Is the Great Movie Ride lost on today's youth?


Active Member
But if they made the ride exciting, where would I take a nice 22-minute air-conditioned nap? :snore:


Hall of Presidents? haha.

GMR is a classic. When I was younger, I hadn't seen a few of the movies, but loved the ride just the same. Except for Alien.. I hid down in the seats then. There are certainly some new classics that could be added, but I'd really hate to see all the great stuff go.


Active Member
I like this ride because I'm a big movie buff. Im 20 years old and I enjoy seeing all the movie scenes and film clips. But I do think it needs some more up-to-date scenes added. Maybe titanic...who knows, just something that was a major hit and left an impact...

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Original Poster
I like this ride because I'm a big movie buff. Im 20 years old and I enjoy seeing all the movie scenes and film clips. But I do think it needs some more up-to-date scenes added. Maybe titanic...who knows, just something that was a major hit and left an impact...
Forest Gump was mentioned earlier, and I love that idea.

Dizzy Whirled

New Member
Not ... an EDUCATIONAL Attraction ?!?

Some of you seem to be suggesting that since the Great Movie Ride acquaints younger folks about a few great films, it might actually serve (gasp) an EDUCATIONAL purpose.

Better be careful, though.

Look what happened to Epcot ...


My kids like it but that is probably because I showed them Indiana Jones, Fantasia and The Wizard of OZ. It might be lost on other kids because it is not as high tech and they have no idea who any of these characters are, which would be a shame because these are the classics.
It is one of my favorite rides, probably in my top 5, and I would be really upset if they replaced it.


Well-Known Member
It's called the Great Movie Ride...not the Great Video Game Ride nor the Great YouTube Instant Gratification Ride.

If kids don't appreciate it...I blame the parents.


There are some scenes that certainly could be changed, but nothing substantial is needed (I think there are bigger fish to fry, generally, at the Studios).

Universal doesn't seem to do much with the theme park rights to the Hitchcock movies (over which they have the rights...since they do not have the rights to every film); I would love to see Disney acquire the rights to those films and have a Hitchcock section with Shadow of a Doubt, Rear Window, Vertigo, Psycho, and the Birds all rolled into one large area (if that wouldn't be feasible, I think the single film that would potentially lend itself best to a cool scene would be the Birds. Could you imagine thousands of BTMRR style birds (bats on BTMRR) flapping about outside the car?).

Titanic might have made a lot of money, but it is hardly a classic. It was just a commercial success. Same with PotC, National Treasure, and Avatar (I know none of the latter three have come up, but I'm saying that preemptively, since they always seem to come up in this type of thread).


New Member
Yeah i think thats true. I love the ride but have no idea what most of the movies are. I heard of almost all of them though. I just wish that the wizard of OZ part was longer :animwink:


Yes, the show scenes need a complete overhaul. I would like to see a new overlay that took you through the history of Disney's films. Afterall, DHS is no longer MGM, so it should try and keep most of the major attractions in house (with the exception of Lucas Films and Jim Henson, of course).


God bless the "Ignore" button.
I never thought about it, but I suppose that's a very good point. I'm 22 and I've only seen about half the movies featured in the ride. While I think certain classics need to remain ("Wizard of Oz"), I think that it's silly that some are still there (the eternally broken "Footlight Parade").

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Look what the "Blame the Parents" strategy did for Epcot. :lol:

Direct quote from 2004 trip:

Me: "So, what did you think of the Great Movie Ride?"

Son's friend: "It wasn't so great."





Well-Known Member
I geuss I am the lost one here.

Who says that the Kids have to be able to identify at least half the movies. Kids are not interested in anything that is B/W. So what should they do? Replace footlight parade with High school musical? You do need to have at least a few attractions for middle and older age visitors.

If people can't recognize classic movies, then they need to expand their knowledge and not dumb down things for them. Even if they have to (dare I say it) see a B/W movie.

BTW: when I am in line and footlight parade comes on, I actually think that I am the only one in the place that not only saw the movie, but have it on DVD.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
IMHO, TGMR should be left the way it is, except maybe update the final scene or maybe even add one more movie scene. So what if kids doesn't know every movie--they will eventually. Kids are not going to relate to Cassablanca or Singing In The Rain.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
I geuss I am the lost one here.

Who says that the Kids have to be able to identify at least half the movies. Kids are not interested in anything that is B/W. So what should they do? Replace footlight parade with High school musical? You do need to have at least a few attractions for middle and older age visitors.

If people can't recognize classic movies, then they need to expand their knowledge and not dumb down things for them. Even if they have to (dare I say it) see a B/W movie.

BTW: when I am in line and footlight parade comes on, I actually think that I am the only one in the place that not only saw the movie, but have it on DVD.:lookaroun
Well obviously Footlight Parade shouldn't be replaced by HSM, but there are plenty of classic movies more worthy than that broken scene.


Active Member
^ I've always wanted to see Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers AAs in the Great Movie Ride. How great would that be in the place of Footlight Parade?

I've always loved the GMR, and I was about 11 the first time I rode it. But I have a mother who's shown me classic films all my life. I think I had seen every movie featured in the show scenes by that age, with the exception of the Public Enemy and Aliens. But seeing certain clips in the final montage made me and my mom seek out the movies we hadn't yet seen. Classic Hollywood should never be forgotten, and if kids (and adults) don't "relate to" or recognize the movies in the ride than they should go watch some TCM.

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Its one of the best things at DHS. Maybe needs a refurb with things but honestly how can the gangster scene be lost on anyone, even kids? Plus are kids today that dumb that they can't even recognize movies anymore? Last I checked they had Pirates of the Caribbean on the screen at the end. And I agree, adding things that appeal to kids would dumb it down a lot


Well-Known Member
BTW: when I am in line and footlight parade comes on, I actually think that I am the only one in the place that not only saw the movie, but have it on DVD.:lookaroun

There is a clip of The Searchers, with John Wayne, in the queue area preshow, a movie I'd never even heard of previously. Based solely on that clip, I went out and bought the movie.


New Member
Well obviously Footlight Parade shouldn't be replaced by HSM, but there are plenty of classic movies more worthy than that broken scene.

HSM?? No way. I can see where people are coming from and it possibly would be better then that movie ive never heard of in my life :hammer: but its best to stick to stuff that appeals to the majority.

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