Intresting Universal Trip Report


-"Sloppy employees": Apparently it's not uncommon to see wrinkled uniforms and un-tucked shirts that make the staff at Universal look not so hot. In fact he said as they got to the end of one of lines there stood a female employee leaning against a guardrail, on her cell, texting.
Haven't seen this well ever, but I'm glad you were paying attention to worker's shirts and not having fun...good call

-"Attractions": Although I never rode it myself, I was told "The Simpsons Ride" is nothing to write home about. Basically a motion simulator, that comes with a warning not to ride if you're claustrophobic. Also, my dad made a good point that although both Disney and Universal have their attractions based on old and sometimes very old movies, the Disney ones are in place because they are timeless classics. Terminator? The Hulk? Twister? Sure they were exciting when these movies were a part of pop culture 10, 20 years ago...but now they seem so dated - and thus LAME.
Did you somehow miss ET or Jaws? Maybe Jurrassic Park. Were you paying attention to the Team Member's shirts again?

-"Mardi Gras": I'm told that around this time of year the park features a Mardi Gras themed parade. Apparently the floats are pretty low budget, and even more intresting to me - some or all of the floats are pulled by pick-up trucks. The trucks aren't even themed but simply feature the logo of the local car dealer that sponsors/provides the vehicles.
Not gonna touch this one..if you think the floats are low budget good for you.

-"Alcohol": Saved the best for last here... Not only is alcohol served throughout Universal Studios, but as my parents were waiting for the afternoon parade, girls were walking up and down the street selling Jello shots. Can you imagine THAT on Main Street USA?!
Oh no Alcohol at a MARDI GRAS celebration? Apparently you haven't been to Epcot..Oh and um every park sells alcohol.
Oh and I am so surprised a Disney fan had a bad time at Universal I really am, but thanks for coming no doubt I hope I never see a picture of you on here with your shirt untucked. :ROFLOL:


Active Member
-"Alcohol": Saved the best for last here... Not only is alcohol served throughout Universal Studios, but as my parents were waiting for the afternoon parade, girls were walking up and down the street selling Jello shots. Can you imagine THAT on Main Street USA?!
Had I know that I would have gone to Universal much sooner.
Each to their own....
Fact: USFs attraction upkeep is miles ahead of any in WDW. Sad but true.

Nope that's opinion not fact
That's coming from a person that is an avid Disney fan. He is also considered an insider here because of his vast knowledge, and Disney contacts.

The thing that should concern WDW fans is that he made this statement.

girls were walking up and down the street selling Jello shots. Can you imagine THAT on Main Street USA?!quote said:
Was she half naked, and only trying to sell them to dudes over 40? That stuff works here cause that guy thinks to himself "Yes!!! If I buy this shot this girl is gonna want me, look how she is flirting with me and I havent even bought anything yet.":drevil:
They do want me though!


I don't understand why a majority of people feel they can't enjoy both parks. My wife and I love Universal and Disney. We always dedicate 2 days to Universal evey year we go. Every park has something to offer that we really enjoy. You don't have the "pixie dust" you see at Disney at Universal, but for us it is kind of nice to get away from the Disney parks for a couple of days. Please "Only Disney Fans", don't take this the wrong way....Universal's Halloween Horror Nights is always the highlight of our vacation. It is definately not for the little ones, but is fantastic. We don't have children and if we did would never subject them to the intense atmosphere. This year we will try MNSSHP as well as HHN. I have nothing against those who only go to Disney, it is your choice. However, I find it silly when people bash Universal for being "subpar" to Disney.


Active Member
And so it begins. When you enter a park looking to be disappointed, you will be.

I've seen the same thing in Disney World, especially considering a good percentage of CMs are TMs at Uni. I bet your family wasn't lucky enough to see the Jack Nicholson clone walking around? I saw him at MIB one time, and my life has never been the same.

The Simpsons ride is a simulator, and doesn't pretend to be anything else. It is absolutely hilarious and ten times better than Star Tours which is also now dated. Terminator is not outdated, especially considering the new show on Fox that I believe is really well done. Plus, when you get a good Kimberly Duncan, your experience will be, well, SUPER!

