Is the Internet making us ADD?

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Nothing like sitting in the back yard on a warm day with a good book.....

The screen has become a major part of my life. Especially since i got my iPod Touch. Internet,games,e-mail,even texting can all be done on that. I still make time for excercise,reading and other events.

If this is called the "Age of Information", it could easily, be also called, "The Age of the Screen".

And yeah, like I said, finding balance is the key. Reading, exercise (something I should do more of....I run a few times a week.) and THE REAL WORLD:lookaroun call. :lol:


Premium Member
And again...I don't think any of this is a bad thing, IF NOT ABUSED. If it is, it can be bad thing, but honestly, I think this is where communication technology has taken this. On this, our Spaceship Earth. :D

Now you're pretty young, almost young enough that the internet and cell phones were prominent from the time you were in Kindergarten. I wonder if maybe that's why you have such a positive "no harm" view of all of this. For you it's an entire lifetime of normalcy. For me, though I'm only a decade older than you, I can clearly remember when no one had computers or cell phones and how much "richer" life was back then. It's like comparing a loaf of homemade bread from Grandma fresh out of the oven to a loaf of processed crap full of chemicals in a bag from Walmart. :lol:

Back then life was totally focused on REAL LIFE interaction. Your only friends were the people you went to school, church, and work with, because there was no internet to meet or communicate with people from other places. If you wanted to know how someone was doing, you either would write them a letter or call them. In fact, letter writing was something I devoted a lot of time to doing. I had about 8 penpals until I graduated high school who I'd write back and forth with all the time. People don't do that anymore.

I used to memorize a person's phone number in a day, but now I can't remember my grandmother's "new" phone number that she's had for two or three years now and have to look it up every time.

I got a new phone number back in September...I still have NO IDEA what my own phone number is. :lol: I have to look it up on my computer anytime I need it. I don't even know what my area code is! :lookaroun

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Now you're pretty young, almost young enough that the internet and cell phones were prominent from the time you were in Kindergarten. I wonder if maybe that's why you have such a positive "no harm" view of all of this. For you it's an entire lifetime of normalcy. For me, though I'm only a decade older than you, I can clearly remember when no one had computers or cell phones and how much "richer" life was back then. It's like comparing a loaf of homemade bread from Grandma fresh out of the oven to a loaf of processed crap full of chemicals in a bag from Walmart. :lol:

Back then life was totally focused on REAL LIFE interaction. Your only friends were the people you went to school, church, and work with, because there was no internet to meet or communicate with people from other places. If you wanted to know how someone was doing, you either would write them a letter or call them. In fact, letter writing was something I devoted a lot of time to doing. I had about 8 penpals until I graduated high school who I'd write back and forth with all the time. People don't do that anymore.
Ahhhh, but see, I'm NOT the normal case. :lol:

Tech hasn't been in my life that long...This will be a shocker, but we got our first computer and the internet in our house in 2005. Cell phones came a year later. We have two TV's, and don't have cable. And buying this stuff was only out of necessity seeing that I needed a PC and the internet for school (I was living in the library up until then.) and the phone was bought seeing that I was in HS, in Band, and was on the road with them almost every weekend. It honestly wasn't a "want" but a "need". Since then, though, we've gotten more tech savvy, me especially. We bought it to be used as a tool, and I guess I still use it as such.

That said... I still have pen pals. I still bake. I still read a REAL book. If I didn't do that, I would think that yes, there IS harm. There still has to be things in the REAL world that are not touched by the internet. Or by tech. Otherwise, to me, that's not living. I really hope that's not offensive, to anyone...:o Like I said...Balance needs to be had.


Well-Known Member
I refuse to get an iphone,touch, or anything like that because I know that I would be glued to it at all the car, vacations, friends houses.

We just got back from vacation and I did bring my laptop but that was used in the mornings while Drew was getting ready and at nights when we were back in the room and he was watching TV.

If I would have an iphone or even use the phone I have now to get online or check on fb it would take away from "our" time. While we were in the car we would talk and my eyes were not glued to a little screen.

