JIYI Part Two:
As you head up the mountain, you turn to see a huge cave. Figment pulls you ahead and then the lights come on. Instead of it a big dark cave with all these bats, it turns out to be the old "imagine sound" room. Channing "Ah, yes, we have you back. Sorry about that little mishapp there. It is all undercontroll now. As we venture onword, we are now entering the area where we take sounds and make them into collors." We hear the familiar sound effects then, "Pssst! Over hear" Then to your left, "No, over here!" Behind center, "Look over hear!" Then the middle right and left "Look now!" We then see Figment on one of the pannels on the left and right sound to light boards. The says "I have a lot better imagination than these guys, let get going." He then zipps across the screan and you see him zip on over, out of the board, and then into the wall, a puff of smoke comes out when the goes through it.
Channing "Now, on to the Connection room, here, imagine the possiblites of what you imagination can accomplish" Then a dot-to-dot Figment moves, "Ha, ha, we've escaped from them now!" He then moves his hands like an orchastrator up and down. The stars swirl, and move, attenmpting to form all sorts of things. Then, "Lets move on now!" Figment then breaks out of the star field and zipps along. All the stars "Fall" to the ground and we move on. We enter a video room. Unlike other ones, this is high quality and looks like you are flying. You see a AA Figment flying on a cloud. There is wind and real clouds in the room. Then Figment dissappears into the fog. Then there is a huge machine gun sound in the distance! The Red Barron is trying to shoot you down! As you zip along, who comes to your rescue, but Figment! He says, "I found a way out, and into my estate!"
You then go through a cloud and you end up in the old upside down room. "Ha,ha,ha,ha! Welcome to my home! We just had a party and we've turnd this place upsidedown! Come and see what I mean!
As you head though, you see all sorts of things. You go past the bathroom and you hear someone humming the JII song, and the person in the shower resembles somebody very fimilir...
Then you go out to the back door and you see 10 Figments launching fireworks! As you streeks by, the smoke wizzes past you car, and the light comes from below. Then the Figs go "Ohh" then light another one "ahh!"
Then Figment says "We've had fun, but we need to get you back, but first lets take a picture with my friends!" Then he takes a picture and all these Figments pop up in differend poses that will end up in you picture. Different combinations each time! Then Figment says "We really need to get you back again, but not before I get back at Dr. Channing!" Then we head back into the Imagination Scanner, "We have them! There here!" We see a few scientists and Dr. Channing standing outside the machine. Digital TV's project the image. "Welcome back! It seems like our Figment was to powerful for us. So as soon as you leave your vehicle, some scientists will wait out side for sceintifi....." Then a scientist tuggs on his sholdier, "I mean they will congradulate you..." Then Figment appears. "You'll never catch me Channing!" "Figment, we arn't done with you yet!" He then pulls down the tube from the beggining and starts to suck. Things start to fly up and Figment starts to run but gets sucket into it. "Well, it appears all is done, so please ex..." Then the scientist points to an indicator on the Imagination Scanner and then.... "Oh my! Get them out of there now....." He gets pull to the floor and the whole room explodes! We see the full ouside now and the Imagination Scanner blown to pieces. But tons of Figments are dancing around! They fly around, swooping pas Channing and the scientists. You then automaticaly move on to a starry room. Figment goes "Don't let this stop you now! Go on and see what I set up for you down to path!" Then the music swells and the lights turn back on, like at the previous end.
As you exit. You can see the windows of the Imagination Scanner room with Channing and Figment running about. The scientists are too pre-occupied to bother with you. So now you can purches your photo with Figment and head off to the rest of Epcot!
Then End!:king:
Hope you enjoyed my little story!