Just A Little Discouraged


Active Member
I agree with the OP 100%. You people must have the patience of a saint. I couldnt do it. And thank you for making all our vacations so magical....:sohappy:


New Member
Original Poster
I suppose it would be appropriate for me to clarify a couple of things I left out in the midst of my rambling.

I have never told a guest they could not eat or drink while in line. I am not sure about other areas but we simply ask that all food and drinks be finished before boarding the ride vehicles.

There is no excuse for a CM to be rude to a guest EVER. Guests are the reason I have a job. I just wish the respect would be more mutual. Let's think for a moment, what percentage of guest complaints come from guests who follow the rules? A small one but they are the ones we can grow and become better from.

CM's appreciate the support and I understand that ranting on this board is not quite preaching to the appropriate audience. But I appreciate you guys listening.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for posting this. I can't imagine how hard this part of you job must be, and while many people think it's all happy & magic times working in Disney, you also have to deal with the general public. And that's never easy in any job.

I've noticed that when people pay money for something, they tend to act as if they can do whatever they want. They tend to act as if they're owed something more than what they purchased. In Disney, it is no different. People want their families to be the ones that everything good happens to in the park, they don't think they should have to wait in lines, they want to be able to get character dining just by walking in, etc etc etc. While many things in Disney used to be genuinely "magical", it seems to me that people are demanding it now. It's ruining Disney.

What you said about the trash also drives me nuts. Just the other day, the guy in a car in front of me in traffic threw his apple core out the window. I was so mad I wanted to hit his bumper but of course I didn't. I was also raised to always use trash cans. And come on, in Disney there's seriously a trash can every 20 feet!

I think what it comes down to is that when people spend money, people do whatever they please. It's sad that it is now that way in Disney. :(


Well-Known Member
Well I can say after 20 years of Mgt-I have ALWAYS backed my people that follow the rules.
If they follow Policy then no matter how upset the Customer or Guest was I back my people.

If it was an issue that was a grey matter area and I made the decision to falter from policy than I made the customer know that my employee did the right thing and I am bending the rule.I also let the employee know that I appreciate him or her sticking to the policy.

There is nothing worse than cramming policy down an Employee's throat then not backing them when they are abiding by it.

My policy is "the customer IS NOT always right"
Mine is"Do whatever it takes,within reason, and what makes business sense, to make our Customers loyal and to continue to earn their business."


Naturally Grumpy
You're not suggesting that a guest unloading slowly could cause a cascading E-Stop on Space Mountain, thereby causing a 30-45 minute reset, are you? :D

If it makes you feel any better, I keep witnessing people sitting at green lights while driving.

That's OK, it evens out those who can't be bothered slowing for red...:brick:


Well-Known Member
I suppose it would be appropriate for me to clarify a couple of things I left out in the midst of my rambling.

I have never told a guest they could not eat or drink while in line. I am not sure about other areas but we simply ask that all food and drinks be finished before boarding the ride vehicles.

There is no excuse for a CM to be rude to a guest EVER. Guests are the reason I have a job. I just wish the respect would be more mutual. Let's think for a moment, what percentage of guest complaints come from guests who follow the rules? A small one but they are the ones we can grow and become better from.

CM's appreciate the support and I understand that ranting on this board is not quite preaching to the appropriate audience. But I appreciate you guys listening.

You are correct.Guests do pay your paycheck,however a Guest should NEVER be Abusive physically or verbally. I would hope if they were Mgt or Security is called.
If someone is Abusive in any way to any of my people-(I have 500) in my store-the jerk is asked to leave right away.
Do not collect $200 and straight to jail.


hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
That's OK, it evens out those who can't be bothered slowing for red...:brick:

But what about those people who slow down and stop at an intersection when the light is green?!?! :brick: :dazzle:

To the OP: Thank You for putting up with the rest of us. CM's are an integral part of making Disney what it is, and the good majority of you play your roles to perfection. You definitely deserve to be paid more than minimum wage for putting up with all the paople who give you cr*p. Keep making all of our vacations such magical experiences! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
You are correct.Guests do pay your paycheck,however a Guest should NEVER be Abusive physically or verbally. I would hope if they were Mgt or Security is called.
If someone is Abusive in any way to any of my people-(I have 500) in my store-the jerk is asked to leave right away.
Do not collect $200 and straight to jail.

