There's some talk of Christmas 2023 wait times being higher than 2019.
For what it's worth, we (TouringPlans) think actual wait times were definitely lower than 2019, based on the actual wait times we got from our users.
Posted wait times for 2023 averaged about 43.5 mins, a tiny bit higher than 2019.
However, the 95% confidence intervals for actual wait times in 2023 and 2019 don't overlap. So we're pretty sure they're different.
ETA: The "Average Peak Hours A/P" is the average actual time divided by the average posted time.
If the average actual wait was higher than the average posted, that number would be > 100%. So if the posted was 30 and you waited 45, that's 150%.
If the posted wait was always exactly the actual wait, that number would be 100%. Posted was 30 and you really waited 30.
If the posted wait is an over-estimate of the actual wait, that number would be < 100%. Posted wait of 30, you waited 20? That's 60%.
The "Avg Peak Hours Calc Acutal" is an estimate of how long we think all actual waits were, given the
sample of actual waits and the complete set of posted waits we got. (That is, we have enough posted waits to say that it's all of them.)