Is the clock ticking on the Sorcerer Mickey Hat icon at the Studios? YES!


Well-Known Member
I have never had the experience of seeing the view of the theater as I've only been going to Disney since 2001 and later. I cant wait to walk into the park and see the demo completed.
I think you will like it. You can see the top of the Theater from outside the park even now and as a bonus for all those that still think the Earful Tower is invisible. It can be seen from everywhere in the park again including the entrance and has the added advantage of being the only park icon that is visible from World Drive.
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Probaly a dumb question, but i havent kept up on this. Without me going through 345 pages, is there something planned to replace the hat? Thanks for the help

Father Robinson

Well-Known Member
I liked that hat... but then I love change more when I know the ones doing it intend on leaving things better than they found them. :) I'm really excited to see final product

Then hopefully the same people who did this aren't working on it..


Father Robinson

Well-Known Member
Yes, you are right. It should have all black upholstery with black velvet curtains and no bright colors at all. They made this look very Polynesian. What were they thinking?
I don't know what they were thinking. But I know one thing, 99% of fans of the Poly wouldn't care how Polynesian the new lobby looks, if they were given the option of keeping it or going back to the way it was.


Well-Known Member
Half of the attraction to this thread for me are the off-shoot conversations. One person says something, another relates it to another topic, essentially building an off-ramp and then someone comes along and takes that off-ramp, occasionally followed by a group of other people. Then they're lost and accused of not following the conversation. :D Typically a moderator or our fearless admin will clean up the conversation and get everyone back up on the right path. (Thank you for that by the way!)

No new progress, but I like the picture:


Excuse me, there's something in the way of the theater...


Well-Known Member
Ok, I can accept that and even understand the tediousness of repeating things over and over again. However, everyone of us tends to think that everything we post is permanently branded in the brains of others. Some sort of "I have spoken" type of syndrome. There is no need to go completely into detail, but, a simple. "That is not true, I have said before, in this post that other reasons existed." Still doesn't necessarily make the statement true, but, at least doesn't attempt to make the other person feel like an idiot.

That said, so what if someone thinks that TMC forced the issue? What possible difference does it make? The damm thing is almost gone and that's the important part. The other answer that you gave although probably true, really just sounds condescending. You want your words to be taken seriously then don't assume everyone is your fanbois. Almost none of us, including myself, have the slightest idea who you are and how you would be in the know. Even if we did, if there is information that you cannot be detailed about, then don't just leave a headline, don't say anything. I will again state... This is not a good old boys chat room this is a public discussion forum.
I'm sorry you feel like I'm coming off arrogant or condescending. I really try very hard not to, knowing it's just words on a screen. That's also why I use "Nope!" or "Not the case" with smiley's instead of just saying simply "No" or "Wrong". I will try to add more context when I can. And I have absolutely no desire for fanbois or fanboys or any other type of fan. There are a few people on here whom I very much enjoy reading, and would consider friends - but not fans.

Regarding the second point to what you're saying, you're right, it doesn't make a difference whether someone thinks TCM forced the issue. You're also right, it's a bit tedious to have to say the same thing many times. I try to keep in mind people may be coming in in the middle of a conversation. One of the main reasons why I come on here is to try to give some background and insight into how and why decisions are made from the point of view of the people making the decisions, and why things happen - or don't - and/or why things may or may not make sense. Or take forever. Everyone has an opinion, but much of the time they're guessing. The internet makes it very easy to go from a wild guess or rumor to fact. I would rather people know the facts or, if I don't know the facts, an informed guess from decades in this industry, as opposed to perpetuating a rumor, and I think that's one of the reasons for people to come to forums like this. As far as how I might be in a position to know, I have simply to rely on my track record. In this case, the fact that TCM was involved in the decision was started here as a "I wonder if" which I said no to and explained why, but then it took on a life of its own. I've seen other sites then start to repeat TCM as a factor and they simply weren't. That's why it matters to me. And yes, some are going to believe me, others aren't, but at least I tried.

If I said who I was and what I do and where, I wouldn't be able to post here - even with my rule of not leaking before something it's announced, I skirt the line a lot and entertainment companies have a hard line on things like this. I think people like to know a little more on how the soup is made, the companies I work for would like to consider everything 'magical'. It would affect my livelihood and I don't want to take that risk. A few years down the road when I'm no longer in the position I'm in, then maybe I'll be more open.

Sorry to derail the thread...
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