Is Disney World Safe


Well-Known Member
Yes, perhaps they will but it just seems so often that I hear that 10 or 15 or 20 people died at the hands of a shooter who had "legally obtained weapons". I fully admit I don't know the laws for each state but when I hear this I can't help but wonder, what if he couldn't get weapons so easily - would his plan have been foiled, would he have just decided to kill himself instead, would he have gone through channels which could have gotten him caught before the murder spree happened?

It's the stories of kids shooting kids with Dad's "legal" gun that make me think - well if Dad didn;t have that gun, I can't imagine your average 14 year old knows how to get an illegal weapon.

I realize that wouldn't solve everything but if it saves lives - even just a few - isn't it worth it?

I didn't even realize this discussion was happening. I am not anti-gun, I've had family and friends that had/have them. But we have a Wild West mentality that absolutely has to change and we need stronger laws and psych checks on folks before they get them. When you can have a country like Canada that we share a border with have under 100 gun deaths in a year and we have well over 10,000, something's got to give.

It may be true that guns don't kill people. But people with guns DO kill people ... and the absurd notion that anyone needs assault rifles/AK-47s is nuts. Flat out nuts. Those are weapons of war and if citizens of the USA see a need for them, then something is very wrong. They need to be outlawed. Period. But the gun lobby in this country is absurdly strong.

We just can't keep accepting the status quo. When people say if we take the guns away only the criminals will have it just don't have the facts right. These mass killings are almost universally committed by people who aren't criminals and have obtained the weapons legally. They generally aren't poor either. Most are solidly middle class to upper middle class.

Ultimately, we're just waiting for the next slaughter unless we start taking those guns away.


Well-Known Member
I can not talk to Americans, people die in the States because mad people can buy guns.
They do not die in Canada because we make in harder for anybody mad people included to buy guns.

What you will find out is this guy was insane (surprise) was able to legally buy his weapons (surprise).
Make bombs, etc... so what does that have to do with guns?

Guns are easy, they are remote, they are impersonal. (Point and shoot)
Planning bomb attacks take much more planning research.

Another fact bad guys can always get guns, you know where bad guys in Canada get guns? The USA. The thing is the thieves and gangsters in Canada have their (made in USA illegal guns) but crazy guys are not thieves or gangsters and innocent children do not get murdered in Canada.


Well-Known Member
I hate to get political and it usually just leads to people being angry, so I'll refrain from further posting.

If you aren't angry about crazy people with guns creating mass slaughter in the USA unlike ANY other civlilized democracy, then what will you get angry about? Bloggers getting into Disney events because they are brand advocates? Paying for FP+ in your future?

Let's keep things in perspective. Mass murders like we have regularly in this country and now include a Congresswoman meeting her constituents, a movie theater and an elementary school (we already have had high school and college massacres, so it's only natural, right?) are not something to simply accept and be afraid of hurting other's feelings.

The second amendment was never intended to allow for mass murders of citizens. Times change and laws need to as well.


Well-Known Member
I live in N. Illinois. We cannot still carry a concealed weapon. While I don't live in Chicago you couldn't buy a gun in the City until this year. Still, Chicago is and was the murder capital and it didn't get better without the ability to purchase a gun legally.

Another way of looking at it is, if all the staff at the school was packing weapons, would someone have blown the jerk away before he killed that many innocent people? Would he even have tried if he knew every adult was packing what he was packing? Thinking that is why you don't see these creeps walk into a police station and start shooting.

C'mon, that's absurd.

Do you sanely believe we need to bring guns into schools? That's like the folks who said the movie massacre wouldn't have been as bad 'if someone in there had a gun' ... guess what? It would have been worse because you would have had two shooters blindly firing in the dark.

People are crazy. They are far more dangerous when you put a gun in their hands.

disney fan 13

Well-Known Member
If you aren't angry about crazy people with guns creating mass slaughter in the USA unlike ANY other civlilized democracy, then what will you get angry about? Bloggers getting into Disney events because they are brand advocates? Paying for FP+ in your future?

Let's keep things in perspective. Mass murders like we have regularly in this country and now include a Congresswoman meeting her constituents, a movie theater and an elementary school (we already have had high school and college massacres, so it's only natural, right?) are not something to simply accept and be afraid of hurting other's feelings.

The second amendment was never intended to allow for mass murders of citizens. Times change and laws need to as well.

What would you propose?


