Trip Report I'll stop the World and Melt with you.


It's been two years since my family and I visited WDW. Two long years. Thankfully, my son Sterg and I got a three day Disney fix last summer at Disneyland.

Curiously, this trip report is being written at a time when a lot of negative Disney vibe is emanating from other regions of WDWMagic - as it was two years ago. The Doom & Gloom is running free and wild. I'm just thankful I stayed clear of most of it before our trip because I may have cancelled what turned out to be an amazing time. It is also fortunate that we got this trip in because from the sound of things there may not be a WDW to go to in a few years.

To be truthful, some things that Disney has done has me scratching my head; but this is neither the time nor place to discuss it. Putting that aside - let's get on with the trip report!

We left on Sunday July 21st. Maybe the longest day of my life. The night before, my oldest daughter Alex went to see Taylor Swift in Philadelphia ( about 50 miles away ) and due to a long rain delay she didn't make it home until 2 am. This meant that she would not go to sleep since we were being picked up at 3 am for the drive to Philly airport for our 6 am flight. At least we were supposed to be picked up at 3am.

Here is my Mom ( Yia-Yia )and my youngest daughter Antonia ( Toni ) up and ready at 3 in the morning waiting for our ride. Yia-Yia ( grandmother in Greek ) is 77 years old and joining us for the first time on a Disney adventure. Toni is now almost 12 and the little Yorki-poo in the front is Prince. Prince is short for Prince Charming ( named by Toni ).


When the driver didn't show up by 3:15 I started to worry. I called the limo company at the same time he called me to tell me he was lost. I reeled him in and we were on our way by 3:30. The drive down was nerve wracking as I kept watching the clock and praying for no delays. That is until our driver eased my tension by telling us his son works for Disney and he goes down to the World 4 or 5 times a year. The resulting Disney conversation lasted until we hit the airport around 4:30.

More tension as we went through security. My carry on was stopped in the machine and I was pulled aside. I had put a container of Vitamin C powder in my bag that garnered some attention. Of course, my Mom came over as I was being held and my bag inspected.

"Why didn't you put that in your suitcase, Christo?" she said to me in her Greek accented voice.

"Mom, please go wait over there" I responded.

"No, I want to see what they are doing" Then she followed with this one for the TSA officer.

"It's not drugs, my son doesn't do cocaine!"

OK, I thought. I'm definitely going to be held in some prison cell for the next week.

After the chemical test proved my Mother correct, I was allowed to go on my way. We had time to grab coffee and some food and make it on the Southwest plane to Orlando. A plane full of smiling happy faces! Including these;

This is my wife Val ( not the biggest of Disney fans ), with Yia-Yia in the middle and Alex by the window.


On the other side was yours truly sporting a Hawaiian shirt ( since we were staying at the Poly ), Toni and Sterg.


Before we knew it we were up in the clouds...

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Mickey's Philharmagic is another favorite of Alex's ( and mine ), and became a favorite of Yia-Yia! I watched as Alex, Toni and Yia-Yia grabbed at the jewels during the LM scene.



Up next, IASW. I was a bit spoiled, having been on the DL version last year. Amazingly, no complaints from Sterg.


Alex likes her dark rides.


It goes without saying that I had to get a picture of the Greek section.



Yia-Yia enjoyed the Greek greeting at the end. "Sto Kalo" translates loosely to "may you go with the good". It's likely where "goodbye" originated from.


Next up on the Yia-Yia friendly tour of MK was HauntedMansion.

View from the queue.


We had much more fun reading the tombstones than fiddling with the interactive queue.



It was great listening to my Mom reading these slowly out loud in her Greek accent; and then waiting for her to laugh. :D



I am really not a fan of how they corral you into the entrance. Too much pushing, shoving and "gipping", which is a recipe for raised tempers; especially on a hot day.

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Catching up again! :)

I really liked Sanaa! The spicy chicken knocked my socks off, but it was still tasty. The butter chicken was delicious! Kelly's right though, the highlight was dessert! That chocolate you posted wasn't just okay! It was delicious!

I would have been very sad if my camera died too. I'm glad you had a back up at least!

I cracked up at your World of Disney story! Oh my word, I have been there too!

Ouch, for Sterg!

That picture of the Poly the next morning is gor-geous.


