Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Don't get me wrong, a true track replacement may have occured, but I doubt it. This "track replacement" probably goes along with something I had mentioned in a previous post: new wheel bogies for the trains. I think what we are looking at here is the replacement of all the track rail supports along the track. It is easier to illustrate so here is my crude drawing.
The "new" approach is more in line with modern roller coaster track and allows true up-stop wheels instead of the angled ones on the old wheel assemblies. Theoretically this could allow a tighter tolerance for the wheels on the track giving a "smoother" ride since there could be less play in the up-stops. It may not be the case with SM so time will tell...
Interesting. However to do this would require completely severing the track from the main super structure then rewelding new supports at a different angle. Why not replace the track at the same time? :shrug:
Time will tell.