Well-Known Member
It's clear that some people have been "educated" by the media when it comes to gun control. Take what you hear from the media about gun control and then just forget it as it's mostly bull. Assault weapons - true assault weapons - have been and remain illegal. It's illegal to buy, sell or own them. Period. The only true assault weapon is an automatic weapon. It has nothing to do with the caliber or look of the weapon. To make it simple - think Rambo and shell casings flying through the air. That is an assault weapon.

Other features of guns are also controlled by laws... size, barrel, magazine, etc. Semi-automatic weapons may or may not be illegal based on their features. Magazine and size are basic issues and it can be different from state to state. However, saying a semi-automatic assault weapon should be banned just because it looks like an assault weapon is silly. Most rifles and handguns are semi-automatics. The only thing that is really different is the magazine size. Most of the laws I've seen sets the size to 10 or less.

My personal view is that gun control is the last thing that should be on the table. We don't need a society where only the criminals have guns. People bent on killing others will find a way. Just look at Chicago. Strict gun control with the highest murder rate. The correlation is not there. In fact, the opposite is probably closer to the truth.

Some people are crazy. They are far more dangerous when they don't think anyone else will have a gun in their hand.


Beta Return
I guess I'll chime in before the thread gets locked, and so that everyone can be very clear on my stance and judge me for it....

I own three handguns, one .22 rifle, and a .38 revolver. I carry a Glock 19 in my car (not chambered, since it has no safety); keep the Walther PPK 380 chambered, safety on, hidden downstairs; keep the Beretta 9mm, chambered, safety on, in a nightstand in the master bedroom; and the 38 revolver (a hand-me-down), with the next chamber empty to prevent an accident, in my office at the other side of the upper floor. The 22 rifle stays in my closet because I have no real use for it - it was merely handed down. I also carry a lifetime Concealed Weapon Carry permit from the State of Indiana.

I practice shooting at my parents' place, which has 47 acres of woods to shoot at without putting anyone in harm's way. I am my no means a marksman, but I can hit a target.

All of my personal protection weapons have hollow-point bullets in them so that if (God forbid) I were to ever have to use one, the likelihood of an innocent bystander being hit is greatly reduced. However, I use solid "slugs" when practicing, since they're cheap and nobody is going to get hurt.

I sincerely hope that, in the course of my life, I never have to shoot another human being - or even pull a gun on them. But, if it means that my family, friends (or perhaps a complete stranger) get to stay alive, I will not hesitate to try my best. I don't plan on being a hero, but if the time comes, and I'm put in a position where I could actually help, I will.

I firmly believe that the purpose of the Second Amendment, in today's world, is to allow American citizens to protect themselves and their loved ones - and also to hunt or shoot for sport. I do not believe that there is any need for average citizens to carry assault/automatic weapons, because one can adequately protect themselves, or a loved one, with the smallest of handguns (like the Walther PPK 380 which fits nicely in a pocket, or my wife's purse).

If we strip the rights to carry such weapons from average citizens, the bad guys are still going to have them....and people like me are going to be defenseless if someone breaks into my home, or tries to otherwise rob/harm me or my family in public. I do not, nor will I ever, accept that.

As has been mentioned above, many of these heinous crimes have been carried out by people with mental disorders of some kind. And everyone always comes out of the woodwork to say, "I always knew there was something off about him," or "He has a history of making threats, but nobody thought that sweet boy would actually do anything." It's time for America to lift the "cone of shame" that prevents us from pointing out such things in advance....from pointing out that "There's something wrong with him, and I think it needs to be addressed." And maybe, just maybe, if someone in your house has autism or aspergers or bi-polar disorder or depression or any other mental illness - keep the weapons out of the house, or otherwise inaccessible to them.

But as others have also implied, violence has also been glamorized in today's society. And when it happens, it gets TONS of media attention. Many of these people who go on mass killing sprees want just that - their moment of fame (even if they're dead). Hey media - STOP GIVING IT TO THEM!

And to keep this post even remotely on topic, yes, I do generally feel safe in Walt Disney World. I know that the Bag Check is a smokescreen meant only to dissuade someone from trying to sneak something in that they shouldn't. But if someone wants to get a gun into the park, it's going to happen.

I have only recently begun to occasionally carry on my person, but not at Disney (besides, it's too big of a pain to get it from here to Orlando, what with the pesky TSA). But if I wanted to, it would take no effort whatsoever to carry my Glock into the park, with a few extra magazines on my person. Each magazine holds 15 rounds, plus one in the chamber. Nobody needs an automatic weapon, because in a matter of 30-45 seconds, 30 people and the gunman could be lying in pools of blood in the middle of Main Street USA.