Well-Known Member
Just got all caught up. Your pictures at Kidani village have me missing that place! Can't wait to go back in May. But this time we are back at the lodge. Just love the laid back feel of that resort. OMG!!! I don't think I have ever heard someone so adaquately describe WoD before! And here I thought I was the ONLY one who got overwhelmed by the crowds in that store! So glad that I'm not alone!


Well-Known Member
Goodmorning WDW! Our last day at the World. Having a late flight made waking up a bit easier. On this day, Toni and I were joined by Yia-Yia, Alex and Sterg. Val, never being a morning person, stayed behind to finish up some packing.

The beautiful morning helped wipe away much of the ugliness of the night before.


We were headed to MK via boat to catch the opening.


Peaceful and calm; in contrast to our previous evening.



Here comes our boat!


All aboard. I was beginning to favor the boat ride over the monorail. Yes, the monorail is "cooler" but the quick voyage across the lake was more relaxed.


Lovely sights to start your day...



A fully recovered Sterg and Alex tried to give me a smile. I was interested to see how they would react to the opening show.


Before long, Casey Jr. came down the tracks and Mickey opened up Magic Kingdom. The teenagers actually enjoyed it as did Yia-Yia. She asked me if they did that every morning and was amazed when I told her they did.



Our final day in Magic Kingdom begins...

Our family was picked to open the park !!! Talk about excited ! The only day I didn't have my Disney shirt on .. I had to go to the shop and buy one !! Then breakfast at the castle ....


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At some point I had resigned myself that I was going in circles so I decided to slow down and do some shopping. I was looking at a hawaiian Mickey shirt when out of nowhere my Mother appeared. "That's a nice shirt, Christo." She almost startled me as I didn't see her coming.

"Mom! where have you been? Where is everybody?"

"We're shopping for things." she replied as if I insulted her.

"Oh, OK, so you like the shirt?" I said while holding it up, trying to find the price tag. It was $50, but the material felt great.
"Do you think that's too much" I asked. "Mom? Mom?"

And just like that she was gone. Engulfing back into the dark sea of tourists. It was surreal. I did decide to buy the shirt and I stood in line for 15 minutes, turning constantly and looking for the others with no success. After paying for my gift to myself I heard Sterg's voice across the room.

"Dad!, Dad! come here. Over at the phone cases."

"Ok, I'll be right there."
I said as I started to make my way through the thicket of humans moving in all directions.

"Excuse me, pardon me, coming through" I said as I leveraged, pushed and pulled my way the 25 feet to the phone cases. When I got there Sterg was gone but Alex was there.

"Alex? where's Sterg?"

"I don't know...what do you think of this phone case?"

"It's ok - where's Mom?"
I said almost desperately.

"Oh, she's over in this room. I'll go get her" and with that Alex was gone.

I felt like I was in a strange dream. Out of the fog of people, members of my family would appear for a moment only to disappear back into it. They seemed to know exactly where everybody else was and where I was but I was completely lost.
Next up was Toni. Poof- she appeared.

"Dad, what do you think of these gifts for Leah?" Leah was one of her best friends back home.

"Huh? where did you come from? Those are nice but why are you asking me - weren't you with Mom shopping? "

"Dad, what do you think?"

"Uh, that seems like a lot of money for one person"
I said as I added up the prices of the pin and necklace.

"Mom said I could get it if you said yes" she said as I began to understand her game. Val told her the same thing - too much money - now Toni wanted me to overrule.
"Nope, too much money. Pick one"

"Not fair!"
She said and stormed off before I could react. Alone again. The crowd now pushing me into another room.

Next up was Sterg. The rolling sea of people having spit him up in front of me.

"Dad, you have to get this Darth Vader phone case!" He said holding it. It was pretty cool, but was an Iphone 5 case and I had an Iphone 4.
"Wrong case" I said.

"Oh yeah, let me get an Iphone 4 case" and he was gone.

Again, the ceiling were my escape from the chaos.


This is so funny ! I have the same issues so I just say "We will meet at this door in 45 mins !" and they scatter !


Well-Known Member
Ah, just loving it. I love that your final park run was a Yia-Yia friendly run and the teen-monsters are stickin' right with y'all. Very, very cool.