However, Twister is the park's "special effect" show, so take it as you will. USH has the same thing, except it's Backdraft instead of Twister.

Now, let's talk about the other attractions just in the Studios your parents didn't mention. The Mummy, which mixes a great story, fluid AAs, and a well done coaster almost to perfection. Disaster, which I now prefer with Walken, as he adds a whole new dimention of laughs, not to mention the amazing effects on that part of the attraction. Jaws, which is essentially Jungle Cruise on steriods. And finally, MIB, which is the best shooter attraction I have ever been on.

I believe the floats are very well done, and the truck thing is a nice way to pick up a few more marketing dollars.

First, Uni doesn't have a parade normally, so this would have been in the evening. Second of all, this is only something that happens at Marti Gras and HHN. (However in 2008 they were themed as blood bags.) Since you are in a special event after a certain time at the park, the alcohol flows a litle more freely. And this is from someone who will never be able to drink in their lives and has no desire to.

Not even Uni diehards like Twister.

As I stated above, Uni doesn't normally do parades. This is more of a short little processional, usually preceding or concludiong with a photo-op. Nothing more, nothing less.

Dudley Do-Right is a themed log flume ride with story elements. Just because Disney did it first doesn't mean they own the rights to it. It is suppossed to feel like you are watching and being sucked into a comic strip of Dudley's most daring adventure yet. I believe it does that very well.

I also see how you refrain to mention Popeye's water attraction, which is one thousand tims better than Kali River Rapids will ever be.

I would like to mention that even though Universal suffers from a smaller amount of attractions than Disney, almost every one of them is top-notch and is worth at least two more re-rides.
Universal is okay but my last trip in 2006 was a bit disapointing, They had about all but 3 stores in each park closed and only about 1-5 people working each restaurant. And when I used to be a Florida resident I had a chance to see their Mardi Gras 1999 Parade and it was pathetic compared to Disney to say the least. :hurl:


Well-Known Member

Have you ever been to New Orleans?

Have you been to New Orleans during Mardi Gras?

Have you ever been a Mardi Gras parade?

The floats at Universal are legit, and were made by Blaine Kern, a Mardi Gras/ Float legend. Also, in real parades, floats are either pulled by tractors or pick-up trucks. What would you prefer to see? From the pics I've seen, Universal has done a good job of trying to recreate the Mardi Gras atmosphere.

Given the choice right now to fly to Orlando for a day, I'd go to Universal.


Well-Known Member
I find thing sot love at both for sure but need hep understanding the appeal of two:

Jaws: A huge let-down. Guide was terrible, effects were terrible, you did not get wet and zero surprises/suspense. Give me Jungle Cruise or Snow White anyday (Witch pwns plastic shark).

Popeye: OK I guess, but the only thing the ride really did well was get you wet. I don't remember any drops or interesting effects or scenery (besides big static diorama with octopus).

Spider-Man, Cat in the Hat, Dudley Doo-Right, Men in Black, Back to the Future, E.T.*, were all fun and I've got to try Mummy, Simpsons, Hulk, Jurasic Park and Terminator (missed those three last trip), but I have no intrest in Potter.

*though extremly obvious that it was based on Peter Pan, almost painfuly so at times.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to address a variety of the topics brought up here by both the original poster and some other Disney zealots...

Regarding employee behavior - having had annual passes to both Disney World and Universal Orlando for a couple of years now, I can say that Universal's employees are generally friendlier and more attentive than Disney's. You'll see someone with a cell phone every once in a while, sure, but I sure do see them a lot more often over at the Mouse's House. In addition, I can name maybe one or two times where I've had a memorably negative experience with a Universal cast member - at Disney? At least a dozen, if not more. That's just my experience. That said, they're people, and people will be people and do thinks they're not supposed to be, regardless of who they're working for.

The characters/movies you mentioned - Twister, Hulk, and Terminator - are all relevant to some extent.

The Hulk is a hugely popular comic book character that has two successful movies in the past year as well as a very well regarded TV series in decade's past. It holds a large amount of nostalgia for comic book fans... hardly "dated".

