Is the clock ticking on the Sorcerer Mickey Hat icon at the Studios? YES!

Bing Bong

Well-Known Member
It's funny you should mention that, because I am planning a flash mob dance on Hollywood Blvd. the morning after the final piece is removed. You can watch a video of what the dance routine will look like below. There is still time to memorize & rehearse the dance steps. Others of you will be participating in this spontaneous celebration I trust, or else I'm going to look awfully silly out there by myself.


MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that's still depressed there was no bonfire? Was really looking forward to that...
Who's to say there haven't been nightly bonfire celebrations? Something dramatic is obviously going on every week night. We only ever see the morning photos. ;)

Every morning is like . . . "Somebody was here. And they left their damage behind. :lookaroun "
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Well-Known Member
It's funny you should mention that, because I am planning a flash mob dance on Hollywood Blvd. the morning after the final piece is removed. You can watch a video of what the dance routine will look like below. There is still time to memorize & rehearse the dance steps. Others of you will be participating in this spontaneous celebration I trust, or else I'm going to look awfully silly out there by myself.

That would certainly justify the park ticket price increase!


Well-Known Member
maybe because the horizon thing happened years ago? pretty sure people will forget the hat faster.
depends on how fast the population dies ;)
No, sorry but the BAH has already been cemented in the minds of its detractors. This thread is over five years old and is still going strong. The BAH is a catchy nickname that will never be forgotten. The haters will tell their children the story of the BAH (with all the usual "fish story" embellishments) and these stories will join the pantheon of other Disney myths. Frankly, due to social media, the BAH stories will survive forever along with cryogenically frozen Walt. :jawdrop:

Bing Bong

Well-Known Member
No, sorry but the BAH has already been cemented in the minds of its detractors. This thread is over five years old and is still going strong. The BAH is a catchy nickname that will never be forgotten. The haters will tell their children the story of the BAH (with all the usual "fish story" embellishments) and these stories will join the pantheon of other Disney myths. Frankly, due to social media, the BAH stories will survive forever along with cryogenically frozen Walt. :jawdrop:
Or we can just pretend it never existed, like the Wand.


Well-Known Member
I imagine the other ear will take about two nights to remove ( not counting tonight and Saturday since the rumor is the crews are off those nights ) and then I'm curious how they will go about removing the rest. Do you just remove the two poles holding it up and lower it to the ground to finish dismantling it? Or will they gut the center piece before dismantling the ring? I'd say by the end of next week this project could be pretty close to complete.

Cut the ring and remove the poles last.... Btw, there are 3 poles ;)


Well-Known Member
So, I have a few questions...
Why are they even getting rid of it?
Are they replacing it with something? Wasn't it the 'feature' of the park much like AK has the Tree of Life and Magic Kingdom has the castle?

I'm a newbie so maybe I'm looking in the wrong places but I couldn't find any answers to this.
Seems no one actually said why it was being removed so allow me :p

There are two contributing factors:
1. The hat is being removed because TCM just sponsored the ride directly behind the hat and in order to gain maximum marketability, visibility and advertising, I can only imagine they requested the hat to be removed to increase rider numbers since the ride is rather hidden behind it and lots of people miss it.

2. The park is supposedly going to get a huge makeover and expansion in the coming years and the hat will not fit with the themeing of the park's new identity and so are removing it for that purpose. I'm sure Disney also knows how much people dislike it and so thought now was a great opportunity to take it down given these developments.
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Premium Member
I find myself reflecting on what I really disliked about the BAH. There was the placement, and there was the fact it looked relatively tacky. But I think the biggest thing other than the placement was the fake-@$$ Mickey hand. Without the hand, it wouldn't have looked as bad (in another place). The wand was the same way. The Mickey hand just looked terrible. It was flat. It was a cheap looking design. It cheapened the rest of the structure.

Ok, done now. Back to the celebration of the BAH removal.

The Rocketeer

Well-Known Member
I'm very excited to see if there is any progress tomorrow!.... I'm very jealous of some of my extended family who is in Epcot right now. They went to MK yesterday so I'm assuming they are going to DHS tomorrow and I wonder what they're gonna think about the lack of a giant hat as they don't follow WDW news reports and visit once every two years or so.
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Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
It's funny you should mention that, because I am planning a flash mob dance on Hollywood Blvd. the morning after the final piece is removed. You can watch a video of what the dance routine will look like below. There is still time to memorize & rehearse the dance steps. Others of you will be participating in this spontaneous celebration I trust, or else I'm going to look awfully silly out there by myself.

You're gonna look fantastic in that dress.



Well-Known Member
I liked that hat... but then I love change more when I know the ones doing it intend on leaving things better than they found them. :) I'm really excited to see final product

... and, I have to admit, there is a charm to this demolition. The feeling is akin to to that of a kid methodically destroying her/his big brother's erector set creation. :hilarious:
Many people did like it and it was because that was all they ever knew. I didn't mind it when I thought it was just temporary, but, then it stuck. I looked at it personally this past week and seeing it like it is now makes it so obvious just how out of proportion that monstrosity was. Once others see what a nice view up the street it is going to be when it is out of there, you will be won over. If only they had put that thing in a different place, maybe we all could have liked it in a place where it didn't just look like growth.


Well-Known Member
Considering that they have marked (with orange paint lines) places they plan to cut on the main ring, I suspect it will come down in pieces as well. I wouldn't be surprised to see more scaffolding for support as they remove pieces.
By the way, in case no one has noticed. The tip of the hat is no longer there. As I suspected they have now hauled out all the "plastics" to make room to put the steel parts on the ground. I suspect they will be taking it down in carefully planned chunks so as not to compromise the strength of the structure until it is gone. It isn't worth anyone getting hurt over, that's for sure.

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