well arent you a haughty one? "pitch a tent"...not everyone can afford the luxuries of the resorts you stated in your profile...i took my family to all star movies last april and next yr were staying at all star sports...to my family and I, not to mention thousands of other families who visit the all star resorts, we find it affordable, friendly, and a great experience....sure, they are not 5 star, but it gives us a better atmosphere (in my opinion) then some of the other on site resorts...keep your snide comments to yourself...
Actually, no I'm not hauty at all. Personally, I find it far more
snide to read things into other people's posts that aren't even close to true then lecture as if the info that was
assumed was correct on some level.
Unfortunately, the signatures on this forum only allow so many characters. If there were no character limits I'd be able to add all the trips we've had prior to those noted in my trip reports, 4 of which were spent enjoying Pop Century. I didn't write trip reports back then because I worked and my boys were little guys. There's also 2 trips I've stayed at POFQ. When I was a kid and went to WDW we were locals, had a big family, and
never stayed on-property. In fact, I don't think we ever even ate a meal on-property because we couldn't afford to. On good days my step-father would buy 2 popcorns and 2 sodas for the 5 of us kids to share. We stay at deluxe resorts right now is because we literally scrimp & save every nickel we can to do so. We don't go to the movies and avoid eating out. We've been sacrificing weekends with my husband who has worked 6 and 7 days a week, 10 to 12 hours a day, all year. This includes this coming Sunday which is also Father's Day. Also, without good discounts we certainly wouldn't be able to afford to stay in deluxe resorts unless we spread our trips out to once every 2 or 3 years. Hauty? No. Something we enjoy enough to bust our behinds to work towards every day? Yes.
In my post I never stated why I wouldn't stay at an All-Star.
You assumed it was because I thought I was too good for value accomodations because the 4 trip reports that are linked in my signature happen to be at deluxe resorts. The first problem with that assumption is if you knew me even the slightest bit you'd know that I am the polar-opposite of the type who thinks they're too good for anything. Everything my husband and I have or anything we've done we have earned the hard way over the past 18 years together. Who I am is not because I was raised with any sort of advantages. I am who I am because I sought to be different than what I was raised with and overcame the demons that worked against me. I was not given a single thing in life other than my name, work ethic, and blessings from God. I
do not think myself better than any other person outside the immoral or dishonorable types. Never have. That's just not me. The second problem with your assumption is that my reasoning for not staying at an All-Star has absolutely
nothing to do with low cost or value-level ammenties at those resorts.
If you really
must know why I'm so opposed to the All-Star Resorts I'd be happy to explain although it would be nice to be asked politely instead of scolded. I had a close relative have an experience bad enough at Sports several years ago that I am pretty turned-off by it. Numerous palmetto-bugs crawling around in the bed with it's human occupants happens to give me a serious case of the willies. I don't think I'd be able to sleep soundly laying in bed at night imagining things touching my legs. I'd be jumping up every few hours to check my son's bed(s), too. That's not a jab at that particular resort. If a relative told me they ate at a restaurant a few years ago and found bugs on the floor or in their food I wouldn't dream of going to that place either. Also, we always thought the shared bus thing between the 3 would be not-so-great. The size of the 3 resorts combined and the sharing of 1 bus stop at the parks always seemed kinda brutal. Then there's the fact that these are the chosen resorts of the youth sports teams, etc. Additionally, a few years ago when my brother-in-law who happens to be married to a wonderful lady who is a different race than his experienced a group of loud, drunken, beligerant men on their bus who made very hateful comments using racial slurs speaking about his wife & children in their presence. My niece was in tears. When my brother-in-law asked them politely to refrain he was met with threats and more hate. I'm not saying that's representative of the clientel at the All-Star Resorts as a whole. However it's certainly something that adversely influenced my feelings for obvious reasons. All those things combined and the All-Stars aren't somewhere we would really consider staying. If a value resort is in our future I assure you it would be Pop Century which we have enjoyed immensely in the past and are confident in.
"Pitching a tent" is a figure of speech I happen to use frequently to express extreme desperation to do something. I went on tent-camping trips with my husband & sons several years back and found them all to be a complete nightmare. I spent my days cleaning things, sweeping the tent every 10 minutes, running to the showers 3 times a day....just plain ol' miserable. My fellas all find my displeasure in the inevitable "dirt" part of tent camping to be quite humorous. I dunno. It's all so much work to pack up, set up, clean-clean-clean for days only to pack up, unpack, then clean-clean-clean for days to be a whooooole lotta work without much pay-off. I'm a city-girl. Outdoorsy living isn't for me. So if I'd rather "pitch a tent" than stay at an All-Star Resort, this would mean that I would find staying at one of those resorts more uncomfortable than the misery I find in tent-camping. It's not a knock to those who tent-camp or enjoy the All-Star Resorts. People who combine their love of camping with Disney with blissful results are a great thing and I'm happy for them just as I'm happy for those who've stayed at an All-Star Resort and had a totally fabulous time.
Again, that's mighty presumptuous of you to read all that
hautiness into my post. Sorry you were so far off the mark with your assumptions. Perhaps your advice to keep the snide comments to oneself would be better served if taken by yourself.