But malls are easy. And schools are easy. And apparently, military bases are easy. Getting all the way into a Disney park without someone noticing something "odd" about a potential killer is less easy. Not impossible, but it would require a lot more work that these psychos usually want to put into it.

So yes, I consider Walt Disney World to be a fairly safe place, relative to other "cities". There are crimes. There is theft. There are accidents - both ride/attraction and vehicular. But for now, I feel safe when I'm there, knowing that Disney does indeed have hidden measures in place....probably moreso than anyone on these boards legitimately knows about.

You may begin your judgements on me, but if you wish to further discuss my personal opinions, I would prefer PM, as I will no longer be posting on the topic of guns in this thread.


Well-Known Member
C'mon, that's absurd.

Do you sanely believe we need to bring guns into schools? That's like the folks who said the movie massacre wouldn't have been as bad 'if someone in there had a gun' ... guess what? It would have been worse because you would have had two shooters blindly firing in the dark.

People are crazy. They are far more dangerous when you put a gun in their hands.
i don't know. People who plan to do harm to others rarely go into a police station to start shooting. They usually go to a place where they are unlikely to have people shooting back. If the teachers and administrators had guns, they might be less inclined to walk into schools and start shooting.

One guard is no problem. They could easily kill one guard. But a bunch of armed people might be a deterrent.

Maybe I'm wrong. It would deter me.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
C'mon, that's absurd.

Do you sanely believe we need to bring guns into schools? That's like the folks who said the movie massacre wouldn't have been as bad 'if someone in there had a gun' ... guess what? It would have been worse because you would have had two shooters blindly firing in the dark.

People are crazy. They are far more dangerous when you put a gun in their hands.

Where I went to high school, in an upper middle class neighborhood yes there was an armed staff. Where my kids went to high school there were two armed staff. Their job. These districts are fortunate enough to be able to afford protection of their students. It might not stop the initial shots but it would end it faster then waiting for the gunman to off himself.

Are you saying that you can't see in a theater? I can see everyone in the theater, it isn't all that dark and the sides have lights. And yes, I do believe the gunman knew nobody in the theater would have a gun besides him, just like this nut knew the same with the school. I went to camp in Wisconsin and all the counselors had pistols, they slept with them under their pillows. And guess what they never shot a kid on accident. In my high school they never shot a kid nor in my kids high school. It is a deterrence.

Think 9/11. By the time the plane in Pennsylvania was hijacked the passengers were not going to stand for it without a fight and didn't allow that plane to plow into another building. I believe the same would go for adults protecting children, if they had the means they would have stopped the creep before he killed that many students.

I don't agree that people are crazy. I believe a small percentage of people are crazy and it isn't a fair defense for the crazy people to be able to shoot children and the grown ups in charge have no choice but to watch and also be killed. That to me that is absurd and insane school safety plan. I was taught to shoot when I was 11 years old. I'm good. I've never shot an animal or a person. In a heartbeat if someone broke into my home and threatened any of my family in a heartbeat I would.


Well-Known Member
A lot of the guns used here in DC are stolen from people in other states. When we run a trace on them, they were purchased legally, the owner had a background check done, and it turns out the weapon was stolen from that person's home. Gun control will not help in that regard. Background checks need to be done on people. If they have criminal records or other mental issues, no, they shouldn't be able to purchase a firearm. However, people intent on doing harm will obtain them illegally. Do people need or have to have weapons that fire in three-round bursts? No, that needs to be kept in check. But someone having a rifle that shoots one round at time, is not something I will argue against. I also feel relatively safe on property though.


Well-Known Member
I didn't even realize this discussion was happening. I am not anti-gun, I've had family and friends that had/have them. But we have a Wild West mentality that absolutely has to change and we need stronger laws and psych checks on folks before they get them. When you can have a country like Canada that we share a border with have under 100 gun deaths in a year and we have well over 10,000, something's got to give.

It may be true that guns don't kill people. But people with guns DO kill people ... and the absurd notion that anyone needs assault rifles/AK-47s is nuts. Flat out nuts. Those are weapons of war and if citizens of the USA see a need for them, then something is very wrong. They need to be outlawed. Period. But the gun lobby in this country is absurdly strong.

We just can't keep accepting the status quo. When people say if we take the guns away only the criminals will have it just don't have the facts right. These mass killings are almost universally committed by people who aren't criminals and have obtained the weapons legally. They generally aren't poor either. Most are solidly middle class to upper middle class.

Ultimately, we're just waiting for the next slaughter unless we start taking those guns away.

