ISTCrew's March 6th WDW Update


Well-Known Member
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Originally posted by BrerBear
Great post. I love the pics of Everest, they're great!
Just wondering if you could see the status of the new village and the que construction wise.


The new villiage, yep, you can see it really good (and you can get an up close view if you ride Kali). As for the queue, I have no idea.

PepsiStar- Tifani lost her phone on Dinosaur, and we didn't notice til, like, 15 minutes after we got off. We had to go to the Photo Pick up area, and look through all the pictures so we could show the lady we actually rode it, before she would even call down to ask. We found us, and the lady called, and they actually found the phone, and she returned it back to Tifani.

As for the Mexico thing, yes it is new. Epcot was the only park I didn't get to this time around. Maybe next week.


Active Member
You know, with all this phone losing, Tiffani should attach a tether(sp?) cord to her phone so it won't get lost as often.

Or even better, just attach a large cowbell to her phone. That should do the trick.


Originally posted by General Grizz
I think that the outdoor work is getting out of hand.


(photo by trendymagic)

Does anyone have problems with that?

I'm just trying to figure out how to replace glass pyramids in the darkness of night, especially when Epcot already closes late. There are certain things that definately shouldn't be done in daylight, I saw one today, but I think the Imagination pyramids would be almost impossible to replace at night.


Well-Known Member
My only question is this....

Why in the world would you bother replacing the glass if you're never going to allow general attendance upstairs again? Seems like a lot of $$ for just a select few who get to go up there...
...and still a lot of $$ for asthetics on the outside otherwise!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BwanaBob
My only question is this....

Why in the world would you bother replacing the glass if you're never going to allow general attendance upstairs again? Seems like a lot of $$ for just a select few who get to go up there...
...and still a lot of $$ for asthetics on the outside otherwise!

Whoever said Never? You never know

and, Grizz, Who really cares if they are replacing and cleaning windows during daylight hours? Ignore those things, I swear you go around the parks looking for things to Complain about


Account Suspended

I wish I knew you were going to be at the parks on Saturday. We were at Epcot almost all day. I would have liked to have met you.

Anyway--we found the gossip phone. It's hilarious that not one of the 4 CM's that we asked about it knew where it was.

It is so NOT a big deal. It's a recorded conversation of some crazy woman calling someone about prices on some food. And then she asks to talk to her daughter and some other really nutty things are discussed. She talks fast and a lot of what she says does not make a lot of sense. We listened for about 10 minutes, and the conversation seems to loop.

Anyway, that's my take on the gossip phone. If you are there, by all means check it out. But don't bother going out of your way for it.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by s25843
Whoever said Never? You never know

and, Grizz, Who really cares if they are replacing and cleaning windows during daylight hours? Ignore those things, I swear you go around the parks looking for things to Complain about

No kidding.

I really don't mind seeing maintenance being performed during my visit; hell, it's nice to see that care is still being applied to the parks. Not a distraction at all.

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by s25843
and, Grizz, Who really cares if they are replacing and cleaning windows during daylight hours? Ignore those things, I swear you go around the parks looking for things to Complain about

I'll close my eyes. Is that suitable?

. . .

When a guest pays his 52 dollars, he pays it for the whole thing. Scenario: you're a Disney visitor who can only make trips every five years. You plan to take a photo of the magestic Imagination pavilion. . . only to find a giant crane with logos sticking up the side of the pavilion.

Sure, this in itself does NOT ruin a trip. And, yes, there does need to be cleaning done. But frankly, I think this is unacceptable. By itself, this is not a major problem - - but when it is combined with so many other factors - reduced hours, seasonal attractions, reduced maintenence, paint peel - - the general image of Walt Disney World goes down. Anyone see the WKMG report the other day that showed all the trash??

I don't go around looking for things to nitpick. I just see them - because I've always had high standards for Disney since it opened; this is what we, as guests, are used to and what we deserve.

In this case, what about nightwork? The two giant cranes constructing "Soarin'" right behind Imagination are enough. Does EPCOT really need to look like it's a construction zone on a visit?

If this isn't achievable - then theme the darn thing. It's like driving down a highway, seeing a standard lift to clean up a building with a logo down the side. It looks horrible. Granted, the building IS being cleaned. . . but this is still not up to standard. Paint it purple or blue or SOMETHING. . . this is Walt Disney World.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
The daylight maintenance issue is an old school thing. Believe it or not, there was a time in the not so distant past when Disney took pride in presenting to its guests a fresh park at the beginning of each day, free of the sight of maintenance workers.

School children would read in their "Weekly Readers" of the work done after hours to make the park new again for the next day of visitors, and the point of all that was in presenting as part of the Disney magic the absence of visible maintenance and repair.

Light bulbs would be replaced throughout the Magic Kingdom, paint would be applied as needed. New webs would be spun for the Haunted Mansions chandeliers, and so on.

