**It's UNOFFICIAL** The '13 Unofficial WDWMagic Girls Cruise!


Well-Known Member
I vote some sort of Dream Girls, too! Awesome-sauce!

I'm thinking we should get us a logo together (talented digital scrappers, hi!) then set it up privately on Cafe Press or Zazzle or somewhere like that. We can email out invites to the private logo spot so participants can go online and order whatever style & size of shirt they want like sleeve length, fitted or not, etc. Also people can order visors, coozies, plastic cups, totes, whatever they want. It might be easiest that way, huh? I definitely think a logo shirt with my username across it either on back or front will be a must for me!

I totally loved your ideas for a name! Don't get me wrong! I sooooo do! I think we were overthinking this thing before so your suggestions really are the best to date. Love the simplicity! When all this was in the earliest stages I talked to Mr. Steve about it since its his site & all. I totally can understand him wanting a clear line drawn so our self-organized bunch o'wild women aren't tied to his 'baby'. Kinda like Disney not wanting to chance guests representing their brand by taking pics with other guests during MNSSHP. Maybe if we do it up right we can revisit maybe just the shirt logo thing with Steve because it could be great exposure in a prime audience. We might hafta promise to behave like ladies, tho. I'm fully confident in y'all.....it's me I worry about there! Lol! Maybe we can use "The unOfficial WDWMagic Dream Girls - 2013". Hhmmmm..... You really nailed Dream Girls!!! I love that!

I actually have a Cafe Press store already. Nothing is in it, but I have the account set up. So, if need be, we could use mine.

Thanks, I was just thinking of random stuff last night. But when I thought of Dream Girls, I have this image of a Minnie head in black, but with a big sequined bow on her head. And it just stuck, now I want a shirt like that. :lol:


Active Member
I actually have a Cafe Press store already. Nothing is in it, but I have the account set up. So, if need be, we could use mine.

Thanks, I was just thinking of random stuff last night. But when I thought of Dream Girls, I have this image of a Minnie head in black, but with a big sequined bow on her head. And it just stuck, now I want a shirt like that. :lol:

Dream girls!!!! My vote goes there too. I love the sequins bow idea. I think it would be cool to get our names on our shirts. Everyone would be original! I can't wait!


Well-Known Member
Dream girls!!!! My vote goes there too. I love the sequins bow idea. I think it would be cool to get our names on our shirts. Everyone would be original! I can't wait!

Agreed! We need our screen names on our shirts! I like the sequined Minnie head too!

If we are able to do it, I thought that we could make different colored bows. That way everyone could have there favorite color. Cuz, if we are making sequined Minnie head shirts, I want a hot pink bow on mine. As if ya'll didn't already guess that.


Active Member
That would be neat. Pick your shirt color and bow color. Everyone would be different but the same.

Has anyone noticed how excited we are getting for this. This thread has exploded lately. we added to or three new pages in two days. Glad i am not the only one!:animwink:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I like the Minnie idea!

Oooor, what if we could get Minnie & Daisy together sportin' some shades?!

The username incorporation is a good idea because people like me who have odd brains sometimes get names mixed-up. Okay, well I do that a lot but anyways..... Yeah, so do the username at least!

I was thinking ((stop laughing :p)) that generally a lanyard is a very helpful thing on cruises because you can put the plastic pouch on the end with your room key which you hafta carry around anyway to get back in your room and also to pay for stuff. Lanyards aren't too expensive. Heck, I still have 3 of our 4 we got for our last cruise from KK. (Brian used 1 of them faithfully which explains why the 4th is gone to the land of lost items.) We could do the lanyards with the plastic pouches on front and a little card printed all pretty with the group name/border and each person's username and first name sorta like a name badge. And, of course, gals could sport Disney pins if they want. I've got 2 or 3 lanyards in my Disney junk that I could use in addition to the KK ones. What would y'all think of that? Ideas are flowing!

Yes, looooove how active the group has been the past few days. It's been a big help to me on many levels. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Perhaps to help w/people's real names we could have your real name on the front w/the Minnie (or whatever character - we could always just do your fav disney character) and then your username on the back. Just a thought.

Another thought - instead of picking fav colors for everyone...maybe colors by stateroom? Like Green is the ladies from room 2222 or whatever. Again just an idea to throw in the ring.

I do love how excited we're all getting. It's so close yet so far!


Active Member
I like the Minnie idea!

