guests, there's no WDW.

In all my experiences, I've been lucky in that an explanation was able to solve the problem; however, I've applied to work Guest Relations at Disneyland and am beginning to wonder what I've gotten myself into...lol


Well-Known Member
I work in a call center (customer service) and if a customer is ever verbally abusive or threatens us in any way, we get our manager, who backs us up 310%. If the abuse continues, the customer's account is swiftly closed and they are told they are no longer welcome as a customer. Simple as that.
I understand Disney can't work that way, but it would be so much nicer if they could.

Why not? I firmly feel that if you display rude behavior or are caught cutting aline, you sould be ejected from the park and banned from re-entering with no refund. Let security handle it.

I think more people would respect a firm stand than the "let everyone have a good time no matter what it is they want to do" stance some managers and security seem to take. (Seem, as I have never spoken to one).

We call that system anarchy where I come from :animwink:


New Member
I think people cut in line because, quite simply, THEY CAN.

Rarely have I seen anything done about line cutting at WDW.

If the CMs would crack down on it more, fewer people would attempt it. People won't engage in behavior that they feel will cost them more than they gain. But right now, they gain alot by cutting, and there is absolutely no cost.


New Member
I have found that in everything in life, there are people that simply lack the ability to communicate effectively. All they know is abbrasiveness, harsh words, mean and snide comments and always with a scowl on their face. A Proverb says that a soft answer turns away wrath and I have seen CM's do this to no avail. Answer so softly and nicely to a beligerant, ugly guest.

ior, SOME of us have DECIDED to control it. For others, IT controls THEM.

Hang in there CM's, I'll be there in 2 weeks with my family and we will be so thank-ful you are there!:)

Wow - what about the belligerent CM? On a recent trip, we rode Dinosaur at AK. The park was going to close in about 45 mins and it was raining - so there was NO LINE at all. When we finished the ride - we noticed there was no one standing there - so the people in our car (on our left side - so we couldn't get out) with us (didn't know them) asked the CM if we could ride again. The CM simply said no and because I had read on this website that CM's have let folks re-ride when there wasn't a queue I asked "Aww, why not?" The CM mumbled something about the pictures. So we all go through the line again and the people who were in the car with us decided to open the door where the movie plays and keep walking down to the ride area. So we followed. A CM comes out and asks if we watched the movie. They told her yes and she said ok. She asked my group and we said yes - because we had watched the movie (earlier) and the reason the CM gave us was pictures - not movie. We proceed down and we are just about to board (the CM's were telling us which cars to get in) when the CM in the boarding area who gave the picture reason-gets a phone call and then starts shouting at the folks in front of me. "DID YOU WATCH THE MOVIE? DON"T LIE! TELL THE TRUTH! IT"s BEST TO TELL THE TRUTH! DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT WATCH THE MOVIE?" He didn't even give them a chance to speak as he said (yelled) that at them. When he finally stopped interrogating them - they told the truth as he demanded and said no they didn't watch the movie. He then said - then you have to go back up those stairs RIGHT NOW and watch the movie or you can't ride. (I thought he would admonish them for not watching the movie and then let them on the ride/ turn around and ask my group the same - because I didn't think he could be seriously yelling at them) I became offended because he wasn't asking - he was telling us to do as he said. I wasn't going to do anything that guy said so I politely asked him how I could exit the ride.
That was a mean CM. No customer/guest should be yelled at - we were not rude to anyone.
I know that people on this board are going to try to rip me a new one - but before you do -
1. We just wanted to re-ride the ride. Why couldn't he have let us stay in the car when we first asked? (Oh, so Disney could try to get us to buy the picture)
2. It may be smart a** - but when the 1st CM asked we didn't lie - we had seen the movie. She should have said - did you leave before the movie ended?
3. That CM had no right to yell, or even speak to us in the tone he did. We had ridden once, and knew the safety rules. We didn't cut anyone we just wanted to hurry up and re-enjoy the ride.