Terminator? Are you serious? It's had 3 incredibly successful movies and a fourth on the way as well as a well done TV series on Fox. In addition, the attraction, while based on the second movie, is still extremely entertaining and excellent. Is that dated, or did I miss something?

Twister, as a film, is not quite as relevant as some of the other films represented in the park. However, it really isn't necessary for one to be familiar with the film's plot to enjoy the attraction - besides, the plot is basically outlined in the two preshows anyway. It's a disaster attraction for god's sakes.

All of the other films/properties (Mummy, Blues Brothers, Seuss, Marvel, Jurassic Park, Men in Black, Simpsons, E.T., Barney, soon Harry Potter, etc.) are all to some extent either timeless or a major part of pop culture. I think you're just looking for reasons to complain there.

As for the parade floats - you think they look cheap? They look pretty damn similar to the floats seen at the real deal (Mardi Gras). I mean, what has Disney put out there lately? Another recycled parade with the snowglobe tops taken off? To me the floats are creative and look quite nice. The alcohol was especially present during your visit due to Mardi Gras - I mean come on, it's MARDI GRAS. There's going to be some alcohol. It's a part of life, really.

Addressing Dragon Rider on the Marvel "parade" - it is not advertised as a full parade or anything of the sort. It's a meet and greet in style. Toon Lagoon occasionally does one too with a toon trolley, as do the Simpsons in their trailer over at the Studios. If you ask me, for a meet and greet it's pretty fun and creative.

The Simpsons Ride, to me, is an awesome attraction worthy of replacing Back to the Future. Now, I'm not saying it's better than good ol` BTTF, but it IS no doubt a great motion simulator with a hilarious preshow and actual ride experience. I apologize your parents didn't enjoy it, but I assure you many others did - it won the best new attraction award last year. I notice you didn't comment on many of the other excellent rides Universal has - Men in Black, Spiderman, Jurassic Park, Cat in the Hat, Disaster, and Mummy, among many others...

Dudley Do-Right's a Splash Mountain clone? I didn't realize a flume ride with show scenes was a clone of Splash Mountain. As a thrill ride it destroys Splash Mountain, and the exterior of the structure is more impressive than Splash in my opinion. I think some of the interior scenes leave a bit to be desired, but the overall ride experience is very positive - even now I still chuckle at the clever jokes and puns as well as the subtle (and not so subtle) Disney pokes. And, in addition, the Popeye Raft Ride whoops Kali into the ground - it tells a classic and beloved story through effective show scenes with a lengthy and very wild ride.

Jaws and Jungle Cruise are a bit different in tone, but I find Jaws to be superior than Jungle Cruise due to both its skippers (which almost always give either a believable performance or a more light-hearted, funny one) and its sheer scope, as well as maintenance.

Speaking of maintenance, in most regards Universal is eons above Disney when it comes to maintenance. I have NEVER seen an element not function correctly on many of its rides, and when I do see something significantly wrong, I tell a team member when exiting - on Mummy for example, the first Imhotep was making some very odd movement and didn't look like it was working correctly. I informed the team member, and within a few minutes the ride went 101... by the end of the day the ride had reopened with Imhotep in a functional A-mode.

Universal's animatronics are usually of pretty good or excellent quality and as mentioned above are well maintained. Many, such as the T-80's (or whatever they're called), the T-Rex, the sharks over at Jaws, several of the more advanced aliens in Men in Black, and the Imhoteps in Mummy still make me go "Wow". Another nice thing to note is that Universal still constructs heavy-AA attractions... a great example is the Men in Black ride, built in the last decade. Would such a ride be built at Disney around the same time? I sadly doubt it. And it looks like another AA-heavy ride is coming with the new Harry Potter ride (some concept art shows off some giant spider and basilisk AA diagrams). Should be incredible.