Oooor, what if we could get Minnie & Daisy together sportin' some shades?!
Oh that sounds nice too!
The username incorporation is a good idea because people like me who have odd brains sometimes get names mixed-up. Okay, well I do that a lot but anyways..... Yeah, so do the username at least!
yeah i envy the people on here that know everyones first name. I am Stephanie btw LOL
I was thinking ((stop laughing :p)) that generally a lanyard is a very helpful thing on cruises because you can put the plastic pouch on the end with your room key which you hafta carry around anyway to get back in your room and also to pay for stuff. Lanyards aren't too expensive. Heck, I still have 3 of our 4 we got for our last cruise from KK. (Brian used 1 of them faithfully which explains why the 4th is gone to the land of lost items.) We could do the lanyards with the plastic pouches on front and a little card printed all pretty with the group name/border and each person's username and first name sorta like a name badge. And, of course, gals could sport Disney pins if they want. I've got 2 or 3 lanyards in my Disney junk that I could use in addition to the KK ones. What would y'all think of that? Ideas are flowing!
That sounds really good I have one and will have some more from our after Thanksgiving trip if anyone needs to borrow them
Yes, looooove how active the group has been the past few days. It's been a big help to me on many levels. :animwink:
Isn't it great! SO exciting to see everyone else excited about it. My kids are so jealous and I owe my hubby big time but oh well, Momma needs her girl time too. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I like the Minnie idea!

Oooor, what if we could get Minnie & Daisy together sportin' some shades?!

The username incorporation is a good idea because people like me who have odd brains sometimes get names mixed-up. Okay, well I do that a lot but anyways..... Yeah, so do the username at least!

I was thinking ((stop laughing :p)) that generally a lanyard is a very helpful thing on cruises because you can put the plastic pouch on the end with your room key which you hafta carry around anyway to get back in your room and also to pay for stuff. Lanyards aren't too expensive. Heck, I still have 3 of our 4 we got for our last cruise from KK. (Brian used 1 of them faithfully which explains why the 4th is gone to the land of lost items.) We could do the lanyards with the plastic pouches on front and a little card printed all pretty with the group name/border and each person's username and first name sorta like a name badge. And, of course, gals could sport Disney pins if they want. I've got 2 or 3 lanyards in my Disney junk that I could use in addition to the KK ones. What would y'all think of that? Ideas are flowing!

Yes, looooove how active the group has been the past few days. It's been a big help to me on many levels. :animwink:

I can definitely supply the lanyards! I've got KK lanyards as well as plain red ones. I use them all the time on cruises!! We definitely should make the cards with our logo. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Perhaps to help w/people's real names we could have your real name on the front w/the Minnie (or whatever character - we could always just do your fav disney character) and then your username on the back. Just a thought.

Another thought - instead of picking fav colors for everyone...maybe colors by stateroom? Like Green is the ladies from room 2222 or whatever. Again just an idea to throw in the ring.

I do love how excited we're all getting. It's so close yet so far!

Yeah, I was thinking along those lines on the first names on front being a priority so we don't go around calling each other weird stuff. Although, SweetPee isn't such a stretch...would just be weird to hear anyone other than Tracey say it. That's his nickname for me, hence the username. :cool:

It would be neat to "represent" the different staterooms somehow. Oooh! I have an idea! What if each stateroom chose themselves a character. On the name badge thingies we have that person's character's head on the bottom right corner that corresponds to their stateroom. Then, each stateroom could have their character on a magnet (very easy to make) on the door. Voila! Representin'! If we end up with enough people to do a Fish Extender exchange or even if everyone thinks it'd be useful info to have we could compose the list of cruisers by stateroom number & character. The colorful character magnets would be easy to spot from waaaay down the hall. Not only is it fun, it's functional. Makes it super easy to find your room again when you're all turned around and walking down looooong corridors with doors that all look the same. :hammer:

Isn't it great! SO exciting to see everyone else excited about it. My kids are so jealous and I owe my hubby big time but oh well, Momma needs her girl time too. :sohappy:

Me, too. Definitely gonna soak up the Momma time. My hubby is an angel. I thought he'd be mad & want to go, too. I kept telling him he could bring my brother and get them a stateroom but he won't hear of it. He says, "You'd worry if we were having fun. I don't want to be on your cruise. Y'all go have fun together. You should!" I wub that ol' man o'mine! :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was thinking along those lines on the first names on front being a priority so we don't go around calling each other weird stuff. Although, SweetPee isn't such a stretch...would just be weird to hear anyone other than Tracey say it. That's his nickname for me, hence the username. :cool:

