ISTCrew's March 6th WDW Update


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ISTCrew20
I'm not complaining..It's gotta be done, and It's being done right now. But it seems everywhere you turn, there goes a wall. It seems that all summer, nothing was being done, then all of the sudden, all of this starts, so when people go home that are on vacation now, they will remember a considerable amount of construction and blocked off paths. It just gets annoying that every other week, something else is closed.

If you were a construction worker, would you want to be working in the 90 degree Heat During the summer?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by s25843
If you were a construction worker, would you want to be working in the 90 degree Heat During the summer?

If we get free water, and get to use those cool little porta potties..then AB-SO-LUTE-LY.


New Member
i will admit if i were a first time visitor, or even just a visitor who isnt as fortunant as I and able to visit wdw frequently.. i would be very dissapointed visiting now, and having to see much of many of the parks in their current state.. if only we could wave a magic wand and not have to go through this whole construction stage..... if only.....


Account Suspended
Regarding the never-ending construction and fixing/cleaning during operating hours--

I was at all of the parks last week and I feel that it was excessive. My 13 year old son even commented on it before I mentioned it, so that has to say something. He asked me why they keep fixing things while the parks are open. He also mentioned that he wanted to come again this summer when "everything wasn't being fixed."

We had a fabulous time, regardless of the constant disruption of the cleaning, painting, cranes, noise, etc. But I agree that it does take a bit away from the magic.



Well-Known Member

The crane that was being used to paint Splash was FULLY retracted each day and tucked behind the mountain...below the sightline!


Account Suspended

Sorry, but one day last week (I forget which day) the crane was in full view. There was a man working on top of Splash. My son commented that he hoped that everything was ok with the ride (he is the worrier of the family), and I said that if everything wasn't ok then they'd shut it down. Actually, the crane scared him and he refused to ride his favorite ride again! He kept thinking that if they were up there fixing something that it was not safe and we were not riding it!

By the way--they were not painting. I could not see exactly what they were doing, but it was some sort of labor such as picking up things and moving them around. But again, I could not see exactly what was going on at the top of the mountain.



New Member
I think they are doing ALL this work now, so it's all ready for the large crowds they will be getting soon. Just a thought.

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by aim
I think they are doing ALL this work now, so it's all ready for the large crowds they will be getting soon. Just a thought.

So shouldn't there be different rates for those who have to visit parks that close early with half the attractions open and construction everywhere?

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by aim
I think they are doing ALL this work now, so it's all ready for the large crowds they will be getting soon. Just a thought.

So shouldn't there be different rates for those who have to visit parks that close early with half the attractions open and construction everywhere?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
HAHAHA...Grizz is a double poster...lets ban him :lol: :lol: ...

I dont think they should go as far as changing rates, but do something. Pardon our dust can only go so far.

General Grizz

New Member
Sorry about the double post. See the time that was posted. :lol:

Originally posted by s25843
Do You Guys always Expect to Get exactly what you want?

Disney has standards . . . and for $52 bucks/park/person, we better get standards.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by General Grizz
Sorry about the double post. See the time that was posted. :lol:

Disney has standards . . . and for $52 bucks/park/person, we better get standards.

Could it be that they provide the standards, and you guys are possibly Too Picky?

There are thousands of families that Visit WDW every day, that don't have a single thing to complain about, you guys have a new complaint every Saturday

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by s25843
Could it be that they provide the standards, and you guys are possibly Too Picky?

There are thousands of families that Visit WDW every day, that don't have a single thing to complain about, you guys have a new complaint every Saturday

It's already been determined that standards are lowering. I can't help if you can't see it - - giant cleaning jobs - i.e. Imagination - - (I'm not complaining about CONSTRUCTION) and daytime workers- - and new guests would not think it "out-of-place" because they've never been there.

And that's not fair. Especially to the long-term guests who value the aesthetic qualities of the park.

There's just no reason to keep it from how it was - and bring back the beauty and value.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by General Grizz
It's already been determined that standards are lowering. I can't help if you can't see it - - giant cleaning jobs - i.e. Imagination - - (I'm not complaining about CONSTRUCTION) and daytime workers- - and new guests would not think it "out-of-place" because they've never been there.

And that's not fair. Especially to the long-term guests who value the aesthetic qualities of the park.

There's just no reason to keep it from how it was - and bring back the beauty and value.

Each and every single time that I have been this year, the parks have been remarkably clean. Do you really think I would go out and spend $500 on an Annual Pass if I was not satisfied?

Look around you, the standards are lowering EVERYWHERE In this world, Air Travel used to be Slightly more tolerable than what it is now, Heck American Secretely installed Rows of Seats back into their planes, lowering the Seat Pitch.

Maybe you go too much? So many times that you can't Enjoy Disney for what it was meant to be?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by s25843
Maybe you go too much? So many times that you can't Enjoy Disney for what it was meant to be?

It seems that being a "hardcore Disney fan" is synonymous with "-retentiveness"; at least in my perception based on my time with this board (as with all generalizations, it does not apply to everyone).

Grizz, if you feel that $52 is too much for a park, don't go. If you want to send a message to Disney, withhold any dollar amount you would typically spend. I do not understand why some people can not grasp the simple fundamentals of capitalism.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Whats worse...People complaining or people complaining over them complaining? I could care less if every else in the world is lowering their standards...Walt himself said he didn't care what anyone else thought, he did what he did. Just because others were doing something, doesn't mean he had to. I don't mind the other construction at all. The only one that I would have the nerve to complain about is the Star Tours Gift Shop. They forced everyone walking through there into a very small space, and there was no reason that could of not been done at night. I'm not sure people would be to happy to pay 50$ something, and then go to MGM, ride RNRC, TOT, ST, and Millionaire (all the stuff that is open that is really worthwhile right now) and while walking around the park find construction everwhere. The construction elsewhere is fine, but MGM is a mess.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ISTCrew20
Whats worse...People complaining or people complaining over them complaining?

Or people complaining about people complaining over them complaining? Anyways, I digress.

As for your "MGM being a mess" statement, last time I checked, there were several avenues for people to check up on what's open and closed at the various theme parks. If they feel they didn't get their money's worth, it's their own fault, and hopefully they'll learn a valuable lesson as a result.

Edit: Notice that most of the construction is taking place during the off-season, when the lesser amount of tourists are present. Compared to Disneyland's current state (Indiana Jones, Space Mountain and BTMR all under refurbishment), MGM has it easy.

Sir Mickey´s

New Member
About all those constructionwalls...
I don´t mind a Wall here and there.. but when i´am going once a year ( and i only can go once a year ) i really dislike those walls.. and when i had to pay $52 to get in MGM and only see Walls and Walls and Walls and of course..... Walls, well I would felt ripped of...
But does it makes the attractions any less spectacular.. no, but it CAN really ruin a magical day i think.....

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