The sad reality is you have guns being targeted by some as the cause of the problem... That is only the tool that is used. The common denominator between the Newtown shooting, the OKC bombing, the guy that knifed nearly 2 dozen school kids in China and the poor guy that was pushed in front of a subway is one simple thing - mentally ill people.

Removing guns is a bit like trying to baby proof the world from the mentally ill. It wont fix the problem it will just cause them to use a different tool of death and destruction. The better solution is to identify the mentally ill at an early age and then put them in institutions until they get better or until they die there. The reason we have more problems today is that Hollywood made movies like One Flew Over the Coo-coos Nest that made institutions look like torture chambers, and movies like Rainman that made the mentally ill look like harmless childlike figures trapped in an adult body. Well that isn't reality, until we accept that many people are safer locked up we will see this again regardless of whether gun exist or not.


Well-Known Member
Where I went to high school, in an upper middle class neighborhood yes there was an armed staff. Where my kids went to high school there were two armed staff. Their job. These districts are fortunate enough to be able to afford protection of their students. It might not stop the initial shots but it would end it faster then waiting for the gunman to off himself.

Are you saying that you can't see in a theater? I can see everyone in the theater, it isn't all that dark and the sides have lights. And yes, I do believe the gunman knew nobody in the theater would have a gun besides him, just like this nut knew the same with the school. I went to camp in Wisconsin and all the counselors had pistols, they slept with them under their pillows. And guess what they never shot a kid on accident. In my high school they never shot a kid nor in my kids high school. It is a deterrence.

Think 9/11. By the time the plane in Pennsylvania was hijacked the passengers were not going to stand for it without a fight and didn't allow that plane to plow into another building. I believe the same would go for adults protecting children, if they had the means they would have stopped the creep before he killed that many students.

I don't agree that people are crazy. I believe a small percentage of people are crazy and it isn't a fair defense for the crazy people to be able to shoot children and the grown ups in charge have no choice but to watch and also be killed. That to me that is absurd and insane school safety plan. I was taught to shoot when I was 11 years old. I'm good. I've never shot an animal or a person. In a heartbeat if someone broke into my home and threatened any of my family in a heartbeat I would.

The other absurdity of the safety plan in schools is to duck and hide. The more appropriate response to any event like this is A: run away, out a window out a door, anywhere away... or B: if you can't run away then every kid/adult rushes the gunman. Either method is a lot better than duck and hide until the nut job walks up and shoots.


Well-Known Member
Is it safe? Safer than outside, yes. But not much. Courtesy bag search to give an impression of safety is about it.

Essentially, what he said.

Its a population of 150,000-250,000 people at any given moment.

You are far more likely to get hit by someone making a u-turn from the center lane on Buena Vista Drive or hit by a meteor than to have a situation like what happened in Newtown happen here.


Well-Known Member
ummm - like the rifle that killed Kennedy?

I'll reiterate... I don't think we have a firearms problem in America. I think we have a Mental Illness problem in America. We can go after the guns - and a week later, we'll get a maniac with an axe (happened in Scotland) - or a maniac with fertilizer and diesel fuel (happened in the US). It may very well be time to regulate certain PEOPLE as a statistical threat, if we truely want that level of Government Judgement in exchange for increased safety.

Exactly. That was a bolt action rifle. And LHO still got off three shots in less than six seconds. If people are mentally ill or have other issues, weapons permits need to be denied.


Well-Known Member
Disney is a very open place. I guess I fell fairly safe. Yes. Report any suspicious activity. There is security everywhere. I feel less safe at a mall. I am a 2nd grade teacher, and I feel very safe in our school. I guess you just can't let evil keep you down. Don't hide in fear. Shine your light.;)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The other absurdity of the safety plan in schools is to duck and hide. The more appropriate response to any event like this is A: run away, out a window out a door, anywhere away... or B: if you can't run away then every kid/adult rushes the gunman. Either method is a lot better than duck and hide until the nut job walks up and shoots.

I understand what you are saying. Hide or Flee. Fleeeeeeeee

I sat on our BOE as we remodeled our elementary school buildings for fire code changes and we added in ourselves individual lock down areas shortly after 9/11. We moved lockers to line classroom walls and have steel doors that can't be unlocked from the hallway in the event of an emergency. We changed the outside windows and now have emergency windows for escape that push out like in trains and buses. We did an excellent job in 2 of the 3 schools for this type of an escape. The 3rd being a 3 story building, a challenge. That building our engineers were very creative for the lock down emergency. All of our rooms also have a panic button that auto dials the police and fire department. Every kid knows to slap it. And thankfully nobody in 10 years has had to slap it. Blessed.

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