Imagination! Being Replaced w. Dr. Doof?


Liker of Things
To be honest, P&F fits in well with Imagination and could provide fodder for a really nice reboot. People keep talking about the original Imagination, but the unfortunate reality is, its time has come and gone and to keep trying a reboot may not be the way to go. Of course, I'd also be happy with a return to the original ride and a P&F movie. TBH, I'd be happiest if we had cool stuff to do upstairs again.

The only reason it's back was because of MJ's death as a tribute. There's nothing I'd rather do than watch EO, that's how great it is.

I concur.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, P&F fits in well with Imagination and could provide fodder for a really nice reboot. People keep talking about the original Imagination, but the unfortunate reality is, its time has come and gone and to keep trying a reboot may not be the way to go. Of course, I'd also be happy with a return to the original ride and a P&F movie. TBH, I'd be happiest if we had cool stuff to do upstairs again.

I concur.
so I am Also! I hope Phineas and Ferb will be perfect to the imagination. and a new 3D movie with Phineas and Ferb.


Well-Known Member
I think Imagination is it's current form is probably the worst attraction in all of WDW, so just about anything would be better than what's there now. My kids really like Phineas and Ferb, I think that would be a welcome change.


Active Member
I with a few others who suggested no more 3Dmovie at all. This is something most of us can go to our closest multiplex and see. Use it as something creative like creating one large ride in the Imagination Pavilion. I think it would be pretty sweet if the ride vehicle was Dreamfinder's Blimp. You may say that I'm a dreamer...


Well-Known Member
The issue I see with a Phineas and Ferb retheme as suggested by the "Tri-State Area Science Center" signs in the concept art is the same issue with the Imagination Institute: Imagination is not bound to just science and engineering. Both the Imagination Institute and the direction they seem to want to go with for P&F stuff seems to be stuck in the trap that Epcot is just the Science Park when it's about our culture and arts as well. The original pavilion was very much emphasizing fantasy rather then science fiction and the technologic aspects of the pavilion were mostly about presenting new creative toolsets for the future.


Active Member
I've never watched a full episode of "Phineas and Ferb" and do not intend to. I could envision a Mr. Toad style backlash happening if Figment was going away again.

Uncle Orville

Well-Known Member
In EPCOT almost every ride has been modified big time. They need to just let a ride sit untouched for a while and see how it does. Not that P and F is bad but Journey into Imagination is an iconic ride to EPCOT and it shouldbnt be taken out. P and F is already starting to die down in popularity with few new shows so the ride probably wont be as big of a success as they want it to be.


Well-Known Member

I can just see it now! Gone are the glass pyramids replaced by a tacky plywood billboard akin to the rockn'rollercoaster in Disney Studios paris, but depicting the characters of P and F! As you enter you're bombarded with headache-causing color clashes and crudely drawn images of the characters with those icky disney channel colors. The image works replaced with yet ANOTHER gift shop selling nothing you cant find in any disney store.The ride is a cornball expirience that will leave parents wanting to jump off halfway through and fit into the park just as well as the hastily done seas with nemo. It will utilize a series of scenes (all just a bunch of screens in darkened rooms. no animatronics) and end abruptly without a finale. The building will now resemble a cross between a wal mart and a burger king but painted silver and black and easily obscured by trees and whatever horrible idea they have in store for the land some vekoma boomerang or something. lol.

EPCOT FANGIRL RANT ALERT *hides behind hair*

But seriously why are they so mean to Epcot? :( It's gone from a park that had something for everyone young and old to six flags over orlando for 12 year old boys with a couple of princess restaurant clones tossed in for the girls.

RIP Horizons RIP World Of Motion RIP Original Universe of Energy RIP Kitchen Cabaret RIP Food Rocks RIP Body Wars RIP Cranium Command RIP Wonders of Life RIP Rio Del Tiempo RIP Journey into Imagination RIP Magic Journeys RIP Imageworks RIP pavillions that let you walk around and discover things RIP fountain in the Land. RIP old Spaceship Earth (what does that leave....maelstrom, livin' with the land, and American Adventure please don't take my maelstrom away!)

Imagine if the Magic Kingdom was treated this way! Haunted mansion replaced with national treasure the ride! and cut in half to make room for national treasure THE GIFTSHOP! while thunder mountain sits abandoned for 5 years sometimes used as a festival grounds for stamp collectors!

I may be jaded because I hate new disney channel type stuff and i never cared for phinneas and ferb, i see the jokes coming every time its more nickelodeon than disney. But epcot was perfect before everything was in such a good balance. Its sad to see it become a shadow of itself, and its not just because of nostalgia. I just remember rides were more involved back then they werent mostly dark rooms with like a tv set and a plywood sign. Nor were they simulators of simulators or roads that went into backstage areas. They were all encompassing multi-sensory experiences where magic could be found unannounced in every corner, it wasn't spoonfed. every pavillion had a unique feel to it UofE was low and heavy with massive vehicles, wonders of life felt like you were floating in a body, horizons was a starport, World of motion was a sleek tribute to worlds fairs, The land a beautiful natural but indoor garden world, the seas deep below the waves, spaceship earth, compact but yet not at all, and the imagination pavillion, where you felt like you were floating on clouds. The only one i still enjoy is the land. Test track's not bad after the update but still.