It may not be a big deal to you to see the work going on in the daylight hours. You might not mind having to watch out for wet paint on benches and walls. Chances are good that some of you with that mindset never knew the old school way. If seeing workers gives you a boost that care is being taken to keep up the park, imagine what you would feel if every time you came to the park it was as clean as on opening day! Oh well. . .

When you set the bar high and clear the bar, it hurts just a little to see the bar lowered, because you know from experience you are capable of doing better.

Don't be hatin' on the General. He's just speaking out on a subject for which he has a loyal congregation.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Oh, yeah - the update! :lol: You've got me looking forward to the new Tower of Terror. I just might have to hang out in that corner spot, standing in lines, eating turkey legs and alternating between R-n-R & ToT all day!

Glad to hear Br'er Rabbit is hoppin, again. Life is good!


Well-Known Member
Listen, I remember the days that absoultely everything was done at night.

But Lets fast forward into today's world. A world with Unions and Budget cutbacks. It is somthing that you just have to live with, there is nothing you can do about it, and if you really hate it that much then stop going to the parks.

Trust me, I expect a certain Level of Quality as a PAP Holder from Disney, but some things you just have to bend your back on.

Take a Visit to a Six Flags, you will pay $35 for admission, and the park quality will be crap, for the extra $20 to Disney, even with construction cranes, the quality is still far far past the Six Flags Park.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I should chime in on this : That picture of them replacing the glass was nothing. I don't really mind that, because they're atleast doing something...But it is kinda getting out of hand. Imagine going to that side of Epcot, seeing that Window crane, then a Soarin crane right behind it....Imagine going to MGM, walking through a 5 foot space between the planters and the construction wall because they're painting Star Tours, then walking to NY Street, and finding you can no longer go see the "Singin in the Rain" umbrella. Complete facades are taken down, leaving only the metal superstructure. Other metal towers are in the middle of the street, and walled off. There is brown walls everywhere at MGM, and it completely ruins the forced perspective of NY street.

Then, you leave MGM, and go to AK, where Triceratop Spin is closed, and a green wall is all that is there, hiding the entrance to Dino Rama. Walk a little further to the Tarzan theater, and you got another wall. Lets go over to Asia, and you'll be fufilled with the sound of the tractors backing up while they're building Everest. You get to Aisa...and you got ANOTHER brown wall. You wanna do Kali, only to find green and grey tarps hang all over the queue. You get on the ride, and find more tarps, all over.

And MK will be getting much worse pretty soon.

MKCP--It could of just been the timing on our elevators, but it took me by surprise because during that pause, when it is all quiet, I usually say something weird like "A cow lives in my Kitchen" or something...and I couldn't even open my mouth before we dropped.

Cora--Just my luck, Epcot was the only park I didn't get to.

Donaldistheduck-- I usually end up going 10am-10pm. The latest I have ever stayed was almost 2:45am. I got home at 3am, and slept til almost 9pm the next night. :lol: ....But it all depends on what we wanna do that day...If we wanna see Wishes, we stay later, and usually go chill out by the Pop Century Pool...If we're tired, or it's a school night, we're home by 8. Most of the time, it's about 10am-10pm.

And I kind of got another little update...I just got back from Blockbuster, and they already have their Home on the Range stuff....ON THE CLEARENCE RACK!!! Small pluch animals for $5.99 and large for $9.99.


Well-Known Member
What Kills me is that you guys can never have it right

You all would complain if Disney did not do all of this construction

and then when they Do all of it at once you all Complain about it

Go Figure...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by s25843
What Kills me is that you guys can never have it right

You all would complain if Disney did not do all of this construction

and then when they Do all of it at once you all Complain about it

Go Figure...

I think you're right, though of course since there's no way to prove it, they'll deny it. 'Tis the natue of the beast.


Premium Member
Originally posted by s25843
What Kills me is that you guys can never have it right

You all would complain if Disney did not do all of this construction

and then when they Do all of it at once you all Complain about it

I agree completely. I'd love to have maintenance only done at night, but I'm not going to complain about it on an internet forum. Besides, most of the work being done at the parks now is of the type that would still have construction walls and/or scaffolding up during the day no matter what. So what if there are workers visible, too? If it bothers you, just think of how nice everything will be when it's all done.


New Member
seriously.. to be honest, all the construction in the backlot area of mgm... suprisingly doesnt bother me at all..! im just so intrigued by the absolute MASSIVE amount of work being done, and excited by the thought of the finished product.

this area is going to be incredible when all done.. 2 new streets [fascades] a brand new stunt show [and the surrounding area] and even an updated backlot tour tram ride.... its all going to be amazing.

im thrilled to say the least, and cant wait to see how it all turns out in about a year or so from now!!



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm not complaining..It's gotta be done, and It's being done right now. But it seems everywhere you turn, there goes a wall. It seems that all summer, nothing was being done, then all of the sudden, all of this starts, so when people go home that are on vacation now, they will remember a considerable amount of construction and blocked off paths. It just gets annoying that every other week, something else is closed.

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