I'm not saying Disney is crap, though its parks really have declined over the past few years... and I'm showing Disney that I don't like it by having not renewed my set of 4 Annual Passes and instead renewing my Universal passes. I think people need to stop going into Universal expecting the worst, cuz that's what you'll get. It's called a self-fulfilling prophecy folks. Go in with an open mind, and you'll find an amazing world-class resort that surpasses Disney in many regards. The two resorts CAN in fact coexist, as can people who love and enjoy both. :)


New Member
EDIT: Be forewarned: Most of this is pro-Universal. When you go through training at both Disney and Universal, they teach you to hard sell your product, and that's something I've always been a firm believer in.

Okay. So your parents didn't enjoy their visit to Universal, when they went in already expecting it to be mediocre compared to Disney. No surprise there. While I understand there are different strokes for different folks, they went in completely biased, so Universal didn't have a chance in hell to impress them in the first place. Second, neither company claims to be the other. While they're both theme parks, they're both pushing different products.

Disheveled-looking TMs: Yes, it happens. What you fail to realize is that most TMs who don't have take-home wardrobe (because at Universal, you have to get medical or attendance clearance in order to do so) get their wardrobe...well...from Wardrobe, right before their shift, so their wardrobe is pretty up to par then. Throughout the course of the day, after checking lapbars relentlessly, running up and down numerous flights of stairs and taking a nap on one of your breaks, your shirt becomes untucked, your clothes happens. It's also because the wardrobe at Universal does not comprise solely of polyester death traps such as those at Disney.

Have your parents never been to Epcot during F&W? Because alcohol is sold EVERYWHERE during F&W. Not that during the rest of the year it isn't sold everywhere. MGM (I refuse to call it that other name) has a fully stocked bar over by 50s, not to mention the makeshift bars they set up during New Years, each one within 15 feet of each other. DAK sells wine and beer. The only dry park is MK. And let's not forget Disney's 2 drink maximum per ID, compared to Universal's one per ID, and Universal is REALLY strict about carding. Mardi Gras and HHN sell a LOT of alcohol for Universal, and yes, there are shot girls during both events walking the streets. At the end of the day, it's all about generating revenue. Either last year or the year before during HHN, they tried going dry one night. They lost $500,000 in revenue, simply because they didn't sell alcohol. And Mardi Gras and HHN are more adult-oriented events anyways, so of course they're going to offer it.

As for attraction up-keep: Both companies have been slacking in this department. Mummy's been open for nearly 5 years now and has yet to undergo rehab, and take it from me, it needs it. Can't begin to explain how many times we've spent most of the day down for technical just in the year that I was there. And let's not even start on Star Tours. Regardless of whether or not 2.0 will ever happen, we can't deny that it is in SERIOUS need of refurb. However, looking around recently at refurbs, Universal has been more consistent and has delivered better results than Disney.

The Marvel characters on ATVs are out for meet and greets, not to do a parade. Marvel Super Hero Island is a rather small and usually crowded area on a daily basis, and if they were to try to squeeze some sort of parade float in there, people would definitely get hurt in some way, shape or form. So Universal decided to have them come out in a way that would catch attention and make them look like they're ready for action at a moment's notice. That's pretty much the reason behind the ATVs, rather than have random characters walk out from random backstage areas and stand around.

IMO, as classic and timeless Disney is and as much as I absolutely love it (it's the entire reason I moved to Orlando in the first place), Universal is pretty much beating them, and have since IOA opened. Universal isn't afraid to be innovative with their ride technology. Case in point? The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man. There isn't another ride anywhere like it. It's been named the number one theme park attraction in the world countless times since it opened. And that technology is about to be improved upon, not by Disney, but by Universal themselves, when they complete their Transformers attraction. And let us not forget the upcoming Potter attraction. If you all had any true idea of just how technologically advanced that attraction is going to be...
What technological wonder has Disney given us lately? A multi-million dollar AA that hasn't been in A-mode in nearly a year, and a 3-D movie combined with a first-person shooter...on a bus bar system with turntable track switches, not to mention that atrocity known as SGE. Oooh. Excitement.