I think this isn't a good idea for the pavillion and its surely an idea that will become a walk on by at most 2020 if not sooner (assuming it opened in 2015). It'd become a pavillion without a theme, just a big ride with more show space than needed. I'm not adverse to phinneas and ferb opening elsewhere like Hollywood Studios or DCA but this is just too random for this park. the pavillions would be themed as the land, talking fish, Human communication, Energy, *cricket* (hello wol wake up!), Space, cars, and a television cartoon? whaaaaaaaatttt?? lol

I feel like my favorite park will switch from Epcot to Hollywood studios after Starwars land opens. It'll look more epcot than epcot does, as will Avatarland in AK.

sorry for the dismal first post, I'm not really a negative person lol. I just saw this first and nearly had a heart attack. as it is im a bit queasy from the thought I should liedown My former favorite ride replaced by my least favorite disney Talk about salt in the wound! lol


Well-Known Member
Not saying this out of nostalgia at all but they could probably easily re-invest in Figment and make him popular again. Lord knows the company shoves Duffy all over the place and did a good job really promoting Sofia so ... it's possible. They just don't seem to want to do anything with him or the ride, or Epcot in general, which is disappointing. Pretty much all of "Future World" disinterests me, apart from Test Track. Nemo is fine I suppose. Figment's ride is bad, which sucks to say. I always loved seeing Figment as a kid. But, if they showed me a stellar new ride, I could possibly deal with Figment retiring. However, the fact is, he could still be viable. They just aren't making him viable. And let's not even get started on Universe of Energy. How is that ride still even running?? Figment and UOE are near embarassments. And the Soarin area just looks really cheap. The entire Land pavilion could use a refresh.

And then they have a perfectly good pavilion that sits empty. Such a shame.


Well-Known Member
Figment and UOE are near embarassments. And the Soarin area just looks really cheap. The entire Land pavilion could use a refresh.

And then they have a perfectly good pavilion that sits empty. Such a shame.

off topic for a moment (geez bad track record today :/)
UofE is imo doubly out of date. The dinosaurs are very cornball looking (no offence to mr. Disney and his Primeval world, it just that I mean we have dinosaur now which is everything in this scene and more!) and the rest is pretty much a commercial for energy companies. They updated it with 90s stuff that is now totally out of date.

The land is also out of date and livin' needs a bit more in there, I know as a kid I fell asleep on it. And I hate the paused pictures part of it its really cheesy. (where they show all those faces) I still really like the pavillion because its still a place you can walk around listen to ambient music and just realax for once. Its the one pavillion thats still an expirience and not just a ride. WoL was one but oopsie where did it all go?

Ironically Horizons, Body wars, and original Imagination were my favorites and embodied the FEEL of epcot to me. Also Ironically the three pavillions you mentioned are probablly the ones that SHOULD be most relavent today, with the energy crisis, the health food craze, and the climate changes/weather crazyness and whatnot but are all in need of overhauls or in bad places.

This is just another reason why Phinneas and Ferb do not belong in this park (at least as a stand alone theme pavilion). What do they have to do with epcot? what do they have to do with technology of tomorrow or ways to better the world? and they think they could shove them into imagination just because they build goofy contraptions? Why not just put Belle's father in there? Or Ludwig Von Drake? I mean really. But thankfully from what I've seen it appears its only an idea they considered and it looks to be confined only to the former kodak gift shop. I hope.....


Well-Known Member
I agree. I'm amazed they aren't more relevant. I think they could be really interesting again if done right and folks ARE interested in learning a little something, even on vacation. The health craze, climate change, etc. There are so many things they could do. ESPECIALLY now that Disney wants everything to be 'interactive'. It's like they are dying for an update but yet ... nothing. At least I guess we'll eventually see Soarin' updated .... in 2015.

I still remember Body Wars LOL. I'm not saying I'm clamoring for it to return though, but I think WDW is really missing the boat here with these pavilions. Big time. Though I'm late to the party in terms of posting about all of this haha.

I just feel sad walking around Future World and because I'm not much of a drinker or foodie (I often go solo, but when with people, yeah ... lol), World Showcase is also sort of blah for me, though I do love walking around and listening to the entertainment and talking to CMs who are from other places.


Well-Known Member
Not saying this out of nostalgia at all but they could probably easily re-invest in Figment and make him popular again.

Pixar needs to come in here and save the day. A movie about Figment would work well here. Everyone would get what they want. Executives get their Pixar overlay and a new (hopefully more popular) revenue stream (albeit in reverse), Future World gets a once star attraction back (after the movie is out and complete and they redo the ride) and Epcot Center comes back to life just a little bit more for all the nostalgic fans.


Well-Known Member
P&F have been around a while already, and by the time the ride opened they'd be too passe-however, they could definitely fit in the Pavillion somehow...maybe the upstairs re-imagined?

Victor Kelly

Well-Known Member
Disney is too busy using WoL, Odessey Restaurant, and Millenium pavilions as meeting and party space. They have no care in the world.

There is so many new concerns and technology and HISTORY that can be used for attractions, but TDO lacks the will to do it or spend the money to do it. A worlds fair should be better taken care of. CoP belongs in Epcot. And I would envision it going into one of the Innoventions buildings easily and getting rid of the garbage that is in there.


New Member
Disney is too busy using WoL, Odessey Restaurant, and Millenium pavilions as meeting and party space. They have no care in the world.

It goes deeper than that...they have virtually turned Epcot into a Disney Convention Center. I sometimes think they would close the whole place down as a park, if they weren't getting so much money from the World Showcase alcohol sales.

It would be a dream to see them bring back the nostalgia of EPCOT Center and get rid of the diluted Epcot.

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