Inside WDW new space mountain 11/10/09

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
The exterior lighting can be added later and probably will.

Rumor has it the tracks were upgraded to be able to support on board audio which also can be added later.

We kept a classic. And we know what happens when the gut an attraction. It's almost never as good as the original.

So, we will see. The stuff they didn't do can be done later. Very strategic and apparently the limited funds were well spent.
Both true. Givven TDO's record with things like this, I am highly apprehensive. I wish we would get a sponsor.

Agreed on the classic...but it still can be a classic rich in nostalgia, BUT be kept relevant and up to date.:wave:


Active Member
The exterior lighting can be added later and probably will.

Rumor has it the tracks were upgraded to be able to support on board audio which also can be added later.

We kept a classic. And we know what happens when the gut an attraction. It's almost never as good as the original.

So, we will see. The stuff they didn't do can be done later. Very strategic and apparently the limited funds were well spent.

Can Disney do wrong to you?

They didn't add the stuff, period. They won't refurb the ride in the next few years... that's not reasonable to close it again especially with TDO. What's so strategic about it? :veryconfu

You do realize that we could of got a brand new attraction... I guess keeping around the 70s ride was a better plan? :lol: Really?


Well-Known Member
Both true. Givven TDO's record with things like this, I am highly apprehensive. I wish we would get a sponsor.

Agreed on the classic...but it still can be a classic rich in nostalgia, BUT be kept relevant and up to date.:wave:
I cannot stress enough' If anyone has the time or money go to Disneyland to see what we are missing.


Active Member
I hope they can surprise us with Ghost Galaxy next year.... but HEY that's not keeping it classic :lol:

Seriously though, MK needs overlays!


Well-Known Member
I have to say that, although I am disappointed with the lack of onboard audio, the visibly dated queue and loading area got some much needed TLC. Given the economic times I think it's satisfactory. I always have enjoyed the Florida Space Mountain ride more than Disneyland; with that said the Disneyland one is a total and immersive experience which is made by it's soundtrack and effects - let's not forget how long the California mountain was closed for its massive overhaul! :slurp:

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
I have to say that, although I am disappointed with the lack of onboard audio, the visibly dated queue and loading area got some much needed TLC. Given the economic times I think it's satisfactory. I always have enjoyed the Florida Space Mountain ride more than Disneyland; with that said the Disneyland one is a total and immersive experience which is made by it's soundtrack and effects - let's not forget how long the California mountain was closed for its massive overhaul! :slurp:

Or the reason why it was closed for so long. :lookaroun :zipit:

That being said, ours was supposed to be closed for a similar length of time, but alas, it was not to be. Still though, the queue looks excellent. Hopefully the post show has been plused in a similar manner. :eek:
I hope they can surprise us with Ghost Galaxy next year.... but HEY that's not keeping it classic :lol:

Seriously though, MK needs overlays!

"needs" is a strong word

I think the reason Disneyland has overlays is because it has to draw "local" crowds as well. Unlike WDW which grabs an enormous amount of diverse crowds, i think Disneyland has to get alot of the local crowds, so they need reasons for people to come i.e. Christmas/Halloween overlays.

Although it would be nice, I dont think Overlays is a necessity


Well-Known Member
What matters is not what it was or what it could have been. What matters is what it is, which cannot be judged until it is actually experienced.

I'll agree with most, though, that the pictures are encouraging.


Well-Known Member
squabble, squabble ,squabble etc.. silly hummies.
Hey, its better then a poke in the eye!

I like the new look, just think, they could be like Six Flags and just let the place rot. As long as they dont turn it into JIYI+SM Im fine with it. Dont get me started on why hasnt JII been updated to something that even forms a line like it use to back in the 80's.
Adding a little more interactive isnt a bad thing and being they did it to this kinda ride type is pretty forward thinking I would say. After all its a roller coaster, not SSE. The ride didnt change, only the atmosphere waiting for it has.


Well-Known Member
Gimmie a few years. :D 2012 can't get here soon enough!:sohappy:

Are you sure about that???? :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Oh please, there aint nothing 70s about that que. How is adding interactive games to the line anything like it was when it opened? Its not. This isnt DL or DLP, this is MK/WDW. If you really feel this way, even without being on the refurbed ride first, then spend money on the inferior west coast space mt.


Well-Known Member
Oh please, there aint nothing 70s about that que. How is adding interactive games to the line anything like it was when it opened? Its not. This isnt DL or DLP, this is MK/WDW. If you really feel this way, even without being on the refurbed ride first, then spend money on the inferior west coast space mt.

I agree, I think WDW might have the best SM now. On the inside anyway.