Only my second trip to the World - lesson learned. Won't try that stunt again - but didn't feel as if we should have been YELLED at. I would have felt better about the situation had the CM said - "You guys left the room early - I can't let you ride unless you watch the movie. You can go back that way or you can exit the ride. "


New Member
oh, i totally agree with you! one thing that really bothers me is that.. guests seem to think it's my fault if we have "technical difficulties" (usually a protein spill) and i get yelled at. Or if i let fast passers in and make the stand by... wel.. stand by for just a little bit longer. Fast passes have the priority. When you get in a stand by line, expect a longer wait.
I also can't stand when we have a protein spill, which happens every day, that we have to take them off and we give them fast passes to get right back on. But that's not good enough more than half of the time. It's all we can do! I have had people tell me i can shove it up my you-know-what.
Guests can be so rude, and they don't understand how long we work and how hard it can be to keep a smile on our face when they are in our faces yelling at us saying we ruined their vacation.
one last thing that only goes for my attraction.
Spinning or no spinning?
"well what does that mean?"
thank you very much.
good day.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The threat, or if required, the use,of physical violence, not only dissuades line jumpers, it also helps reduce inner tensions and gives a brief cardiovascular work out. Princes in exile raising the standard Drambuie Parading their anecdotes tired from old campaigns Holding their own last orders commanding attention We sit here and listen to all of the story so far.


Active Member
Wow - what about the belligerent CM? On a recent trip, we rode Dinosaur at AK. The park was going to close in about 45 mins and it was raining - so there was NO LINE at all. When we finished the ride - we noticed there was no one standing there - so the people in our car (on our left side - so we couldn't get out) with us (didn't know them) asked the CM if we could ride again. The CM simply said no and because I had read on this website that CM's have let folks re-ride when there wasn't a queue I asked "Aww, why not?" The CM mumbled something about the pictures. So we all go through the line again and the people who were in the car with us decided to open the door where the movie plays and keep walking down to the ride area. So we followed. A CM comes out and asks if we watched the movie. They told her yes and she said ok. She asked my group and we said yes - because we had watched the movie (earlier) and the reason the CM gave us was pictures - not movie. We proceed down and we are just about to board (the CM's were telling us which cars to get in) when the CM in the boarding area who gave the picture reason-gets a phone call and then starts shouting at the folks in front of me. "DID YOU WATCH THE MOVIE? DON"T LIE! TELL THE TRUTH! IT"s BEST TO TELL THE TRUTH! DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT WATCH THE MOVIE?" He didn't even give them a chance to speak as he said (yelled) that at them. When he finally stopped interrogating them - they told the truth as he demanded and said no they didn't watch the movie. He then said - then you have to go back up those stairs RIGHT NOW and watch the movie or you can't ride. (I thought he would admonish them for not watching the movie and then let them on the ride/ turn around and ask my group the same - because I didn't think he could be seriously yelling at them) I became offended because he wasn't asking - he was telling us to do as he said. I wasn't going to do anything that guy said so I politely asked him how I could exit the ride.

That CM was completely out of line. I would have exited the ride and asked another CM to call a manager to speak to. That's what the managers are supposed to be for. They're there to rectify legitimate guest complaints. The problem is when they give in to obnoxious guests and give them whatever they want because they threw a tantrum.
Not all CMs are perfect. Not all of them are particularly nice. There was an instance when I was working when I actually called my manager to report a fellow CP because he was screaming at guests for no reason. Late at night there was no line, and he was obsessed with getting them to move in and out of the boats faster and jumping up and down on the platform and yelling at them to move. When we're busy, we're supposed to politely encourage people to load and unload quickly, but screaming at a guest is NEVER acceptable. Even if they're screaming at or threatening you.


New Member
It's a "me first" world we live in. CONSIDERATION for the other person has disappeared. Don't get me wrong. There are still people who hold the door for other people, will step aside and let someone else go ahead and catchup to their family but for the most part people are out for themselves, rules don't apply and they'll "get in your face" if you question them about what they're doing!

