I make a conscious effort NOT to use tech.
I sit in front of a PC all day at work. I spend 9 or 10 hours in multitasking hell. I may be on the phone on a conference call, while a co-worker decides that because my office phone is routing to voice mail they will call my cell. On top of that I am reading a stack of emails, and helping two people via IM with unrelated systems problems while waiting for a server process to finish in an other window, while editing documentation on a new piece of hardware. That is a typical day, sometimes I even throw WDWMAGIC in the mix
When I leave work, I turn off. I have no data plan on my phone. My cell does not even have a touch screen or keyboard. It makes phone calls, and takes 5 minutes to tap out a simple text.
I have a desktop PC at home. I turn it on to check personal emails and do some other things (pictures from cameras, this forum, some FB games, some MMORPGs) and then it goes off.
I have no iPhone, Kindle, or iPod (I did have one, but I washed it

Here is another 'funny' thing I do. If I am talking to you - face to face - and my phone rings, or I get a text, I may glance at it to make sure its not some emergency, but I will not answer it. You are the person who is in the room with me, you get my attention. It amazes me when people call and I don't answer, then they call 3 other numbers looking for me and when i finally answer they get all indignant about the fact that I did not answer my phone right away.
Well that's my story. I fully embrace tech and use it quite a bit (I am in love with my new Garmin 305 and come home from a run and check out my pace vs. heart rate vs incline) but I try to keep it at arms length.