It would be neat to "represent" the different staterooms somehow. Oooh! I have an idea! What if each stateroom chose themselves a character. On the name badge thingies we have that person's character's head on the bottom right corner that corresponds to their stateroom. Then, each stateroom could have their character on a magnet (very easy to make) on the door. Voila! Representin'! If we end up with enough people to do a Fish Extender exchange or even if everyone thinks it'd be useful info to have we could compose the list of cruisers by stateroom number & character. The colorful character magnets would be easy to spot from waaaay down the hall. Not only is it fun, it's functional. Makes it super easy to find your room again when you're all turned around and walking down looooong corridors with doors that all look the same. :hammer:


My username is derived from my last name so it's not too far of a stretch. But originally I was gonna make my username "UrsulaTheSeaWitch" since she's my favorite character - glad I didn't! :lol:

I love the idea of representing with characters. I just like the idea of representation for the staterooms and even just to identify one another on that first day! Love this!


Well-Known Member
So, how many staterooms do we have so far? What if we did a different DREAM girl for each cabin? That way we would know who was in each cabin, like you said. We could pick from the Princesses or any other girl Disney character.

I have no problem with putting my username and/or real name on the shirt or lanyard. If there are alot of us, somebody is bound to get confused and forget names. Not to mention, the fact that there will be the 3 Jessica's.


Well-Known Member
I just noticed that we are all online right now. I think this is the most I have ever talked in a thread that wasn't mine. :ROFLOL:


Active Member
I love those ideas. i think the magnet on the door would be super cool. Different characters for each state room sounds amazing.

I should have quoted you guys because i forgot all I wanted to say. Guess ill have to post again. LOL


Well-Known Member
Right now we have 8 rooms booked!! :sohappy:

We've got at least one more coming soon (like Jesemeca and Mrs. Skellington:D).

I bet as time gets closer we'll get even more!


Active Member
Yeah, I was thinking along those lines on the first names on front being a priority so we don't go around calling each other weird stuff. Although, SweetPee isn't such a stretch...would just be weird to hear anyone other than Tracey say it. That's his nickname for me, hence the username. :cool:

It would be neat to "represent" the different staterooms somehow. Oooh! I have an idea! What if each stateroom chose themselves a character. On the name badge thingies we have that person's character's head on the bottom right corner that corresponds to their stateroom. Then, each stateroom could have their character on a magnet (very easy to make) on the door. Voila! Representin'! If we end up with enough people to do a Fish Extender exchange or even if everyone thinks it'd be useful info to have we could compose the list of cruisers by stateroom number & character. The colorful character magnets would be easy to spot from waaaay down the hall. Not only is it fun, it's functional. Makes it super easy to find your room again when you're all turned around and walking down looooong corridors with doors that all look the same. :hammer:

I love this idea. you are so creative. I love it when you think!!!

Me, too. Definitely gonna soak up the Momma time. My hubby is an angel. I thought he'd be mad & want to go, too. I kept telling him he could bring my brother and get them a stateroom but he won't hear of it. He says, "You'd worry if we were having fun. I don't want to be on your cruise. Y'all go have fun together. You should!" I wub that ol' man o'mine! :kiss:

i keep thinking that I should have him come but then who will watch our four kids. LOL yeah he is definitely staying home. :fork:


Active Member
Hmmm, I might be interested in doing this! I don't post too much on here but I do quietly read almost ALL of the trip reports because when I'm not at Disney I want to see Disney and living through someone else's pictures helps me make it to my next vacation! I'm sure this is true for all of us! Anyway, this sounds like a lot of fun though and it would be an excuse for me to FINALLY make it on a Disney Cruise! :)


Active Member
Hmmm, I might be interested in doing this! I don't post too much on here but I do quietly read almost ALL of the trip reports because when I'm not at Disney I want to see Disney and living through someone else's pictures helps me make it to my next vacation! I'm sure this is true for all of us! Anyway, this sounds like a lot of fun though and it would be an excuse for me to FINALLY make it on a Disney Cruise! :)

You so need to come. It is going to be so much fun. I know we are all excited and wonder why this was not done years ago. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I might be interested in doing this! I don't post too much on here but I do quietly read almost ALL of the trip reports because when I'm not at Disney I want to see Disney and living through someone else's pictures helps me make it to my next vacation! I'm sure this is true for all of us! Anyway, this sounds like a lot of fun though and it would be an excuse for me to FINALLY make it on a Disney Cruise! :)

Definitely come!! It's going to be so much fun!!

One more might already be lurking on the thread! :wave:

yeah for our room. I can't wait til my taxes get here. Hurry up IRS:p:mad:

There might be!!:)

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