I blame this all on the "self-esteem" movement of the late 70's and early 80's. We taught a whole generation that they were, each, individually, the most wonderful, precious, fantastical creation ever just by the fact that they exist. We did away with the concept of self-esteem being something you earn by setting goals and reaching them. Give grades? No way! You might damage the child's fragile little ego!!! Competition? Oh, never! We can't have anyone actually losing...how could they ever live with themselves.

So, now we have a generation of adults who believe that they are better than everyone else. I see it everywhere. The woman at WalMart who cut to the front of the return line because she only had one item...and why should she stand behind everyone else if SHE only had one? The guy in the yellow truck yesterday who passed me on the right at a stop sign. There was no where for him to go because there was a line of cars in front of him, but hey he was at least in front of ME. The woman at the grocery store who came barrelling around a corner with her mob of children all over the place who shot me a nasty look because I was looking at spices. I mean, how dare I??? Didn't I know how IMPORTANT she is???? I should have just circled the aisle so her little darlings didn't have to move to the right to walk around me.

I see it daily everywhere I go.

My kids are being raised in a religious home. They are looked down on for not having a big home, ostentatious vehicles, all the latest technology. They understand that our values are not the same as those of most of the people we are around every day. Does that mean we'd never pull a groaner, no. But, if we do something stupid, it's just that...we weren't thinking. There's a difference between that and purposefully acting in a rude and disrespectful manner just because doing so strokes your ego.


Wow - what about the belligerent CM? On a recent trip, we rode Dinosaur at AK. The park was going to close in about 45 mins and it was raining - so there was NO LINE at all. When we finished the ride - we noticed there was no one standing there - so the people in our car (on our left side - so we couldn't get out) with us (didn't know them) asked the CM if we could ride again. The CM simply said no and because I had read on this website that CM's have let folks re-ride when there wasn't a queue I asked "Aww, why not?" The CM mumbled something about the pictures. So we all go through the line again and the people who were in the car with us decided to open the door where the movie plays and keep walking down to the ride area. So we followed. A CM comes out and asks if we watched the movie. They told her yes and she said ok. She asked my group and we said yes - because we had watched the movie (earlier) and the reason the CM gave us was pictures - not movie. We proceed down and we are just about to board (the CM's were telling us which cars to get in) when the CM in the boarding area who gave the picture reason-gets a phone call and then starts shouting at the folks in front of me. "DID YOU WATCH THE MOVIE? DON"T LIE! TELL THE TRUTH! IT"s BEST TO TELL THE TRUTH! DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT WATCH THE MOVIE?" He didn't even give them a chance to speak as he said (yelled) that at them. When he finally stopped interrogating them - they told the truth as he demanded and said no they didn't watch the movie. He then said - then you have to go back up those stairs RIGHT NOW and watch the movie or you can't ride. (I thought he would admonish them for not watching the movie and then let them on the ride/ turn around and ask my group the same - because I didn't think he could be seriously yelling at them) I became offended because he wasn't asking - he was telling us to do as he said. I wasn't going to do anything that guy said so I politely asked him how I could exit the ride.
That was a mean CM. No customer/guest should be yelled at - we were not rude to anyone.
I know that people on this board are going to try to rip me a new one - but before you do -
1. We just wanted to re-ride the ride. Why couldn't he have let us stay in the car when we first asked? (Oh, so Disney could try to get us to buy the picture)
2. It may be smart a** - but when the 1st CM asked we didn't lie - we had seen the movie. She should have said - did you leave before the movie ended?
3. That CM had no right to yell, or even speak to us in the tone he did. We had ridden once, and knew the safety rules. We didn't cut anyone we just wanted to hurry up and re-enjoy the ride.

Only my second trip to the World - lesson learned. Won't try that stunt again - but didn't feel as if we should have been YELLED at. I would have felt better about the situation had the CM said - "You guys left the room early - I can't let you ride unless you watch the movie. You can go back that way or you can exit the ride. "

I didn't mean to imply that CM's are incapable of being out of line. They are human too. That was totally over the top. Unfortunatley I have seen more guest out of line than CM's. Actually I've yet to see a CM out of line, plenty of guest though. But again, this guy was obviosly one of those people I was talking about that simply can't communicate normally.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
My kids are being raised in a religious home. They are looked down on for not having a big home, ostentatious vehicles, all the latest technology. .