I work in a call center (customer service) and if a customer is ever verbally abusive or threatens us in any way, we get our manager, who backs us up 310%. If the abuse continues, the customer's account is swiftly closed and they are told they are no longer welcome as a customer. Simple as that.
I understand Disney can't work that way, but it would be so much nicer if they could.


Well-Known Member
All of that stuff makes me mad. You are going into a magical world that an amazing man created. All of the CM's are there to make your stay magical and they only show them disrespect. Wow people these days are beyond belief.


Active Member
This was always a difficult thing to deal with. I know I had an issue once regarding two guests trying to come through the fastpass entrance with invalid fastpasses (shocker!). They decided to read the "You can get your next fastpass and xx time" and thought that was their return time, which is sadly quite common. Well I denied them entrance, and they proceeded to get in my face making all sorts of demands. Figuring it was only a matter of minutes before they were going to get physical, I offered to call a manager, which for some reason people like this love that. The manager came out, explained that the fastpasses were invalid and the fastpass process itself, and then proceeded to let them go through the fastpass line!

I understand why they do it, to not cause a scene and try to turn a bad experience into a good one, but I can't tell you how much it takes the wind out of your sails as a CM. It makes it difficult to stand up in situations like that when you know your stance will be overruled if it escalates far enough. Even worse, I'm sure the guest was really proud of themselves and thought I was quite the idiot for delaying them.

I know exactly what you mean. That is the WORST feeling in the world. There was one time at work when this guy (he was huge--tall and muscular, and I'm a 5'2'' college student) was making racist comments to a Hispanic family in front of him in line. One of the family members finally came and got me from the FP Distribution center because he was being so abusive. Then he started railing about how they were cutting when I came back with the guest and tried to settle the situation. The family in line behind him was asking me to escort him out because they didn't want their kids hearing that kind of language for the next hour. He began cussing me and the Hispanic family (who also had small kids) out in English and Spanish. Eventually, he announced that he was leaving the line and would find a manager to report me to. I thought the situation had been handled and went back to my position, but he came back and started screaming at me. He was threatening to spit on me and anyone who came near him and kept stepping toward me threateningly. Eventually the CM at the train station stepped in and picked up the phone to call security. I seriously thought he was going to hit me. A security CM happened to be walking by just then, so he stepped in and talked to this guy for a while. Then my manager finally came out to talk to him. I explained what happened, and then he started screaming again and getting right in my face. You would think that after this behavior, he would be escorted from the park, but instead he and his whole family (who had not been in line with him in the first place) got escorted into the ride through the exit, skipping the entire line. I was so angry that I was literally crying. It was a good 20 minutes before I finally stopped shaking enough that I could actually put a ticket into the FP machine for a guest because of the adrenaline rush I got when he was trying to hit me. This was a CLASSIC case of obnoxious guest gets his way by making a scene. I can't even tell you how many times we CMs would get overruled by managers just because people were screaming. There were several times when they even bent the height requirement. They also like to give out "No Strings Attached" which is usually a free FP for your entire family for any ride in the park that day as a way to reward bad behavior. There are few things more frustrating than the gloating smirk on the face of a guest that has just thrown a fit until they got their way as they strut away with their free FPs.


