jim hill gets kicked out?


New Member
Well, I don't know if I am going to continue on this thread, you don't seem to be too quick wannab. And I am not trying to be rude or mean to you, just seem a bit slow, or at least you are bad at interpreting what people write.
I do not think we have met before, but I don't have a clue who you are so I have no idea. And since this is my first time on this forum, I know I haven't posted anything like this before.
As for the elitist comment, someone said something about Jim Hill being an elitist and I thought it was you, but it wasn't. But I still felt like the way you talk back on here makes you sound like you are somewhat of an elitist. That is just my take, and that is only from reading this thread itself, never seen you or read anything else you have written, so you could be the nicest guy in the world for all I know. Maybe you just have a grudge held very strongly against Jim Hill for some very wierd reason.
And again, about the 1st amendment thing, you really don't read well, sorry to say. You very much turned what I said, or at least interpreted something completely different out of it. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
n8patrick said:
I am not trying to be rude or mean to you
n8patrick said:
...you don't seem to be too quick wannab
...just seem a bit slow
...you are bad at interpreting what people write

are you sure? hmm... looks like it to me.

n8patrick said:
As for the elitist comment, someone said something about Jim Hill being an elitist and I thought it was you, but it wasn't.
your right... I didn't say it....

n8patrick said:
But I still felt like the way you talk back on here makes you sound like you are somewhat of an elitist. That is just my take, and that is only from reading this thread itself, never seen you or read anything else you have written, so you could be the nicest guy in the world for all I know.
I hate to hear that, because I am a nice guy.

n8patrick said:
Maybe you just have a grudge held very strongly against Jim Hill for some very wierd reason.
Nope... no grudge

n8patrick said:
And again, about the 1st amendment thing, you really don't read well, sorry to say. You very much turned what I said, or at least interpreted something completely different out of it. Oh well.
Well, to be honest, I had a hard time reading your post... maybe that attributed to the incorrect interpretation.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Quite honestly I’m with mkt on this one I think it is hilarious but bottom line he was conducting an unauthorized tour on Disney property and the information he was giving out could easily be construed as damaging to Disney. Not to mention a guest complained about it. Disney had every right to kick him out revoke his passes and have him arrested. As for the first amendment thing I took it as humor but it is very easy to see how someone else would take it serious. A big problem with the written word is that sarcasm doesn’t really come across all that well. Some people get trapped by that but others use it to their advantage. If someone brings up that it was wrong to say that they always respond with “that was sarcasm” when in fact they were being serious. If I had to guess I would think JH is hiding behind the “it was sarcasm ploy”. I can pretty much guarantee id JH was arrested his lawyer would have pulled out the first amendment card.


Well-Known Member
Master Yoda said:
Quite honestly I’m with mkt on this one I think it is hilarious but bottom line he was conducting an unauthorized tour on Disney property and the information he was giving out could easily be construed as damaging to Disney. Not to mention a guest complained about it. Disney had every right to kick him out revoke his passes and have him arrested.
Very well put Yoda! I couldn't agree more. I'm surprised Disney let the tours go on for as long as they did. You can't tell me they didn't know Jim Hill was conducting tours. I guess they really couldn't do anything about it until guests complained about it. And Cory, I have to admit that I haven't always been your biggest fan, but I really admire the way you've replied in this thread and helped to clarify things. Thanks!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Disney was waiting for a guest to complain. As I believe Cory or JH pointed out these types of unauthorized tours go on all the time and Disney leaves it alone but if you are bad mouthing the place you have to expect them to act.


New Member
Master Yoda said:
It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Disney was waiting for a guest to complain. As I believe Cory or JH pointed out these types of unauthorized tours go on all the time and Disney leaves it alone but if you are bad mouthing the place you have to expect them to act.

Master Yoda correct is.
These tours have been going on for years.
David Koenig over at MousePlanet has one coming up soon. Not to mention events like MouseAdventure and other such scavenger hunts.
I would expect that the fallout from this event may see the induction of a policy about unauthorized events like Jim's tours or scavenger hunts.


Naturally Grumpy
While I don't necessarily agree with JH on a lot of his issues, lets not overdo this here. First, after reading the article twice, I didn't get that he got "kicked out". My understanding that he was given a cease and desist on the tour, and if he ignored that he would be removed, so he could have spent the rest of the day in the park.

Secondly, while I will be wishy washy on whether people should be allowed to present paid tours on private property, I know it has been done for years. It was not so much him doing the tour, (whatever the content), but rather that people complained. Someone pointed out that Disney may just have been looking for an excuse....well they got it. After all, we here and JH hold Disney to task to properly respond to complaints, don't we?

