Journey Into Imagination 2007

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Boardwalk Joe's

New Member
wannab@dis said:
My posts have been completely above the line. If you (or someone else) don't like them, follow your own advice and ignore them.


Yeah, but you strayed away from the topic. Since this is a two man show why dont you take it to private messages?... or do you WANT everyone to see you arguing?



Well-Known Member
Read my posts again... it's totally on topic.

There's nothing out there that substantiates his claims for all the changes. He's getting everyone's hopes up with these wild claims. I hope it happens, but I think people need to calm down and understand that nothing has been confirmed.


New Member
I've just read through this entire thread...which the title suggested a discussion around rumours around JIYI.

Instead, I find a conflict that could be covered on CNN. I see three rather ignorant people sniping at each other, and I'm not alone. There have been constant request to STFU politely, but any chance to snipe...

It's very unlikely that any of you have perfect information from WDI. The creativity process at WDI is well-known and documented to be one big non-stop Blue Sky session. Ideas arise, and go forward, backward and often sideways. Only a handful of people in any organization are ever fully aware of all of the projects being undertaken - the larger the company, the more accurate that statement is. The ability to have perfect information implies a connection with the most senior and/or strategic people in WDI - people who would never give away such strategic info.

Perhaps you know an inside source willing to jeopardize their position by revealing secrets - this is believable because there are people who either don't think into the future, or thought that this info wouldn't end up on a Disney board...although the idea of revealing another department's secret is intriguing.

Rationally, think about how much in advance we've been told about rehabs, refurbs and new attractions. The marketers at TWDC use this information to gauge reaction and support a possible retraction of the project...not to mention drive hype.

Dang - that took more than I wanted...

My thoughts re: JIYI...and it's a flattery comment - can you imagine a JIYI but using Spiderman technology? Now that would be awesome...

Lewis Carroll

Account Suspended
DisneyDragon said:
My thoughts re: JIYI...and it's a flattery comment - can you imagine a JIYI but using Spiderman technology? Now that would be awesome...

hmm...the thing is most of the rides coming out now adays from disney are too focused on projection technology and video footage (mission:space, soarin, finding nemo, monsters inc, midway mania according to rumors, not to mention the davy jones projection in pirates). I would like to see a new disney that has alot of audio animatronics and Live special effects like smoke, explosions, etc. I would like to see new technology used in an imagination ride that we cant even think of.

Basically what im getting at is I dont want another disney ride where you just ride around a bunch of video projections.


Well-Known Member
but if those projections were done correctly (Think Spiderman at IOA) with a good story line, new effects, music and themeing. Think how good it could really be.

However, will all the BS and levels of red tape around the place these days, I really doubt it could be done correctly anymore.


Well-Known Member
Lewis Carroll said:
I would like to see a new disney that has alot of audio animatronics and Live special effects like smoke, explosions, etc.

That's already been done many times and people were getting bored with it. Hence, the new attractions that are more interactive, easier to update and that are getting good reviews.


Active Member
Lewis Carroll said:
hmm...the thing is most of the rides coming out now adays from disney are too focused on projection technology and video footage (mission:space, soarin, finding nemo, monsters inc, midway mania according to rumors, not to mention the davy jones projection in pirates). I would like to see a new disney that has alot of audio animatronics and Live special effects like smoke, explosions, etc. I would like to see new technology used in an imagination ride that we cant even think of.

Basically what im getting at is I dont want another disney ride where you just ride around a bunch of video projections.

While I would enjoy a return to mass animatronic usage in rides like it used to be at Epcot, the age of AA's at Disney is coming to an end. Disney is keeping its rides that use them already (and sometimes updating them) but not many new rides feature more than one or two animatronics (if any). Lets face it, AA's are very expensive and aren't the easiest things to maintain when they run for a full day. The thing is, that lately, the rides being built have a main plot and its full run only focuses on that main plot. In classic attractions like any of the Omni-movers at Epcot (except the Seacabs) you could always see something new when you rode the attraction (not really new but new to the rider). Rides like Horizons and JII were filled with so much to visually intake that it was impossible to see it all in one ride-thru. Nowadays, with rides like Test Track and Mission Space, the only extra things you can look for are the small tributes to the previous placeholders and an occasional hidden mickey. Disney has changed its philosophy on detail and expense, both play a role in how attractions are made in this day and age.

Everest is actually the only exception at the moment, but that is because Joe Rohde made it his pet project (being that Animal Kingdom is also his park).


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
That's already been done many times and people were getting bored with it. Hence, the new attractions that are more interactive, easier to update and that are getting good reviews.

Are you saying that you don't want Disney to use animatronics in new attractions? I really think we've had about enough simulators and projection-based rides.

Don't get me wrong... I love Soarin' and Mission Space, but enough is enough. I also enjoy the slower paced, animatronic, special effect filled rides that were common in Epcot's past. I don't think everyone in society is so dumb that they would actually get bored with newer animatronic rides using the latest technology and the latest special effects.

I would really be upset if all Disney turns out from now on is attractions based on simulators and projections that are "easily changed." I don't think Disney has to bow to every whim of the supposed consumer group. Disney has been a trendsetter in the past, and they need to continue to do so. Also, the public as a whole usually doesn't even know what it wants. Take American Idol as the best example of this trend. People vote for the winner and then buy the CD's of the runner up. (Ruben vs. Clay).

