Just A Little Discouraged


New Member
I'm not sure what you mean by this one

I think the OP was referring to a ride stopping because people took too long to get on or off.

Like when Small World or Snow White or similar rides get backed up because the load process is slow. Generally, it is dawdling guests that slow the load/unload process down. And then when the boats/cars get backed up, they grumble that the ride is "broken."

And the cutting in line thing drives me crazy! If five people are being joined by one person who went to the bathroom, I am Ok with it. But if one person is being joined by five people who went to the bathroom, I say something to them. If there are more people joining the group in line than are in the group holding the spot in line, to the end of the line with ya!

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Well I can safely say this is not a WDW thing.I have been in Retail Management for the last 20 years.I have worked for different companies in different states and I have dealt with the nicest of people and the worst sub Human forms that has ever walked this Earth.

I have gotten numb the nastiness of people.I take everything with a grain of Salt.

I make sure when I go to WDW I am very polite to others and enjoy myself.
100% agree. People take the "customers always right" slogan way to far. And part of the problem is that corporations don't have the guts to stand up to the bad people. Its been embedded in peoples minds that if they throw a fit and act like as big of a jerk as they can they will get their way. It doesn't matter how wrong the customer actually is, the corporation doesn't want a scene in their establishment so they force the employees to cave in. All this does is make people do it more. To me these type of people are some of the lowest forms of scum around. If you have ever worked in retail/service and had a customer curse you out because they didn't get their way, you know what I'm talking about. It amazes me how these type of people can look at themselves in the mirror every day. Its an embarrassment.
**gets down of soap box**


Active Member
As a guest I find line cutters to be an abomination (ok maybe a little over the top). I've had to step out of line myself (or to take a child) to hit the restroom but I did not cut my way back in to reach my group, I waited at the exit for them to find me. When we notice line cutting happening someone in our group will say "go wide" and immediately we spread out arms on hips if necessary to deter the line cutters from passing us. Childish perhaps but it tends to work.


New Member
Chaining a stroller to a hand rail? Understandable. There are people who have had their strollers stolen and are uncomfortable leaving them unlocked. We always took our second string worn strollers to WDW when the kids were little, but that is not the case for everyone. Cut these folks a little slack. They're probably pretty high strung to begin with, and seeing their chain cut by Security could easily set them off.

Sounds to me like Disney security is 'cutting these folks a little slack'... :lookaroun


I do agree with you on MOST of this and appreciate what the CMs do and their being part of the magic BUT......your statement about rides not breaking down is completely false....maybe you worded it wrong. Also we have done both, left a line with a child to go to the bathroom and not get back in or run back to the stroller for something and then duck back in. We have never posted someone in the line and then come back later when we were really ready. What I dont like though, and this has only happened a couple of times, is when a CM completely screws something up, like not processing one of my childs tickets properly, and having to get out of line at the entrance and spend 15 minutes at Guest Relations, not get the problem fixed, and then go back to that same CM at the resort and him to show no concern or remorse for the problem he caused, not even an apology. Or making us sit on a ride for 30 minutes in the 90 deg heat before they finally come and get us. The last concern that I have and I know there have been tons of posts about this but, you expect everyone to behave a certain way but allow these tour groups from South America to come and chant and sing and basically take over a ride and scare my young child. Letting kids ride their Heelies around. I understand everyone is human and mistakes happen and I try and be relaxed when I am on vacation but I also work very hard to earn the money it takes to provide my family these types of oppurtunities and do get tweaked when people dont respond to situations like this. My good experiences far outwiegh these few bad ones but they do stick with me. For those of you who are CM's on here that are doing the right thing keep up the good work, we do appreciate you, and maybe take the few bad apples under your wing and guide them. If you stand up to the problem guests and assert yourself as to what is right the masses will respect you even more for it and they will let you know it.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I'll add my agreement with the OP. Courtesy is not nearly as prevalent now as it used to be. But that's true everywhere, not just at WDW.


New Member
The sad part is that the people to whom these comments apply:
a) probably don't read this board
b) wouldn't recognize themselves if they did (which is even worse)

after working in retail (especially at the holidays) - i totally agree that you can lose all faith in humanity!


We agree

Our whole family agrees with you. There are rude and inconsiderate people in the world. We've never met a CM we didn't like.
The one that irks me is the family/group that stops half way at Muppets or It's Tough to be a Bug and won't move even for the CM. They just look around like it's someone else.


100% agree. People take the "customers always right" slogan way to far. And part of the problem is that corporations don't have the guts to stand up to the bad people. Its been embedded in peoples minds that if they throw a fit and act like as big of a jerk as they can they will get their way. It doesn't matter how wrong the customer actually is, the corporation doesn't want a scene in their establishment so they force the employees to cave in.
This was always a difficult thing to deal with. I know I had an issue once regarding two guests trying to come through the fastpass entrance with invalid fastpasses (shocker!). They decided to read the "You can get your next fastpass and xx time" and thought that was their return time, which is sadly quite common. Well I denied them entrance, and they proceeded to get in my face making all sorts of demands. Figuring it was only a matter of minutes before they were going to get physical, I offered to call a manager, which for some reason people like this love that. The manager came out, explained that the fastpasses were invalid and the fastpass process itself, and then proceeded to let them go through the fastpass line!