Le Meh
Premium Member
I know exactly what you mean. That is the WORST feeling in the world. There was one time at work when this guy (he was huge--tall and muscular, and I'm a 5'2'' college student) was making racist comments to a Hispanic family in front of him in line. One of the family members finally came and got me from the FP Distribution center because he was being so abusive. Then he started railing about how they were cutting when I came back with the guest and tried to settle the situation. The family in line behind him was asking me to escort him out because they didn't want their kids hearing that kind of language for the next hour. He began cussing me and the Hispanic family (who also had small kids) out in English and Spanish. Eventually, he announced that he was leaving the line and would find a manager to report me to. I thought the situation had been handled and went back to my position, but he came back and started screaming at me. He was threatening to spit on me and anyone who came near him and kept stepping toward me threateningly. Eventually the CM at the train station stepped in and picked up the phone to call security. I seriously thought he was going to hit me. A security CM happened to be walking by just then, so he stepped in and talked to this guy for a while. Then my manager finally came out to talk to him. I explained what happened, and then he started screaming again and getting right in my face. You would think that after this behavior, he would be escorted from the park, but instead he and his whole family (who had not been in line with him in the first place) got escorted into the ride through the exit, skipping the entire line. I was so angry that I was literally crying. It was a good 20 minutes before I finally stopped shaking enough that I could actually put a ticket into the FP machine for a guest because of the adrenaline rush I got when he was trying to hit me. This was a CLASSIC case of obnoxious guest gets his way by making a scene. I can't even tell you how many times we CMs would get overruled by managers just because people were screaming. There were several times when they even bent the height requirement. They also like to give out "No Strings Attached" which is usually a free FP for your entire family for any ride in the park that day as a way to reward bad behavior. There are few things more frustrating than the gloating smirk on the face of a guest that has just thrown a fit until they got their way as they strut away with their free FPs.

So, how does management make the guests happy that get hacked off because they see an idiot getting preferential treatment? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
There are few things more frustrating than the gloating smirk on the face of a guest that has just thrown a fit until they got their way as they strut away with their free FPs.

Wow. I had no idea it was that bad. That is completely disgusting. Whoever made the decisions for those managers should be ashamed.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you mean. That is the WORST feeling in the world. There was one time at work when this guy (he was huge--tall and muscular, and I'm a 5'2'' college student) was making racist comments to a Hispanic family in front of him in line. One of the family members finally came and got me from the FP Distribution center because he was being so abusive. Then he started railing about how they were cutting when I came back with the guest and tried to settle the situation. The family in line behind him was asking me to escort him out because they didn't want their kids hearing that kind of language for the next hour. He began cussing me and the Hispanic family (who also had small kids) out in English and Spanish. Eventually, he announced that he was leaving the line and would find a manager to report me to. I thought the situation had been handled and went back to my position, but he came back and started screaming at me. He was threatening to spit on me and anyone who came near him and kept stepping toward me threateningly. Eventually the CM at the train station stepped in and picked up the phone to call security. I seriously thought he was going to hit me. A security CM happened to be walking by just then, so he stepped in and talked to this guy for a while. Then my manager finally came out to talk to him. I explained what happened, and then he started screaming again and getting right in my face. You would think that after this behavior, he would be escorted from the park, but instead he and his whole family (who had not been in line with him in the first place) got escorted into the ride through the exit, skipping the entire line. I was so angry that I was literally crying. It was a good 20 minutes before I finally stopped shaking enough that I could actually put a ticket into the FP machine for a guest because of the adrenaline rush I got when he was trying to hit me. This was a CLASSIC case of obnoxious guest gets his way by making a scene. I can't even tell you how many times we CMs would get overruled by managers just because people were screaming. There were several times when they even bent the height requirement. They also like to give out "No Strings Attached" which is usually a free FP for your entire family for any ride in the park that day as a way to reward bad behavior. There are few things more frustrating than the gloating smirk on the face of a guest that has just thrown a fit until they got their way as they strut away with their free FPs.

Wow. Un-freakin-believable. Is there not someone you can report back to about this, above that manager I mean. Rewarding someone for doing the wrong thing is NOT the way to handle a situation like that.

What happend there leaves me in shock, not to mention angry.


Well-Known Member
This is a GREAT post. You are absolutely right on all the issues you bring up. I think all of us as guests can relate to these issues and are bothered by them just as much.