The good thing about the internet and forums like this and also fb is that it will all be here later...I know a long time ago I used to have to make sure I would get on magic or fb to see what happened or someone said and then I realized that I could see what happened or what someone said later on..and that I did not need to get online right then.

Real life is happening while I am online and real life is more important.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Oh, and a bit of a tongue in cheek addendum... Real life interaction with other people SUCKS.:lookaroun:lol: This might come off as a bit harsh, but dealing with my peers..? Can't stand it. The level of stupidity and immaturity is a tad annoying. Most of my friends are older than me. :lol:

....And besides, finding like minded Disney people on the internet is kinda fun. :lookaroun Y'all should really try it. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Now you're pretty young, almost young enough that the internet and cell phones were prominent from the time you were in Kindergarten. I wonder if maybe that's why you have such a positive "no harm" view of all of this. For you it's an entire lifetime of normalcy. For me, though I'm only a decade older than you, I can clearly remember when no one had computers or cell phones and how much "richer" life was back then. It's like comparing a loaf of homemade bread from Grandma fresh out of the oven to a loaf of processed crap full of chemicals in a bag from Walmart. :lol:

Back then life was totally focused on REAL LIFE interaction. Your only friends were the people you went to school, church, and work with, because there was no internet to meet or communicate with people from other places. If you wanted to know how someone was doing, you either would write them a letter or call them. In fact, letter writing was something I devoted a lot of time to doing. I had about 8 penpals until I graduated high school who I'd write back and forth with all the time. People don't do that anymore.

I got a new phone number back in September...I still have NO IDEA what my own phone number is. :lol: I have to look it up on my computer anytime I need it. I don't even know what my area code is! :lookaroun
I agree..and I that is what made me realize I needed to spend a lot less time on the computer.

I would even talk with my friends on fb to ask them what the plans were for the weekend instead of calling them..that to me was sad..:lol:

I think the younger generation need the internet to survive..because that is all they know.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I refuse to get an iphone,touch, or anything like that because I know that I would be glued to it at all the car, vacations, friends houses.

We just got back from vacation and I did bring my laptop but that was used in the mornings while Drew was getting ready and at nights when we were back in the room and he was watching TV.

If I would have an iphone or even use the phone I have now to get online or check on fb it would take away from "our" time. While we were in the car we would talk and my eyes were not glued to a little screen.

The good thing about the internet and forums like this and also fb is that it will all be here later...I know a long time ago I used to have to make sure I would get on magic or fb to see what happened or someone said and then I realized that I could see what happened or what someone said later on..and that I did not need to get online right then.

Real life is happening while I am online and real life is more important.
That's what I love about it. All that information, waiting for you. :lol: It's a cool concept.
I agree..and I that is what made me realize I needed to spend a lot less time on the computer.

I would even talk with my friends on fb to ask them what the plans were for the weekend instead of calling them..that to me was sad..:lol:

I think the younger generation need the internet to survive..because that is all they know
Not I...

....But my peers? Yes.:brick: It's constant for them. I'm a heavy "texter" as well, but for some people, it's just NONSTOP. Meals, class, anything, the eyes are on the screen. I can't live like that. :lol:

Oh, and I'm totally being ADD right now. Writing a paper, on here, and the TV is on. Jeeze. It sucks being self aware. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
That's what I love about it. All that information, waiting for you. :lol: It's a cool concept.

Not I...

....But my peers? Yes.:brick: It's constant for them. I'm a heavy "texter" as well, but for some people, it's just NONSTOP. Meals, class, anything, the eyes are on the screen. I can't live like that. :lol:

Oh, and I'm totally being ADD right now. Writing a paper, on here, and the TV is on. Jeeze. It sucks being self aware. :lookaroun

*looks at your post count*:lookaroun


Yeah..texting is not for me..I have been known to start texting and then quit and call the person..drives me crazy!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
*looks at your post count*:lookaroun


Yeah..texting is not for me..I have been known to start texting and then quit and call the person..drives me crazy!

Studying/writing = posting.

:lol: I study. A lot. ...And the multitasking helps, honestly. I don't get bored with the subject mater if I have something interesting to help me along.