I understand why they do it, to not cause a scene and try to turn a bad experience into a good one, but I can't tell you how much it takes the wind out of your sails as a CM. It makes it difficult to stand up in situations like that when you know your stance will be overruled if it escalates far enough. Even worse, I'm sure the guest was really proud of themselves and thought I was quite the idiot for delaying them.


Well-Known Member
I just gotta say - points 1-6 - I TOTALLY agree with you.

Disney employ staff to uphold the "rules" of the park - Disney management MUST have the courage to support the CMs who carry out the tasks of upholding these rules ensuring EVERYONE still has a Magical Day


Well-Known Member
This was always a difficult thing to deal with. I know I had an issue once regarding two guests trying to come through the fastpass entrance with invalid fastpasses (shocker!). They decided to read the "You can get your next fastpass and xx time" and thought that was their return time, which is sadly quite common. Well I denied them entrance, and they proceeded to get in my face making all sorts of demands. Figuring it was only a matter of minutes before they were going to get physical, I offered to call a manager, which for some reason people like this love that. The manager came out, explained that the fastpasses were invalid and the fastpass process itself, and then proceeded to let them go through the fastpass line!

I understand why they do it, to not cause a scene and try to turn a bad experience into a good one, but I can't tell you how much it takes the wind out of your sails as a CM. It makes it difficult to stand up in situations like that when you know your stance will be overruled if it escalates far enough. Even worse, I'm sure the guest was really proud of themselves and thought I was quite the idiot for delaying them.

Super Nanny or Nanny 911 would call this rewarding bad behavior. It only reinforces that bad behavior and really needs to stop if we want well-behaved guests.


New Member
Hang in there have to live for all the positives that happen there.:wave:
And a huge THANK YOU for all you do to make our families vacation GREAT.:sohappy:


Active Member
This was always a difficult thing to deal with. I know I had an issue once regarding two guests trying to come through the fastpass entrance with invalid fastpasses (shocker!). They decided to read the "You can get your next fastpass and xx time" and thought that was their return time, which is sadly quite common. Well I denied them entrance, and they proceeded to get in my face making all sorts of demands. Figuring it was only a matter of minutes before they were going to get physical, I offered to call a manager, which for some reason people like this love that. The manager came out, explained that the fastpasses were invalid and the fastpass process itself, and then proceeded to let them go through the fastpass line!

I understand why they do it, to not cause a scene and try to turn a bad experience into a good one, but I can't tell you how much it takes the wind out of your sails as a CM. It makes it difficult to stand up in situations like that when you know your stance will be overruled if it escalates far enough. Even worse, I'm sure the guest was really proud of themselves and thought I was quite the idiot for delaying them.

I've read other CM's on this site complain about how hard it is to enforce some of the rules because their managers do not back them up. I've also read from some CM's that THEY have actually gotten in trouble for trying to enforce certain rules.
I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for CM's to be put in these situations.


Well-Known Member
Difficult situations really bring out a person's true character ... and you are going to get into a lot of these types of situations at Disney. Huge crowds, long lines, hot weather, high prices, etc. It really puts many people on the brink and they expect to be catered to like at no other place. It really makes me sad to see when people are so inconsiderate but it makes me feel that much better when my own patience prevails


Well-Known Member
I understand why they do it, to not cause a scene and try to turn a bad experience into a good one, but I can't tell you how much it takes the wind out of your sails as a CM. It makes it difficult to stand up in situations like that when you know your stance will be overruled if it escalates far enough. Even worse, I'm sure the guest was really proud of themselves and thought I was quite the idiot for delaying them.

Amen, I don't get why managers are so willing to fold for someone who verbally assaults/threatens a CM who was doing their job. If that happens, it should be automatic that they do nothing for them, tell them to leave, and to take it up with Guest Relations because they aren't going to deal with someone who treats their cast like that. Obviously that'll never happen, because it's best for the manager to avoid the problem with guests and alienate the cast instead. Who cares about what the CM feels like, the manager will probably only be in the area for a few months before they get rotated somewhere new and the CM's dissatisfaction with their treatment will be someone else's problem. I wonder why guest service at Disney seems to be declining? :brick:

I've got other things to say more along the lines of the original post, but I think this was enough venting for now. :lol:


New Member
I totally agree with the OP. Espacially the line cutting. We were standing outside in line in the heat. Our line was 45 minutes and first these 2 kids cut in under the ropestwo be with the group...then grandpa came ...then 2 more kids and their grandma and mom and another lady. When this happens it's like the line stands still and doesn't move. Actually its worse it's like you keep getting pushed to the back of the line. Some people are so rude and don't think of others. Not very fair.:brick:


Well-Known Member
5. Why can't you understand that Disney attractions don't "Break Down." 99% of the time it's because you took a few seconds too long to get in or out. If you can't attentively follow the process, Disney parks may not be the best place for you. Pay attention and move quickly please!

You're not suggesting that a guest unloading slowly could cause a cascading E-Stop on Space Mountain, thereby causing a 30-45 minute reset, are you? :D

If it makes you feel any better, I keep witnessing people sitting at green lights while driving.

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