New Member
One good point about Uni

I have seen line cutting in both WDW and Uni and both are handled differently by CM and what ever you call the people who work at Uni. WDW is diffenetly the ones who do not care about getting cast or the other 200+ people in line upset they just worry about the cutters having a bad experience. However at universal I saw them kick out an entire family for cutting then when I exited the ride I saw them being taken to the front gate by security. Just an observation.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you mean. That is the WORST feeling in the world. There was one time at work when this guy (he was huge--tall and muscular, and I'm a 5'2'' college student) was making racist comments to a Hispanic family in front of him in line. One of the family members finally came and got me from the FP Distribution center because he was being so abusive. Then he started railing about how they were cutting when I came back with the guest and tried to settle the situation. The family in line behind him was asking me to escort him out because they didn't want their kids hearing that kind of language for the next hour. He began cussing me and the Hispanic family (who also had small kids) out in English and Spanish. Eventually, he announced that he was leaving the line and would find a manager to report me to. I thought the situation had been handled and went back to my position, but he came back and started screaming at me. He was threatening to spit on me and anyone who came near him and kept stepping toward me threateningly. Eventually the CM at the train station stepped in and picked up the phone to call security. I seriously thought he was going to hit me. A security CM happened to be walking by just then, so he stepped in and talked to this guy for a while. Then my manager finally came out to talk to him. I explained what happened, and then he started screaming again and getting right in my face. You would think that after this behavior, he would be escorted from the park, but instead he and his whole family (who had not been in line with him in the first place) got escorted into the ride through the exit, skipping the entire line. I was so angry that I was literally crying. It was a good 20 minutes before I finally stopped shaking enough that I could actually put a ticket into the FP machine for a guest because of the adrenaline rush I got when he was trying to hit me. This was a CLASSIC case of obnoxious guest gets his way by making a scene. I can't even tell you how many times we CMs would get overruled by managers just because people were screaming. There were several times when they even bent the height requirement. They also like to give out "No Strings Attached" which is usually a free FP for your entire family for any ride in the park that day as a way to reward bad behavior. There are few things more frustrating than the gloating smirk on the face of a guest that has just thrown a fit until they got their way as they strut away with their free FPs.

I am sorry that happened to you. I am even more sorry that you work for a Spineless Manager as well.
Again I will say this again...There is never an excuse to be verbally or physically abusive to anyone. He should have been taken out of line and spoken to privately even away from his family.He should have been told that if he EVER acts this way again he will be taken out of the park.He should then be asked if HE wants to to be reason his family has to leave their great time at WDW.


Well-Known Member
.....There are few things more frustrating than the gloating smirk on the face of a guest that has just thrown a fit until they got their way as they strut away with their free FPs.

Wow, redwingchik, this story is totally disturbing to me. The thought that comes to my mind is: What would Walt have felt about this or what would he have done? I can honestly say, I don't think his feelings or actions would have been anywhere even remotely close to how this situation was resolved. This is the problem with Disney today vs. the ideals/standards on which these parks were originally based. They've just gotten so far from where the magic began. Do I think change is good, yeah. But not when it is enabling the continued deterioration of society as a whole. If Disney is going to hold themselves to higher standards than that should be consistant. Lack of consistancy will only ever bring distrust and dishonor. Some of us really do need to make the powers-that-be aware that this sort of appeasing the dirt-bags isn't acceptable to us, that we find it disturbing. Ya know, for every scumbag they eject from the parks for beligerant behavior there will be a dozen onlooking families who are grateful. You lose the business of 1 but retain the business of 12. Hello. Economics at work! Plus, it maintains a better all-around atmosphere the way it was originally intended.

Okay...getting off the soapbox now....LOL!


Well-Known Member
4. When you chain your stroller to a hand rail, and I call security to cut the chain, How am I an A**Hole?

Oooh!!! Oooh!!! That actually HAPPENED to me two summers ago when I worked in Fantasyland. I didn't even get as far as calling Security - the guy who padlocked his stroller to a fence started screaming four-letter words at me as soon as I said in the world's most respectful (I swear!) tones, "Sir, next time, please park your stroller in..." When he paused for breath, I asked him if he'd like to speak to my manager. "I sure would, you #!*#ing !#*!" he replied.

My MANAGER called Security. :ROFLOL:

*points to sig* :lol:

But it's true... :shrug: You gotta give as much (or more) as you take.

Cut to about 1:15 here :ROFLOL: :lookaroun


Good one! :lol:
Hi Everyone,

And to all the great appreciative guests who get teary eyed and genuinely happy when you walk through the gates and into our world of fantasy, I'm here for YOU. The really sad part is.....these days, you're a minority:cry:

Don't be discouraged--I am one of those "teary eyed guests" and just returned from yet another magical time at Disney. Our family appreciates all you and everyone at Disney more than you could ever know!! Thank you for all you do!! :wave:

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