Uh huh. When were the E-tickets announced and construction started? That's not "plowing" cash in, that's very reluctantly admitting you have a crisis that needs to be addressed, doing as little as possible to solve it, and dragging out the implementation of the solution over nearly a decade to defray costs. And what's coming after those attractions? Where's the big list of upgrades Disney is "plowing" money into in the near future? Disney has become so terrified of capital expenditures in the parks its essentially beyond parody.
And as a side note, to those in this thread who seem to be demonstrating a blind faith in the wisdom of corporate boards and Wall Street, streaming is a beautiful example of why that's a bad idea. The "streaming revolution" was, undoubtedly, a change that needed to be addressed and accommodated, but instead of doing so rationally, almost the entire business community went absolutely insane, wildly overestimating its promise and setting absurdly unrealistic goals while discarding a century of experience in how people consume entertainment. It was an absolute mania that deserves mockery and derision. Now Netflix is sinking rapidly, an abhorrent idiot is tearing Warner Bros, HBO, and DC to shreds, and a bunch of smaller wannabes are desperately floundering with no clear path forward. Disney has actually approached streaming with the most intelligence and logic of any media company, and they MIGHT stop losing billions of dollars a quarter on Disney Plus in a few years.