I would do the same, but I don't have that many mins.

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
My use of screen devices is limited. Internet is for Disney forums,money,and finding general info. Occasionally shopping. I use the iPod touch for all those things,an occasional email,and maybe a game. My cell phone? Since ny new plan in November,I've talked about 20 minutes with it,use the home phone for everything else. I don't even socially text,really only if I'm trying to meet up with someone. Just started texting in November,and it does come in handy. My family has cable,but our life does not revolve around it. We rarely use it in Spring/Summer/Fall,and in the winter,we use it more,but look for ways to get out of the house.


Well-Known Member
Maybe my age gives me an advantage to this? I don't have cable nor a digital converter. I will text something short but it drives me crazy hearing someone say they never answer the phone; they only communicate via text. People young and old still need face to face social interaction. When someone only texts; the skills of dealing with confrontation, discipline, and life's unpleasantries are never dealt with face to face---and that concerns me. The social skill of choosing ones words carefully is never learned etc.
So I can either watch my TV shows I enjoy here or surf the web----don't know if I can do both and maybe it's best I don't figure it out?


Premium Member
Ahhhh, but see, I'm NOT the normal case. :lol:

Tech hasn't been in my life that long...This will be a shocker, but we got our first computer and the internet in our house in 2005.

Well you're kind of agreeing with me with your other post (below). It doesn't matter if YOU PERSONALLY did not have computers your whole life, what matters is that most of your PEERS did. So you've never been able to enjoy a healthy social life, like people a decade or more older than you once did, because all of your peers have had their faces in their screens since they were potty trained. It's pretty sad.

Oh, and a bit of a tongue in cheek addendum... Real life interaction with other people SUCKS.:lookaroun:lol: This might come off as a bit harsh, but dealing with my peers..? Can't stand it. The level of stupidity and immaturity is a tad annoying. Most of my friends are older than me. :lol:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Well you're kind of agreeing with me with your other post (below). It doesn't matter if YOU PERSONALLY did not have computers your whole life, what matters is that most of your PEERS did. So you've never been able to enjoy a healthy social life, like people a decade or more older than you once did, because all of your peers have had their faces in their screens since they were potty trained. It's pretty sad.

Well, I think I've had a healthy social life with like minded people. They are far and few in between, but they are some of my best friends. :lol: I'm not the overly social person in the first place, not one to be constantly surrounded with people I call friends. I'm too reserved for that. Not my style. :lol:

What I was trying to say, was that for the most part, people, like the peers I mentioned, are unbalanced. Not everyone is like that, but the majority is. That's worse that what I think we are talking about here. What I was trying to convey was the idea that using technology is a major part of life, and if used correctly, a good part of it. As I said in my joke, I was just hinting at how many people abuse it.


Well-Known Member
I'm a multi-tasker as well. I always have the internet open while I'm doing homework/studying. Every now and then I check email, go on facebook, post on Magic, etc. I'm currently studying for the 5 exams I have this week, and here I am posting on Magic. :lol:

Classes bore me to tears so I'm always texting if it's a big enough class and I'm far enough away from the professor. Or I check emails or surf the internet.

If I'm waiting for the bus or a friend to pick me up, I'm playing on my phone. I always have to be doing something. I can't be doing nothing. Drives me insane.

Maybe my age gives me an advantage to this? I don't have cable nor a digital converter. I will text something short but it drives me crazy hearing someone say they never answer the phone; they only communicate via text. People young and old still need face to face social interaction. When someone only texts; the skills of dealing with confrontation, discipline, and life's unpleasantries are never dealt with face to face---and that concerns me. The social skill of choosing ones words carefully is never learned etc.
So I can either watch my TV shows I enjoy here or surf the web----don't know if I can do both and maybe it's best I don't figure it out?
You want to know what's really sad? I live with two other girls. One of them communicates via text a lot. I'll be in my room and she will be in hers, and she'll text me a question or ask me to do something. Um, you can't walk down the hall and ask me yourself? Or you can't walk downstairs and find me and ask? :veryconfu It drives me and my other roommate up a wall. If I need to talk to one of my roommates, I'll go find them if they're home. I'm not going to text the person when they are a few feet away. That's so silly and stupid.