Strange choice of words from someone claiming not to be judgemental.

I like my ostentatious car with its latest technology, drowns out the GBs. :animwink:

You want to change the world you'd resigned yourself to die a broken rebel,but that was looking backward now you've found the light


Wow - what about the belligerent CM? On a recent trip, we rode Dinosaur at AK. The park was going to close in about 45 mins and it was raining - so there was NO LINE at all. When we finished the ride - we noticed there was no one standing there - so the people in our car (on our left side - so we couldn't get out) with us (didn't know them) asked the CM if we could ride again. The CM simply said no and because I had read on this website that CM's have let folks re-ride when there wasn't a queue I asked "Aww, why not?" The CM mumbled something about the pictures. So we all go through the line again and the people who were in the car with us decided to open the door where the movie plays and keep walking down to the ride area. So we followed. A CM comes out and asks if we watched the movie. They told her yes and she said ok. She asked my group and we said yes - because we had watched the movie (earlier) and the reason the CM gave us was pictures - not movie. We proceed down and we are just about to board (the CM's were telling us which cars to get in) when the CM in the boarding area who gave the picture reason-gets a phone call and then starts shouting at the folks in front of me. "DID YOU WATCH THE MOVIE? DON"T LIE! TELL THE TRUTH! IT"s BEST TO TELL THE TRUTH! DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT WATCH THE MOVIE?" He didn't even give them a chance to speak as he said (yelled) that at them. When he finally stopped interrogating them - they told the truth as he demanded and said no they didn't watch the movie. He then said - then you have to go back up those stairs RIGHT NOW and watch the movie or you can't ride. (I thought he would admonish them for not watching the movie and then let them on the ride/ turn around and ask my group the same - because I didn't think he could be seriously yelling at them) I became offended because he wasn't asking - he was telling us to do as he said. I wasn't going to do anything that guy said so I politely asked him how I could exit the ride.
That was a mean CM. No customer/guest should be yelled at - we were not rude to anyone.
I know that people on this board are going to try to rip me a new one - but before you do -
1. We just wanted to re-ride the ride. Why couldn't he have let us stay in the car when we first asked? (Oh, so Disney could try to get us to buy the picture)
2. It may be smart a** - but when the 1st CM asked we didn't lie - we had seen the movie. She should have said - did you leave before the movie ended?
3. That CM had no right to yell, or even speak to us in the tone he did. We had ridden once, and knew the safety rules. We didn't cut anyone we just wanted to hurry up and re-enjoy the ride.

Only my second trip to the World - lesson learned. Won't try that stunt again - but didn't feel as if we should have been YELLED at. I would have felt better about the situation had the CM said - "You guys left the room early - I can't let you ride unless you watch the movie. You can go back that way or you can exit the ride. "

P.S. welcome to the boards :)


Well-Known Member
Did you literally say to her that they needed to return to return to Neverland to check on the Lost Boys, because I think that might have been what set her off. :lol:

Still, I admire you for keeping the Disney magic going by saying that, and I'm sorry you had to go through that experience.

Thank you.:)

My favorite was when the mom told me that I ruined her entire vacation because her little girl didn't get to see Snow White. No lady, I didn't ruin your vacation you just didn't read your times guide! : ) Great story though about the Lost Boys and Neverland.

I used to work at Ariel's Grotto a lot (not one of my favorite locations) and every 45 minutes or so, Ariel needs to take a swim so her fins don't dry out. So, I would basically go and cut the line right before the guests would enter the grotto part and tell the guests to wait right there and that Ariel would be back in 5 minutes. Well, people would get ticked of and yell because they were tired of waiting been outside in the heat too long, whatever - even though I couldn't help the fact that Ariel was going swimming for 5 minutes. So after a few times of getting yelled at, I finally decided to sort of play a trick on the guests.