I'm not trying to get completely off the subject here, but my point is that the public does not really know what it wants anyway, so to say that these new rides are getting "good reviews" doesn't mean that they should just be content and keep producing them. They need to keep innovating and keep showing people new things. Disney needs to show the public what it wants.


Well-Known Member
jedimaster1227 said:
While I would enjoy a return to mass animatronic usage in rides like it used to be at Epcot, the age of AA's at Disney is coming to an end. Disney is keeping its rides that use them already (and sometimes updating them) but not many new rides feature more than one or two animatronics (if any). Lets face it, AA's are very expensive and aren't the easiest things to maintain when they run for a full day. The thing is, that lately, the rides being built have a main plot and its full run only focuses on that main plot. In classic attractions like any of the Omni-movers at Epcot (except the Seacabs) you could always see something new when you rode the attraction (not really new but new to the rider). Rides like Horizons and JII were filled with so much to visually intake that it was impossible to see it all in one ride-thru. Nowadays, with rides like Test Track and Mission Space, the only extra things you can look for are the small tributes to the previous placeholders and an occasional hidden mickey. Disney has changed its philosophy on detail and expense, both play a role in how attractions are made in this day and age.

Everest is actually the only exception at the moment, but that is because Joe Rohde made it his pet project (being that Animal Kingdom is also his park).

Excellent points. I was just watching Martin's excellent Horizons Tribute last night, and it was amazing how many camera angles it takes to try to catch every detail. I was amazed that there were still things that I saw in the video that I don't even remember seeing in the ride. The details on those older attractions were amazing.

Those are the type of attractions that I'd like to see... attractions where every ride-through yields new and exciting things to see. Unlike the present Imagination ride, I'd like to see rides that use every square inch of available space.


Active Member
nelsonj3 said:
Excellent points. I was just watching Martin's excellent Horizons Tribute last night, and it was amazing how many camera angles it takes to try to catch every detail. I was amazed that there were still things that I saw in the video that I don't even remember seeing in the ride. The details on those older attractions were amazing.

Those are the type of attractions that I'd like to see... attractions where every ride-through yields new and exciting things to see. Unlike the present Imagination ride, I'd like to see rides that use every square inch of available space.

Disney is stuck on the mind set of modular/upgradable attractions at the moment. It was explained to me last week by a friend of mine that works at Disney R&D that Midway Mania will be modular, leaving the possibility open for easy removal and restoration of the studio sets if needed. That is the only reason that they haven't been filled with major attractions; Disney is only putting attractions that could be easily removed if Florida became a hotspot again for film studios (At the moment it isn't-hence Universal Studios Florida closing their studios and ceasing productions on property).

You will see that in future attractions at any of the parks, rides will be very much built in a "cut and paste" manner. This will be the evidence of the modular systems. The reason you are hearing about how each room will be lead by a different character (rumored to be Toy Story characters) is because of the modular system used in the ride.

Lewis Carroll

Account Suspended
jedimaster1227 said:
Disney is stuck on the mind set of modular/upgradable attractions at the moment. It was explained to me last week by a friend of mine that works at Disney R&D that Midway Mania will be modular, leaving the possibility open for easy removal and restoration of the studio sets if needed. That is the only reason that they haven't been filled with major attractions; Disney is only putting attractions that could be easily removed if Florida became a hotspot again for film studios (At the moment it isn't-hence Universal Studios Florida closing their studios and ceasing productions on property).

You will see that in future attractions at any of the parks, rides will be very much built in a "cut and paste" manner. This will be the evidence of the modular systems. The reason you are hearing about how each room will be lead by a different character (rumored to be Toy Story characters) is because of the modular system used in the ride.

So I guess we wont be seeing anything on the calibur of Splash Mountain, Tower of Terror, or Indiana Jones anytime soon..:(


Well-Known Member
you know, with all this talk of an Imagination redo and Epcot's 25th, there hasn't been much said about how the skyline at another park might change...


Active Member
juan said:
you know, with all this talk of an Imagination redo and Epcot's 25th, there hasn't been much said about how the skyline at another park might change...

That's a good one! :lol:

That will happen right after they bring back Horizons... :lol:


New Member
Let me open by thanking those of you who know what a cease-fire is...

LC makes a good point - as much as we love AAs, projection technology is much easier and cheaper to develop and maintain. However, I would never count AAs's a competitive advantage that Disney has, and few companies willingly give that up, especially when there are hordes of MBAs running around in there. On a cost-basis, yep, expect projection technology in the majority (especially with the huge advances in photo realism), but AAs are true 4-dimensional and have a material impact on the audience.

As for the cost impact vs. WWWD? issue, blame the stock markets. A CEO has 12-18 months maximum to resolve a financial or operational issue, as long as there isn't an insitutuion backin that CEO. As for projects, getting a greenlight for something with a payback of more than one year...good luck. Analysts will have nothing to do with that stock. Don't get me wrong - I have an MBA in Finance - but Walt's view of the world doesn't hold with instituional least without a super-charismatic leader at the helm.

What I was referring to when it comes to a 'spiderman'-like attraction was the synthesis of 3-D projection and AA technology. Besides the 3-D people, there are pieces of the Statue of Liberty floating around, fireballs exploding in the attraction, etc - which culminates in one of the most believable motion mind-funks to present. Take WDI ingenuity - start playing with holograms and more tactical effects (sub-harmonics, air and humidity changes, more olfactory effects) - and keep interactivity going (and not just guns...) are talking some serious attractions here.
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