I think we should all rep up Cory for spending time with us here, in rather hostile camp. I find his comments and perspective quite interesting. As I continue to read JH for the information he does provide, as many of us do, whether we agree with some of his editorials or style is somewhat beside the point. For the most part we are on the same side.


Well-Known Member
ClemsonTigger said:
For the most part we are on the same side.

Are you sure about that?

Cory has already admitted that 50% of their articles are tabloid. Another portion was "historically based" articles. Well, tabloids are meant to make money, not contribute to a fan base. The other articles always seem to be either knocking Disney or reporting a fact that may not be true. (Or attempting to write a fact so it can go both ways!)

Now, I don't see WDWMagic in this light. If someone posts a rumor, they are expected to make it known as a rumor or back it up with facts! Also, we're fans. We're not attempting to make money off things we write about Disney. I'm not sure we are on the same side as JHM.


New Member
wannab@dis said:
Are you sure about that?

Cory has already admitted that 50% of their articles are tabloid.

Uhh..no. I said that 50% are articles that YOU would classify as tabloid stuff. I do not classify them that way.


New Member
wannab@dis said:
Well, tabloids are meant to make money, not contribute to a fan base.

Also, we're fans. We're not attempting to make money off things we write about Disney.

If you think Jim or I are making a living off that site, you've got another thing coming.


New Member
First off, I will admit that I've never been a big fan of Jim. Some of his articles are interesting, yes, but I've never felt like I could put much stock in them.

I agree that Disneyland is well within their rights on the matter. He was on private property. When such an issue is interfering with DL's own tours, and confusing guests, it becomes a big issue.

This story honestly comes as no surprise to me. He's been fairly negative on the company in the past, and being as high-profile as he is, that will make enemies in high places.


Well-Known Member
CoryMitchell said:
Uhh..no. I said that 50% are articles that YOU would classify as tabloid stuff. I do not classify them that way.

:veryconfu How would you know which ones I would classify as tabloid if you didn't already think they MIGHT match a tabloid definition?


Well-Known Member
CoryMitchell said:
If you think Jim or I are making a living off that site, you've got another thing coming.

Ahhh... but I didn't say you were making a LIVING... I said you were attempting to make money. Big difference!


New Member
wannab@dis said:
Ahhh... but I didn't say you were making a LIVING... I said you were attempting to make money. Big difference!

I don't consider myself any less of a Disney fan than you or anyone else here just because I would like to use my talents and Jim's to make some money.
I would like to think that we are on the same side. But I guess you don't see it that way.


Well-Known Member
Jim Hill....Not a fan of his. The negative comments are bad enough. I am personally GLAD they are finally cracking down on some of the unauthorized tours. When I go to Disney, I want to take the tours THEY offer. I want to immerse myself in Disney Lore from the Disney folks. Don't get me wrong, I have David Koenigs books, and I dont live in a Disney colored world. AND if anyone had reasonable cause to have negative attitude its me, but I choose not to!
My biggest problem with JHM, is the fact that one of our local television stations did a story on DLR, and used JHM as their source, NOT the Disney company....
Cory, you seem to be a nice enough person, but I would rather stick to positive stuff....


Well-Known Member
CoryMitchell said:
I don't consider myself any less of a Disney fan than you or anyone else here just because I would like to use my talents and Jim's to make some money.
I would like to think that we are on the same side. But I guess you don't see it that way.

Maybe at one time, it could have been that way. In my eyes, you guys lost your way. Granted, some articles appear to be written from a fan's view, but as a whole, I don't see it that way.


New Member
wannab@dis said:
:veryconfu How would you know which ones I would classify as tabloid if you didn't already think they MIGHT match a tabloid definition?

I'm confused now too.
I know there are certain articles that you deem as "tabloid" material. I assume that those are the articles that involve news/rumors and not history. What I was saying was that only half of what Jim writes is actuial new or rumor based. But, I don't consider Jim's new articles to be tabloid fodder. No more than any other site you might read that occassionally informs their readers of rumors that are going around. Be it MiceAge,WDWMagic, or any other site you'd care to name.


New Member
Tigggrl said:
Cory, you seem to be a nice enough person, but I would rather stick to positive stuff....

Unfortunately, we don't live in an all positive world. So, when something happens that we view as negative, we will probably portray it that way.


New Member
wannab@dis said:
Maybe at one time, it could have been that way. In my eyes, you guys lost your way. Granted, some articles appear to be written from a fan's view, but as a whole, I don't see it that way.

Could you elaborate on the comment "lost our way"?

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