And thank you to Tom Morrow for explaining the storyline for Mummy, it saved me from having to do so. Not only that, thank you for doing so accurately. :)

-SirGoofy: While I agree with you fully on the AA comment, I beg to differ on the storyline comment. The USH version is much more confusing, and compared to USF, the USH version is trash. Yes, I may be somewhat biased on this aspect. However, I have yet to meet a person who's ridden both who's said that USH is better. Our storyline makes more sense, AND the ride is twice the length of USH. During my time at Mummy, I even had the pleasure to work with a girl who came from USH Mummy and she even said that while some of their load procedures and their load platform set up is better, USF is a better attraction overall.

Just my two cents. You may release the hounds now :wave:


Active Member
The thing I love about the original poster's whole post was he is able to view Universal with such distain and he isn't even the person who went to the park. It was his dad that was there. :ROFLOL:


Park History nut
Premium Member
What technological wonder has Disney given us lately? A multi-million dollar AA that hasn't been in A-mode in nearly a year, and a 3-D movie combined with a first-person shooter...on a bus bar system with turntable track switches, not to mention that atrocity known as SGE. Oooh. Excitement.


About Simpsons...I was just incredibly disappointed with it. I was ready to be blown away, and I wasn't. On the other hand I didn't know what to expet from TSM, and it completely blew my mind.

What technological wonder has Disney given us lately? A multi-million dollar AA that hasn't been in A-mode in nearly a year, and a 3-D movie combined with a first-person shooter...on a bus bar system with turntable track switches, not to mention that atrocity known as SGE. Oooh. Excitement.

Oh, I can't agree with this. Other than Spider-man, Universal really hasn't been that innovative.

TSM is just as innovative as anything in Universal other than Spidey.

But yea, the yeti being broken is about as foolish as Disney doing NOTHING to counter Potter, which I have no doubt will be spectacular.

-SirGoofy: While I agree with you fully on the AA comment, I beg to differ on the storyline comment. The USH version is much more confusing, and compared to USF, the USH version is trash. Yes, I may be somewhat biased on this aspect. However, I have yet to meet a person who's ridden both who's said that USH is better. Our storyline makes more sense, AND the ride is twice the length of USH. During my time at Mummy, I even had the pleasure to work with a girl who came from USH Mummy and she even said that while some of their load procedures and their load platform set up is better, USF is a better attraction overall.

Just my two cents. You may release the hounds now :wave:

I've never been on the USH version, so I honestly have no idea what it's like. Believe me, I love Mummy. It's a ridiculous amount of fun. I just feel like the story just isn't coherent and is conveyed properly IMO.

Doesn't mean I'm not gonna ride it though.:D

EDIT: Oh, and Uni's maintenance blows WDW's out of the water. Disney needs to give its maintenance people the money and manpower they need in order to bring it back to where it should be.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
Since I have a little brother who is, to put it nicely, a bit of a baby when it comes to thrill rides, we generally skip Universal. I like it, though not nearly as much as Disney, and I will admit that there are several things that Universal does better. When my girlfriend and I get married we're going to WDW on our honeymoon, and we're planning on making a detour to Universal, specifically to the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter!


New Member
I'm going to make this as short as I can since I just came back from Universal Sat. & again for a short time Mon. to use my Super Bowl pass. (also going Fri. before it expires) I agree with some points on how some employess are well bellow par but this is also true at Disney. There were some great employess who really got into their job. Like two who were working at Mummy when I decided on Mon. to ride 20x in a row before going to the TNA Wrestling taping. (One was a blonde girl (name started with a A then next letter was a D I think & a large black guy both great at the possessed crew member role & very freaky as they loaded people) I will go back to Mummy (maybe not 20x) Fri. in hopes of seeing these two who made the experience of the ride in the sense HM or JC CMs do with their actions. (oh & the story isn't THAT hard to follow) As far as ride quality the person who compaired like Twister to Backlot is right on different things for the different park but both nice in their own way. Simpsons wasn't that bad they did try by adding to a motion sim some 4D effects but I agree the film itself felt boreing after the great preshow stuff. As far as Mardi Gras it was actually kind of fun even if it made the park super busy it added a little something to the day. Would I have gone to Universal this year if it wasn't for that free ticket prob. not but will I end up getting a AP for there next year most likely yes because it was a nice little change from Disney NOT better then Disney but a nice difference. Note anyone who is going to be there on Fri. & wants to go Mummy crazy with me drop me a PM.