IASW catches a lot of flack but I seriously love it. Always have. People hate the song. I love the song. I know, I'm odd.

I'm with Yia-Yia, the tombstones in the HM lineup are the bestest. The interactive stuff is cute and all but I much prefer the less-obvious witt just in reading those silly stones. I was so afraid they'd do away with them when the new stuff was added a few years ago. So glad they're safe!


Can't wait for the next installment, Chris. Fab pictures. As always. You're killin' it.


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Our last day at WDW continues...

Riding through HM. One of my favorites.





I still remember how these effects completely blew me away when I was a 9 year old. Even as an adult and knowing how they do it, I'm still amazed.






Yia-Yia couldn't get enough of the witty epitaphs.



FPs for Splash would work into our schedule so we grabbed them.



The late morning sun was now beating down on Magic Kingdom, turning the concrete into a giant baking stone. Shade was in high demand.



It's never too hot to check your smartphone.


We got word from Val that she was heading over to join us at MK. Fortunately we were able to get a late checkout for one of our rooms.


Well-Known Member
I have been going back through and looking at your photos. Of course, the family pics are great, but post #550 has a pic of the Safari ride vehicle that has a great perspective and use of thirds in the composition, whether intentional or not, which really takes what could be an average photo and makes it exceptional. It could be in a magazine somewhere. Very good eye on that one.


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Some pictures around Frontierland...




At one point I had the idea to go see Hall of Presidents. It was going to be close with Val on the way, us needing to eat lunch and the looming FastPass window. I was hoping we could jump into the next show.



Alas, we just missed the showing and our schedule wouldn't allow us to wait for the next one. I did take pictures of my 2 favorite Presidents;



Now some pics in Liberty Square. It's ironic how I'm such a history buff, especially into the Revolutionary Era, but never spent much time in LSq.




We met up with Val and headed to one of my favorite QS spots...
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Columbia Harbor House! which was awesome as usual. I had the Lobster roll sandwich and not sure what everybody else had but it was scarfed down in quick order.



Guess who was the only one willing ( gladly I might add ) to pose in the stockade?


I felt the Liberty Belle slowly chugging away represented our vacation slowly slipping to an end. So sad.




OK, snap out of it! We still had FPs to Splash Mountain in our hands. No time to get down. We started to make our way towards one of the best "corners" in the World.




Active Member
You must have been at Mk on one of the last days before the Liberty Belle refurb. We were at Mk a couple days after you and she was down for a "refurb". It looked like a little paint touch up. It was odd seeing the entrance boarded up and not hearing it's whistle.


Well-Known Member
Such a bummer that this TR is comin' to an end. :(
But, it's been one helluv an AWWESOME one!!! :)
Lovin' the fun all of y'all and Yia-Yia had on that last precious day! Such GEEEEEEERATE memories!!!
IaSW, Mickey's PhilHarmagic , Columbia Harbour House, HM!!!
Sorry about HoP. But, as far as those two presidents go...I wish I had more than just two thumbs to put up...!!!!! ;)


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Be still my heart! You captured a picture of my favorite boy...Pinocchio! What a great shot!

Thanks! You'll be able to see him soon! :)

Great update! Love that video you put up, it just shows how much the Winnie the Pooh ride in WDW needs updating. It took me a while to figure out that the characters were all speaking in a different language :oops: I thought someone was just talking over the intercom the whole ride:hilarious:

It would be awesome if that ride was in WDW.

I absolutely love your pictures! The ones from the deck of the Polynesian on your last morning are stunning! I'll echo what I've read some others have said and let you know that I'm sad to see this report begin to come to a close. I'm sure it has felt like this has taken forever to get through, but this is honestly one of the best trip reports that I've ever read on here.

...and your Sterg conversation in WoD was hilarious!

Thanks popsicletrees! Much appreciated!:)

Catching up again! :)

I really liked Sanaa! The spicy chicken knocked my socks off, but it was still tasty. The butter chicken was delicious! Kelly's right though, the highlight was dessert! That chocolate you posted wasn't just okay! It was delicious!

I would have been very sad if my camera died too. I'm glad you had a back up at least!

I cracked up at your World of Disney story! Oh my word, I have been there too!

Ouch, for Sterg!

That picture of the Poly the next morning is gor-geous.