I text a lot because I don't like talking on the phone. And if it's something short like "I'll pick you up at 7" or "remember to bring _______" then I'd rather text than make a call to say that little thing. But if is too complex or long for text, then I'll call the person.


Well-Known Member
I text a lot because I don't like talking on the phone. And if it's something short like "I'll pick you up at 7" or "remember to bring _______" then I'd rather text than make a call to say that little thing. But if is too complex or long for text, then I'll call the person.

Again, my age might come in to play here: Phone privileges were a big deal when I was coming up. I can remember when call waiting first arrived! So for a young person to say they don't like talking on the phone---that's the only way we could communicate!
As far as the internet is concerned---I was without it for a couple of years because I couldn't afford it. I've only had it back a few months now. I focus on what I'm doing here and now. Trying to juggle a laptop while watching a movie doesn't even interest me....


Well-Known Member
I make a conscious effort NOT to use tech.

I sit in front of a PC all day at work. I spend 9 or 10 hours in multitasking hell. I may be on the phone on a conference call, while a co-worker decides that because my office phone is routing to voice mail they will call my cell. On top of that I am reading a stack of emails, and helping two people via IM with unrelated systems problems while waiting for a server process to finish in an other window, while editing documentation on a new piece of hardware. That is a typical day, sometimes I even throw WDWMAGIC in the mix :)

When I leave work, I turn off. I have no data plan on my phone. My cell does not even have a touch screen or keyboard. It makes phone calls, and takes 5 minutes to tap out a simple text.

I have a desktop PC at home. I turn it on to check personal emails and do some other things (pictures from cameras, this forum, some FB games, some MMORPGs) and then it goes off.

I have no iPhone, Kindle, or iPod (I did have one, but I washed it :) )

Here is another 'funny' thing I do. If I am talking to you - face to face - and my phone rings, or I get a text, I may glance at it to make sure its not some emergency, but I will not answer it. You are the person who is in the room with me, you get my attention. It amazes me when people call and I don't answer, then they call 3 other numbers looking for me and when i finally answer they get all indignant about the fact that I did not answer my phone right away.

Well that's my story. I fully embrace tech and use it quite a bit (I am in love with my new Garmin 305 and come home from a run and check out my pace vs. heart rate vs incline) but I try to keep it at arms length.



Well-Known Member
I make a conscious effort NOT to use tech.

I sit in front of a PC all day at work. I spend 9 or 10 hours in multitasking hell. I may be on the phone on a conference call, while a co-worker decides that because my office phone is routing to voice mail they will call my cell. On top of that I am reading a stack of emails, and helping two people via IM with unrelated systems problems while waiting for a server process to finish in an other window, while editing documentation on a new piece of hardware. That is a typical day, sometimes I even throw WDWMAGIC in the mix :)

When I leave work, I turn off. I have no data plan on my phone. My cell does not even have a touch screen or keyboard. It makes phone calls, and takes 5 minutes to tap out a simple text.

I have a desktop PC at home. I turn it on to check personal emails and do some other things (pictures from cameras, this forum, some FB games, some MMORPGs) and then it goes off.

I have no iPhone, Kindle, or iPod (I did have one, but I washed it :) )

Here is another 'funny' thing I do. If I am talking to you - face to face - and my phone rings, or I get a text, I may glance at it to make sure its not some emergency, but I will not answer it. You are the person who is in the room with me, you get my attention. It amazes me when people call and I don't answer, then they call 3 other numbers looking for me and when i finally answer they get all indignant about the fact that I did not answer my phone right away.

Well that's my story. I fully embrace tech and use it quite a bit (I am in love with my new Garmin 305 and come home from a run and check out my pace vs. heart rate vs incline) but I try to keep it at arms length.

I do that too...I HATE when people are talking to me and take a call or start texting..:mad:

I have noticed that cashiers at the store will be texting or answering phones while checking me out and it amazes me that they still have a job..I always make sure to let them know I think it s rude and I am sure not something that is ok with their supervisors...

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