Active Member
Oh please, there aint nothing 70s about that que. How is adding interactive games to the line anything like it was when it opened? Its not. This isnt DL or DLP, this is MK/WDW. If you really feel this way, even without being on the refurbed ride first, then spend money on the inferior west coast space mt.

The ride is 70's, not the queue.

And yes, this isn't DLP's or DL's... although sometimes I wish it was! Or even HK's!

How is the west coast's inferior with onboard audio, an amazing queue, overlays, LED'd mountain?

I don't get why we can't appreciate the queue AND still be disappointed we didn't get more like the others get. Y'know? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Look - a shiny new lamp post!

It amuses me how excited everyone is getting over this modest refurb. I swear sometimes I feel the same way Cartman did in the "Elementary School Musical" episode from South Park: "Well, I'm out guys. If this is what's cool now, I think I'm done. I no longer have any connection to this world. I'm gonna go home and kill myself. Goodbye, friends."

To me you might as well get all excited over a new Lamp post. For #%#$^#$@ sake it's a new queue with video games and a new ceiling for the load area! How is that anywhere near as exciting as Disneyland Paris or Disneyland's Space Mountain? Disneyland's is smooth, has superior effects and also has on-board audio. Our ride is still basically the same piece of bumpy crap it has been for the last 15 years. I say 15 because that is about the time it was due for a real rehab before it became stale and old news.

This is exactly why TDO gets away so few new projects of any worth! People keep praising them for mediocrity.


Well-Known Member
It amuses me how excited everyone is getting over this modest refurb. I swear sometimes I feel the same way Cartman did in the "Elementary School Musical" episode from South Park: "Well, I'm out guys. If this is what's cool now, I think I'm done. I no longer have any connection to this world. I'm gonna go home and kill myself. Goodbye, friends."

To me you might as well get all excited over a new Lamp post. For #%#$^#$@ sake it's a new queue with video games and a new ceiling for the load area! How is that anywhere near as exciting as Disneyland Paris or Disneyland's Space Mountain? Disneyland's is smooth, has superior effects and also has on-board audio. Our ride is still basically the same piece of bumpy crap it has been for the last 15 years. I say 15 because that is about the time it was due for a real rehab before it became stale and old news.

This is exactly why TDO gets away so few new projects of any worth! People keep praising them for mediocrity.

Well to me and some other folk its not mediocrity. Its a difference of opinions. You claim DL's Space is smooth and cool or whatnot, and I say its crap and I say its boring. Just a difference of opinions. To sit here and say that they couldnt have done better is ignorant on all our parts, but its also ignorant to sit here and say that they havent done anything.

If MK's space mt. is so lackluster and stale, as well as all the other things WDW has to offer and WDW as a whole, than go to DL where things are just so much better. And didnt they add new tracks?? And has anyone from the public been allowed to ride it yet?? So how would you know its the same "bumpy crap" from the past 15 years. Another difference of opinion, because when I think of bumpy crap I think of Rockin coaster not Space mt.


Well-Known Member
The ride is 70's, not the queue.

And yes, this isn't DLP's or DL's... although sometimes I wish it was! Or even HK's!

How is the west coast's inferior with onboard audio, an amazing queue, overlays, LED'd mountain?

I don't get why we can't appreciate the queue AND still be disappointed we didn't get more like the others get. Y'know? :shrug:

Because outside of all the cool effects it fails as a roller coaster. Space mt. is a roller coaster, and as a coaster it is boring as hell. Horrible layout, nothing but left and right turns and small dips and it is not thrilling as what a roller coaster should be. Id say its a great ride though, but as a coaster it fails.

I can understand being dissapointed by not getting audio, but to me its not that big a deal. If audio is so important than why not ride with an ipod with the DL soundtrack or just go to DL. I can understand why you and others would be dissapointed in that. But the way I look at it is they could have done nothing and then people here would have complained, and then they decide to do something and people here still want to complain. Just be a little thankful they did something to it. And as I said somewhere already in this thread and this is imo, the better space mt. just got even better.


is anyone else here just happy that SM will be open again?

just saying...gimme a rainy day where nobody is in the park, Space Mountain, and I'm a happy camper... =)

tho I do have to say, the lift, imo, should've been one of the top priorities for this project.

and as for the floor argument, yest it would be nice to have it cleaned up, not that we can't be satisfied with anything done in this refurb, it's just we love our mountain =P
but that black gunk along the bottom of the wall definitely needs to be cleaned before reopening :hurl:

and I think if the ride was prepped for on-board audio like it was said earlier in this thread, then switching out new cars would not be too much of a deal

but now that the que is enclosed and the TTA passengers are facing concrete, hopefully the effects in the mountain will be kicked up a little bit to make up for that.

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