Its the Little Things that make you really love WDW


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Rides, Resorts,Food,Charecters...all things that make Disney...THE BEST. BUT these are some of the litte things that make me keep going back again and again and again.......

Just the overall happy,atmoshere of everyone there
The slow, peaceful little boat ride from Poly to MK
The smells
The sounds
The tranquility of the beautiful Horse drawn wagons on Main St

Maybe for me being from up north (RI) is waking up pretty much every morning to the sounds of birds singing and seeing the sunshine every Morning...No overcast dreary morning like up north I LOVE IT
How bout yours?...............


Well-Known Member
Ok don't laugh.... I love to sit on the little red chairs and listen to the dance studio. That little side street is my favorite place to be at MK. It is so quiet and rarely do I encounter more then 1 or 2 people (usually balloon venders) down on that end. I don't even know the name of the street.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Walking through the gate and entering Main Street and seeing the Castle at the end of it. Man! There's no feeling like it. I always want to cheer and then race down the street to the statue of Walt and Mickey, but I never have the nerve...


Well-Known Member
Ok don't laugh.... I love to sit on the little red chairs and listen to the dance studio. That little side street is my favorite place to be at MK. It is so quiet and rarely do I encounter more then 1 or 2 people (usually balloon venders) down on that end. I don't even know the name of the street.

That is my favorite spot in MK! I love to sit there when the park is emptying out and then walk out to watch the Kiss Goodnight. Back in 2005 when I did my solo trip, I met a lady named Pat, we sat next to each other to watch Spectro and had struck up conversation and I found she was on a solo trip as well. It was her last "hoorah" before her kidney transplant. She was from Washington State and was staying at the same resort as me. We hung out for the rest of the evening enjoying EMH. We grabbed a snack at the bakery and sat back there for a bit as the park emptied out. It is one of the greatest memories I have of WDW. I wish I hadn't lost her email address because I would have loved to kept in touch with her! That is one of the things that make me love WDW... is that everyone is there to have fun. And in this one place, so many cultures, races, genders, orientations can be together... and at peace. If only the "real" world could be like this!


Well-Known Member
I love the WELCOME HOME sign at the guard station when you pull up to the Wilderness Lodge!!!! I also used to love getting on a bus and seeing the MEN IN THE PURPLE PANTS!!! I miss the purple pants...weird I know....but what can a girl say :shrug:


Well-Known Member
my little list

Let's see, it starts with:
- NO phone calls or tv.
- Then I love riding the monorail and the train at MK.
- The rice crispy treats with the chocolate MM hat.
-My first sight of the Train Station at MK, Spaceship Earth at Epcot, the Sorcerer's Hat at HS and the Circle of Life tree at AK.
- Being together as a family.
- The excited anticipation of going to our favorite rides.



Well-Known Member
Honestly for me its the music at the Magic Kindom. It adds just a touch of magic then adds to the overall experience. The music no matter where I am in the park adds to the realism.


After a long day of travelling, a parade to welcome you home
That porch on Main Street
Wearing my Ears
NOTHING existing outside of whatever park you're in


Walking through the gate and entering Main Street and seeing the Castle at the end of it. Man! There's no feeling like it. I always want to cheer and then race down the street to the statue of Walt and Mickey, but I never have the nerve...
If that's how you feel, I say go for it!!! I cry the entire way down Main Street when we first get there and again when we hit the flagpole on the way out on our last night there.


Well-Known Member
I agree its the small things, its the feeling I get when I walk through the MK's gates the first time. Its the smell of of the place.The rides are great but I have come to remember the small moments and cherished them. Like watching my mom painting pottery at AKL last July, and my nephew trying so hard to get the waitress to pay attention to his birthday button so discreetly-umm yeah it wasn't-that he just about fell out of the set trying...its just waking up in the morning and knowing that nothing at that moment matters. Not the phone calls, or bills back home or work....

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
If that's how you feel, I say go for it!!! I cry the entire way down Main Street when we first get there and again when we hit the flagpole on the way out on our last night there.

Agreed 100%. But if you have kids and they love WDW as much as you do, there is nothing like walking under the train station on the first day of the trip staring down Main St to the Castle with them by my side. I get teared up a little just typing it. Also the general feeling of being in "another world" and not just "on vacation". There is nothing like it.


New Member
Two things always stand out to me: When we first get to Disney World we all try to guess the color of the first monorail we see. After that, it's the sight of Spaceship Earth looming above me as we walk through the entrance gate at Epcot (especially since they removed the arm and wand from above it, finally) or the sight of the castle at the end of Main Street - whichever one comes first. Those three sights make me pause and take a deep breath, knowing that the fun is just beginning.


Well-Known Member
SpaceShip Earth gets me everytime. Its like your transformed into another world and theres no way anyone or anything can pull you out. LOVE IT!



If that's how you feel, I say go for it!!! I cry the entire way down Main Street when we first get there and again when we hit the flagpole on the way out on our last night there.

I am with you! Last month we were there for one afternoon while traveling through to see family, and I actually cried on the bus from the resort heading to MK. I looked over and told my husband, "I am such a Disney nerd. But I am O.K. with that." I also cry at the flag pole leaving the last night of our trip. I always ask my family if the closing part of our trip can be at MK. I just love how they stand up near the tracks and wave good-bye. Closure, I guess.

Another moment I love is the monorail door instructions. Sappy, I know.
I think there is another thread that talks about the moment you "know you are there". Yep, those purple gates mean a lot to me, too. Only a few weeks to go until my prince and I go down for our 10th wedding anniversary trip!!!!!!!!:sohappy:

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