When I would go close the line, I would ask the little kid who was standing there if they could do Ariel a favor and wait for a few minutes while Ariel takes a swim. They would always nod yes and then the parents would say to me, "well how long is THAT going to take?". I replied, "Usually Ariel likes to swim for about 45 minutes or so" (that's when the shocked look always appeared on their face) "but I talked to her she said that she would cut it back to only about 5 minutes." :ROFLOL: I must say, people were a lot nicer after I told them that! LOL!!!!

Oh yeah, gotta love it when you "ruin someone's vacation" by not letting them see ____.:rolleyes:

And sorry, I hated working at Ariel's Grotto.:dazzle:


Well-Known Member
I worked Ariel's Grotto a few times two summer ago (before Entertainment took it over completely). I never liked it, because I always heard a TON of complaints about cutting the line short for Ariel's breaks. Parents were really, really nasty (while the kids were far more understanding). Makes you wonder WHO really wanted that autograph...:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I worked Ariel's Grotto a few times two summer ago (before Entertainment took it over completely). I never liked it, because I always heard a TON of complaints about cutting the line short for Ariel's breaks. Parents were really, really nasty (while the kids were far more understanding). Makes you wonder WHO really wanted that autograph...:ROFLOL:


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I worked Ariel's Grotto a few times two summer ago (before Entertainment took it over completely). I never liked it, because I always heard a TON of complaints about cutting the line short for Ariel's breaks. Parents were really, really nasty (while the kids were far more understanding). Makes you wonder WHO really wanted that autograph...:ROFLOL:

Perhaps dad was after a quick swaj of Ariels clams.
Hi Everyone,

I think all that I'm really trying to say is take time to relax and enjoy your vacation, but when I give you instructions, please follow them. I really do WANT the best for you and your family. If you are not ok with following my simple instructions, Walt Disney World may not be the right place for you to visit. Don't get me wrong, these are petty things, but really do add up after a long day. Having said ALL that. I should mention one more time that I'm proud to have the greatest job in the world. And to all the great appreciative guests who get teary eyed and genuinely happy when you walk through the gates and into our world of fantasy, I'm here for YOU. The really sad part is.....these days, you're a minority:cry:
I feel for you, OP. It is hard working with people and getting worse and worse. People can be very rude and demanding, I know this because my work is customer service. All I can say is if you enjoy your job, keep your head up and know there are some of us who aren't like that and who are fine with you CM's doing your job. I did pass out candy canes when we stayed at POP last Christmas (OK, 2006) so I hope that made those CM's feel like some of us Guest appreciate them. :wave::)


Active Member
I worked Ariel's Grotto a few times two summer ago (before Entertainment took it over completely). I never liked it, because I always heard a TON of complaints about cutting the line short for Ariel's breaks. Parents were really, really nasty (while the kids were far more understanding). Makes you wonder WHO really wanted that autograph...:ROFLOL:

Exactly. Sometimes you get a kid throwing a tantrum because they want ice cream or a souvenir or something, but it really wasn't that common in my experience. 99% of the time when we had a "height situation" where we had to call a manager in to deal with a complaint about enforcing the height restriction, the kid who was too short had already moved on and was ready to go do something else instead. It was the parents who were all bent out of shape. The kid couldn't have cared less. However, they had to stand there watching Mommy or Daddy yell at the CM and wait several minutes for the message to be relayed to a manager, for them to make their way out to the front of the attraction, and then go through the EXACT SAME explanation the CM just did. Plus the poor kid had to be measured another dozen times, just in case the kid had grown an inch in the meanwhile. This was my biggest pet peeve as a CM. We'd literally spend hours discussing it at our late night dinners after work. None of us understand the rationale behind wanting to endanger your kid just to ride a ride.


Well-Known Member
One of the BEST things I ever heard a Cast Member say was one of the guys working on the parking lot tram at the Magic Kingdom. His spiel ended with, "And for your safety, and my sanity, please stay behind the yellow line!" :ROFLOL:

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