Active Member
If you really want to know what happened, here it is:
Some three women had tickets to a DL tour like "Walk in Walt's Footsteps", but due to the chaos of refurbs in Main Street, they couldn't find the guided tours area (which is actually pretty easy to find since that's where you GET YOUR TICKETS!) and probably stumbled upon near the hub and Sleeping Beauty Castle where Jim starts his tours. Foolish, and on time seeing a tour group being led, they join the tour. After hearing the tour, and not going backstage like they were promised (JH's tours do not go backstage, btw [you should know that though]), they complain to City Hall about false advertising. Suddenly, somebody at the Hall thinks about it..."somebody is leading charged tours on OUR property while we have tours to offer ourselves? That's losing business!" Security is informed, and twenty minutes into the tour, they drag Jim Hill off and shove him out of the park.
My source? Myself. Was I there? Nope. Haven't been to DL in at least three months. How do I know then? Come on, this is the LOGICAL answer. Nothing Jim Hill says is negative about DL really. It's all about history. And if they heard negative things, why on earth would this three fish-out-of-water women CARE?! Do they WORK for the company? Or are they the "gee, that should be reported!" kind of girls! Listen, they were on the wrong tour, but they thought they were on the right one, and didn't get the experience they were promised. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to think about what happens next.
The question remains, too bad Cory isn't here still, because I really, really want this answered: Is Jim Hill actually banned from Disneyland? I never got that...or is he just banned from doing tours on property ever again? Because if Jim is not allowed on Disney property...hmmm...
Another thing: What do you all have aganist JH anyways? Is it really because he said a few hurtful things about your "God" General Grizz? (though I do have to side with Grizz about WoL because of CC in danger!) Or is it because he posted a few false stories? Compare his track record with Al Lutz track record. And then compared both of theirs to YOUR track record and everybody else on a Disney theme park message board. The difference? They know insiders, you don't. So don't diss them. They get a few things wrong, who cares? Just because you didn't know about the things they got right doesn't mean you haven't to banish them for the things they got wrong. Come on, everybody makes mistakes, and everybody has opinons. Get used to it...
(I have a feeling somebody's gonna pick at this post quote by quote)...
Some three women had tickets to a DL tour like "Walk in Walt's Footsteps", but due to the chaos of refurbs in Main Street, they couldn't find the guided tours area (which is actually pretty easy to find since that's where you GET YOUR TICKETS!) and probably stumbled upon near the hub and Sleeping Beauty Castle where Jim starts his tours. Foolish, and on time seeing a tour group being led, they join the tour. After hearing the tour, and not going backstage like they were promised (JH's tours do not go backstage, btw [you should know that though]), they complain to City Hall about false advertising. Suddenly, somebody at the Hall thinks about it..."somebody is leading charged tours on OUR property while we have tours to offer ourselves? That's losing business!" Security is informed, and twenty minutes into the tour, they drag Jim Hill off and shove him out of the park.
My source? Myself. Was I there? Nope. Haven't been to DL in at least three months. How do I know then? Come on, this is the LOGICAL answer. Nothing Jim Hill says is negative about DL really. It's all about history. And if they heard negative things, why on earth would this three fish-out-of-water women CARE?! Do they WORK for the company? Or are they the "gee, that should be reported!" kind of girls! Listen, they were on the wrong tour, but they thought they were on the right one, and didn't get the experience they were promised. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to think about what happens next.
The question remains, too bad Cory isn't here still, because I really, really want this answered: Is Jim Hill actually banned from Disneyland? I never got that...or is he just banned from doing tours on property ever again? Because if Jim is not allowed on Disney property...hmmm...
Another thing: What do you all have aganist JH anyways? Is it really because he said a few hurtful things about your "God" General Grizz? (though I do have to side with Grizz about WoL because of CC in danger!) Or is it because he posted a few false stories? Compare his track record with Al Lutz track record. And then compared both of theirs to YOUR track record and everybody else on a Disney theme park message board. The difference? They know insiders, you don't. So don't diss them. They get a few things wrong, who cares? Just because you didn't know about the things they got right doesn't mean you haven't to banish them for the things they got wrong. Come on, everybody makes mistakes, and everybody has opinons. Get used to it...
(I have a feeling somebody's gonna pick at this post quote by quote)...