I've been doing a bad job of keeping up with your report (at this point I think I'm going to go back to the beginning and start over

) but I just read your WoD post. And I am feeling STRESSED! Like a previous poster said, I feel like I was right there with you, the way you described it. That place can be a madhouse! I'm glad you all made it out alive!
Lol! yeah - it really was crazy! I was doing loop through loop around the store and could not find anybody - that's what really freaked me out.
Hey Chris! Sorry I haven't written in a while, but I have been following along. I read the last episode with your family at Downtown Disney last night and was the funniest thing I've read in a long time. I know what you mean by the mass of humanity inside the World of Disney. We love going in there, but when it's that full, it takes all the magic away. Sounds like Sterg was really asking to be kicked in the groin.
Not liking the fact that your getting ready to write your last day, but all good things have to come to an end.
Pictures have been amazing! Thanks for sharing with us!
No sweat! I know your trip is fast approaching and you may be just a bit distracted.

Thanks, he kinda had it coming. Thanks again ! I do enjoy writing the reports and consider it part of my "Disney trip experience".
I WISH!!!! I wish I was back getting drenched walking down Main Street. Saturday started with a letter from the county prosecuting attorney about property taxes. That was the first day of vacation and being a Saturday I could do nothing but worry for three days due to a doctor apt on Monday. On Tuesday I go to the courthouse and find out I have been paying the bill addressed to me but it was not my bill it was for someone else's property. Mine was being sent to a bank in Chicago for SEVEN years. *** why was it going to Chicago?? They didn't know why but it was. The county would not credit me the money I had paid. I had to go and get repaid on my own and start paying the back taxes owed in two weeks or face foreclosure. So if I could not get reimbursed I was on the hook for $2700, they were nice enough to drop the penalty's. I spent Wednesday and Thursday getting reimbursed and applied that toward what I owe and starting a payment plan to the county. From Tues to Thurs I think I made 5-6 trips the county courthouse, 3 trips to two different banks and 4 trips to the other property owner. Friday I sat down vegged out and caught up on your TR. Went back to work Saturday.
Dude, so sorry to hear. That really s*cks! Sounds like you got it sorted out ( thankfully ). Hopefully thinks go smoother. Glad the report helped calm the nerves a bit. Hang in there!
Weeks ago, when I first started following your TR, I was amazed by your photos. Lately, I think it's a tie for 1st place, between your photos and your commentary.
You have a certain vulnerability in your writing style that strikes a chord with so many people here, following your TR. You've made it a point to not portray everyone in the family as being perfect all the time; rather, your comments were far more interesting (and often hilarious!) by pointing out the highs and lows of any normal family's vacation. I grew up in a family of six, and I can definitely relate to many amusing situations with my parents and siblings.
Lastly, a recent photo showing Yia-Yia waving to Mickey during a parade was so tender. That photo actually made me pause for a few moments. I believe you captured the true essence of a Disney vacation in that picture; anyone, regardless of age, is a "kid" in the parks!
Thank you MinneM! I appreciate the comments.
Everytime we go on a trip I feel it is a small adventure. We are 5 people (6 with Yia-Yia), each with different perspectives and personalities. Interacting with other for a whole week without "normal life" distractions ( work, friends, activities, etc. ) is a great way to learn more about each other and hopefully get closer as a family. That does, from time to time mean dealing with some dysfunctional moments - but that's what makes it so interesting and fullfilling for me. Nobody is perfect and our flaws, X 5 people X 7 days will lead to challenges that we have to overcome.
Thanks for mentioning that photo - it's one of my favorites and I totally agree; for at least that moment she was a 12 year old little girls waving at Mickey Mouse.
Mostly a lurker here. I've enjoyed reading your trip reports and the pictures are beautiful. I do agree about taking the boat to MK. We stayed a few nights at Wilderness Lodge after the AWESOME

"Girls Cruise" and I loved taking the boat to MK, so relaxing. There was once we even had the boat all to ourselves.
Thanks LuvsTheMouse! Boats is so nice! Maybe a Cruise report is upcoming from you???
Wow your pictures are just beautiful ! I keep comparing this with Disneyland Paris but.. WDW is just on another level of details and so on.. ! Read your other TR as well.. Wow I could stare at the pictures for hours ! Well done !
Thank you! I would love to get to DL Paris ( and Paris itself ) someday. Thanks for reading and the compliments!
I absolutely love that Alex, Sterg, and Yia-Yia joined you & Toni for the final morning. That says a lot, Chris. They might not realize it but you've put Disney in their hearts. You have. It wasn't the "cool" thing to be into Disney when I was growing up. I was a local. Tourists were the utmost in uncool. But Disney never left my heart. I came back and became the tacky tourist I made fun of. My money is on Alex & Sterg bringing their families back someday having magically transformed into the nerdy tourists and driving their kids insane with all their repetitive stories of their antics with YOU.
I was so happy they went along. I hope you are right! Thanks!
That was such a relaxed update, compared to the night before! I felt panicked reading the DTD update but reading was far more relaxed! You have a brilliant way with words that can make a person feel like there in the story with you

I didn't even know they did a opening ceremony until reading this TR!
Thanks Tigger! It was a much calmer day, and we needed it.

Thanks again, and next time you are at the World, make time to watch the opening. Well worth getting up early for.
Between the special ops mission and the well placed kick, this installment gave me a good laugh.
That'll teach Sterg to make fun of Toni.
Thanks! Yes, he certainly learned a lesson.
As always, AWESOME report and pics!!!
First question, though: What kind of deal did you have to make with Sterg to not have him torqued at you for posting about his, now famous/infamous, shot to the pills from lil' sis...new car, season tics to his favorite sports team, etc....?!?!?!

Or, is he just rollin' with it as lesson learned and let it be a lesson to others...?!
Second question: Will someone be wearing a new t-shirt for y'alls next WDW trip...?
Lastly, for now anyhow...
I can COMPLETELY and TOTALLY relate to your WoD experience!!!!! We almost always go in the summer and the place is packed to the rafters (well almost, as your ceiling shots will attest

) !!!
We usually go on the first and last days we are there, and we (me anyway

) spend, what seems like 9/10ths of the time trying to find each and the other 1/10th actually shopping...!!!!!
Thanks! He is just rolling with it. Lesson learned.
Great idea for a t-shirt! WOD was absolutely nuts!
Thanks for following along donaldtoo!
Dang. So sad that your TR is almost over. It has been keeping me entertained for weeks now... I can only hope that you have already planned your next trip to give me something to look forward to reading way down the road! Loved your DTD post. We were there in August and it was pretty much the same, so we only ended up there twice in 10 days.
The last day at Disney is always so bittersweet, isn't it?
Love the vibrancy in your Opening pics!
Thanks DisSplash. Hopefully I can wrap this up soon. Glad you've enjoyed it! Last day was bittersweet. I was always checking my watch, trying to make time slow down but it never worked.
Ah, poor Toni. Caught in such an unfortunate predicament. I understand completely.
I love Yia-Yia's capris today! They're perfect for Disney days!
The morning crew pic is great. You're all lined up like good morning soldiers. Good job!
She's constantly battling those internal battles, lol! Thanks. They actually do pose for strangers.