ok gang,
Ya gotta give it a little time, this is new for us, new for everyone, ..there are more puns, but a lot of the skips are still getting things Down, we have had over 100 skippers that had to learn this and we were given minimal time for training time and I mean minimal, about 3 hours each, including boat time, then the spiel was taken away and we had to try and recall what we learned, today, with live crews. The skipper that was featured in the video was doing the for the very first time live, better yet , she was the first one to do it, personally, she's a great skipper and once she's got this all smoothed and flowing, you will love her version!. You all caught the very first Jingle Cruise.
Now about the decor...again, as already stated in an earlier post, the general idea of this, at least the way I interpret it, is that we skippers were home sick for the holidays to spend it with our extended families, so in order to make things a little more "homey" we grabbed things we could find to Spruce up, err.... no pun intended there, yeah, spruce the place up...it's not like we have a lot of money to spend and it is decorated to show this! lol, so five and dime store bobbles, trinkets and decorations is all we could afford, and check out those boxer shorts on the Icicle Irma...those are real unused boxer shorts from 1940 specifically bought for the occasion...no i didn't buy them
Will...Aka Skipper Babs