Gosh, I may have been distracted since don't remember the dessert. I believe (both of) you! Thanks Tammy!
We love reading the headstones too. I've never done the interactive stuff before. I guess I will this trip since I have to preschoolers.

interactive stuff is worthwhile, but you always feel rushed to go through it.

Just got all caught up. Your pictures at Kidani village have me missing that place! Can't wait to go back in May. But this time we are back at the lodge. Just love the laid back feel of that resort. OMG!!! I don't think I have ever heard someone so adaquately describe WoD before! And here I thought I was the ONLY one who got overwhelmed by the crowds in that store! So glad that I'm not alone!

Love AKL ( and I've never stayed there :confused: ). I was definitely overwhelmed! Thanks for reading!

Your pictures from Sanaa make it look amazing. I'm looking for a restaurant to go for my anniversary when I'm there. We may have to check out Sanaa.

It's worth it! Have a great trip!

Our family was picked to open the park !!! Talk about excited ! The only day I didn't have my Disney shirt on .. I had to go to the shop and buy one !! Then breakfast at the castle ....

Very cool! That's pretty funny, have to have a Disney shirt. Can you imagine somebody up there with a Harry Potter shirt? :D

This is so funny ! I have the same issues so I just say "We will meet at this door in 45 mins !" and they scatter !

I was caught in a tempest of swirling humanity. :eek:

Ah, just loving it. I love that your final park run was a Yia-Yia friendly run and the teen-monsters are stickin' right with y'all. Very, very cool.

IASW catches a lot of flack but I seriously love it. Always have. People hate the song. I love the song. I know, I'm odd.

I'm with Yia-Yia, the tombstones in the HM lineup are the bestest. The interactive stuff is cute and all but I much prefer the less-obvious witt just in reading those silly stones. I was so afraid they'd do away with them when the new stuff was added a few years ago. So glad they're safe!


Can't wait for the next installment, Chris. Fab pictures. As always. You're killin' it.

I enjoy IASW too. Not something I need to do 5 times a trip, but it's enjoyable. All the nastiness must of been used the night before because the kids were great that day.

Thanks Kelly!

Don't forget the lovely smell of B.O. on a hot day.

I here I almost did forget...:D

"Thanks LuvsTheMouse! Boats is so nice! Maybe a Cruise report is upcoming from you???"

I will leave the AWESOME "Girls Cruise" trip reporting to my daughter-'PartOfYourWorld':cool:

I'm sincere when I say this - Can not have enough WDWMAGIC girls cruise reports! :D

I have been going back through and looking at your photos. Of course, the family pics are great, but post #550 has a pic of the Safari ride vehicle that has a great perspective and use of thirds in the composition, whether intentional or not, which really takes what could be an average photo and makes it exceptional. It could be in a magazine somewhere. Very good eye on that one.

Thanks epcotisbest! I like that picture as well. I try to follow the rule of thirds ( either in composing or cropping images ), but in that pictures I was more focused on the lines and patterns from the trucks and the railings. Thanks for the comments!

Yeah for Yia-Yia appreciating HM!

She loves Magic Kingdom!

Was that someone hanging in HM? How did I never notice that?:jawdrop:

When in the stretching room, look up at the end ( when the thunder and lightning happen ).


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Original Poster
Ok "Christo", you're starting to depress me with the talk of your trip ending.

I know.:cry: but I'll have more time to read trip reports - including yours' down the road!

You must have been at Mk on one of the last days before the Liberty Belle refurb. We were at Mk a couple days after you and she was down for a "refurb". It looked like a little paint touch up. It was odd seeing the entrance boarded up and not hearing it's whistle.

sorry you missed it. Love the steamboat.

Such a bummer that this TR is comin' to an end. :(
But, it's been one helluv an AWWESOME one!!! :)
Lovin' the fun all of y'all and Yia-Yia had on that last precious day! Such GEEEEEEERATE memories!!!
IaSW, Mickey's PhilHarmagic , Columbia Harbour House, HM!!!
Sorry about HoP. But, as far as those two presidents go...I wish I had more than just two thumbs to put up...!!!!! ;)

Thanks for following along donaldtoo! It was a great last day at MK.
Yes, I have several books on both TJ and RR. :bookworm:

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