toystory 3

New Member
The best thing about Universal is the Halloween Nights. I went down there last year for my B-Day to experience just that and it was crazy! Universal makes you pay for everything, if you want a fast pass its a extra $39.99 and you only get to use it once per ride! (total waste!) Then the event itself was separate from the two park tickets, no bundle price for the whole package, then a separate price for the fast pass to the Halloween Nights. (another $39.99) It was over a poor experience and way over priced. Universal was too small too pricey and unless you want to leave the park scared silly don't go to the Halloween Nights. :fork:

My two cents.....

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Would I have gone to Universal this year if it wasn't for that free ticket prob. not but will I end up getting a AP for there next year most likely yes because it was a nice little change from Disney NOT better then Disney but a nice difference. .

Exactly, it provides some of the things Disney doesn't. And there is nowt wrong with a bit of variety.


Well-Known Member
Decided to respond to a few of the OP's thoughts.

-"Sloppy employees": Apparently it's not uncommon to see wrinkled uniforms and un-tucked shirts that make the staff at Universal look not so hot. In fact he said as they got to the end of one of lines there stood a female employee leaning against a guardrail, on her cell, texting.

I have always received just the exact same of behavior from Universal's CM's as Disney's. They're the same pool of people. I get great customer service and rude customer service at both locations. I say they're equal here.

-"Attractions": Although I never rode it myself, I was told "The Simpsons Ride" is nothing to write home about. Basically a motion simulator, that comes with a warning not to ride if you're claustrophobic. Also, my dad made a good point that although both Disney and Universal have their attractions based on old and sometimes very old movies, the Disney ones are in place because they are timeless classics. Terminator? The Hulk? Twister? Sure they were exciting when these movies were a part of pop culture 10, 20 years ago...but now they seem so dated - and thus LAME.

This is ridiculous. First off, The Simpsons never tries to be anything more than a motion simulator as a ride base. It is however one of the funniest attractions I've ever ridden. I've never laughed that much. You can't say the Terminator is outdated. There's a tv show on right now about it, and there's about to be a huge movie about the Terminator. The Hulk isn't based off the movie, its based off the comic book character who is classic and has been around for years. Sure, everyone hates Twister but even Disney has its duds. Have you ever sat through "Sounds Dangerous" or "Stitch's Great Escape"?

Again, there's a tie on quality of rides here. Universal has some amazing rides, some that are better than what Disney has. I love Jaws, Spiderman, Men In Black, etc...

-"Mardi Gras": I'm told that around this time of year the park features a Mardi Gras themed parade. Apparently the floats are pretty low budget, and even more intresting to me - some or all of the floats are pulled by pick-up trucks. The trucks aren't even themed but simply feature the logo of the local car dealer that sponsors/provides the vehicles.

No, Universal doesn't do parades as well as Disney. In fact, they rarely do parades. The only times they do them that I'm aware of are on their Mardi Gras days as a special edition, Christmas, and sometimes at Halloween. Having the trucks pull them does knock their parades down a bit, but most of the floats are really nice and the parades are fun. But no, they don't have the infrastructure for parades like Disney does. Disney does win here.

-"Alcohol": Saved the best for last here... Not only is alcohol served throughout Universal Studios, but as my parents were waiting for the afternoon parade, girls were walking up and down the street selling Jello shots. Can you imagine THAT on Main Street USA?!

Your parents visited during a special event. Mardi Gras. They only do that during special events like Mardi Gras and HHN. That's not normal operations. I agree however, I avoid those two events at night because of that issue.

That said, I love Universal. If you go to it looking to find problems you will. There are fans of Universal who think they're not allowed to be fans of Disney and they go there looking for complaints as well. I can see problems at both Disney and Universal, but I try not to go there looking for something to complain about. I try to go and have fun, and I can easily do that at both locations.

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