If I could improve Walt Disney World....


New Member
stitchcastle said:
After the "hogwarts experience", we get out and pass by a little play area for children themed to Hagrid's Hut, the large man earlier, We take in all te sights and sounds of the area With the beautifully rendered Hogsmeade vilalge all around us.

We then decide it's time to explore lands other than Fantasyland as lunch is quickly approaching and we wouldn't want to miss the big parade in the afternoon. We decide to get back on the Train, out of Hogsmeade and take on the "scenic tour" of the Magic Kingdom.

The train takes us out of Hogsmeade, down a path that gives us a beautiful glimpse of the Snow Queen's Enchanted Snow Palace. The train then goes through a tunnel inside the palace, where we catch a glimpse of the flume ride inside. We are also surrounded by beautiful ice crystals and Polar Bears and various other arctic animals.

As the train leaves the tunnel, we pass by a view of ToonTown. We chug on through Tomorrowland, then to the Mainstreet station, where we load in some more passengers. then straight through Adventureland where we catch a glimpse of the gigantic "Fire Mountain" before moving on to Critter Country and finally, Frontierland.

I would like to learn more about your Fire Mountain design. How does it work, what's the story, what about the queue, etc. A drawing would be nice too. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
WDWFantasmic said:
I would like to learn more about your Fire Mountain design. How does it work, what's the story, what about the queue, etc. A drawing would be nice too. Thanks.
He's more then likely to cover that once he finishes his Frontierland summaries. Be patient


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Original Poster
hey guys! thanks for the comments, we'll get to Fire Mountain later in Adventureland right now it's all about Frontierland.

-The new frontierland is divided to 3 sections: Thunder Mesa, Geyser County, and Jamestown. the Frontierland Train Station is located in an elevated flatform bordering Geyser County and Thunder Mesa.

Here, we have the choice of exploring Thunder Mesa, a typical Mining Town at the heart of the wild west. Here we can browse through the many little shops along with an old bar.

Woody's Wild Wild West Revue
-In the heart of the new frontier, the Prospector terrorizes a quaint town by trying to scare them off with bombs and buying out their property for unfair amounts. Thankfully, Sheriff Woody has come to town to rid them of their outlaws. And with the help of his friends Jesse and his noble steed, Bullseye, they will work together to rid the town of the evil Prospector.
-A musical puppet show with a touch of Disney magic, Woody and friends come to life in this special effects heavy, puppet epic about how Woody won the heart of the West.

Davy Crockett's Wild Frontier Shooting Galley
-The legendary hero, Davy Crockett needs your help, The prisoners of Fort Wilderness have escaped and he needs all of us to bring them all to justice. We each board our own horses as we gallop across the wilderness shooting every bad guy we see and saving the town in the process.
-A new spin to the Frontierland Shooting Galley and the traditional horse-riding carousel, this understated attraction will be a memorable addition to the resort.
-Guests start off as trainees for Fort Wilderness when the massive prison break goes off and we are all called out to shoot them all down western style.

as we spend our time in Frontierland we come to realize how truly massive this place is. from the extended rockwork of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, which connects its way to the massive showbuildings of both Western River Expedition and Geyser Mountain, to the expansive wilderness that is Jamestown.

It is all so huge that the combined rockwork of BTMR, WRE, and GM are all connected to form an attraction of its own: the Frontierland Mule Trail.

The Frontierland Mule Trail
-A seemingly innocent stroll through the majestic canyons of Frontierland, past natural arches, waterfalls, desert flora and fauna and a Pueblo Indian village, The Frontierland Mule Tour, which involves live Mules, suddenly turns ugly when our tour guide accidentally stumbles into an ancient Indian burial ground, that leaves us at the hands of the supernatural forces that call this place home. Will we be able to be free of this curse? or are we doomed to stay and face the fate of those that ahs come before us?
-This is a tour of Frontierland in a way few people ever have. it's Jungle Crusie on mules with a witty guide that tells us all about teh History of Frontierland.
-The Indian Cave of Spirits that we will be locked inside of uses special effects as well as the "screams" of the 2 big E-tickets of the area to portray the cauldron of lost souls.
-To get out of the Cave, guests must remember a certain element from the stories that the guide tells us throughout the tour.

alright, because WRE is one of the already-conceived attractions for WDW, I will not elaborate on it as much, isntead, i'll lead you to a page where the concept is explained:
Western River Expedition

next time: we go into detail about Geyser County's Mountain(s) and Jamestown where we will paint with all the colors of the wind.


Well-Known Member
You sure Mule Trail will work out? One of the big reasons the Disneyland one was taken down even before the rest of Nature's Wonderland was that Mules weren't too cooperative. It could still work as a Mine Train through Nature's Wonderland style train ride though or be incorporated into Rainbow Mountain(if you are still using it).


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Tahu said:
You sure Mule Trail will work out? One of the big reasons the Disneyland one was taken down even before the rest of Nature's Wonderland was that Mules weren't too cooperative. It could still work as a Mine Train through Nature's Wonderland style train ride though or be incorporated into Rainbow Mountain(if you are still using it).

don't worry, The Mule ride will be temporary, I originally wanted a nature hiking trail but then I realized guests will have been doing a little too much walking around already. Rainbow Mountain is currently in the backburner and I'm currently trying to decide whether to have Rainbow Mountain, which would be another train ride, or having a Brother Bear inspired version of Grizzly River Run built in Jamestown instead. Although I'm still trying to think of ways to spruce up Tomorrowland first.


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yensidtlaw1969 said:
Do you think brother Bear world really fit in that well in Jamestown?

Yensid "Maybe it's just me . . ." tlaw1969

it wouldn't really be "in" Jamestown but around that area since it would thematically fit in with all the tall trees and forest setting. Plus the story would be that of a Grizzly Bear migration. or it could be that the northern lights take us back in time. eitherway, the ride could compliment the Bambi dark ride near it. but I'm not sure if I want to add any more major attractions to MK considering how much it has going for it now. I guess I'm just going to keep brainstorming on what to do with Tomorrowland since it needs to have an attraction that will balance off the other lands since "Space Mountain" is the only major thrill ride in it. I'm thinking of putting in a super-hero based attraction called "The Enforcer" that would mimic the experience of IOA's Spider-man on a far grander scale. The main plot of "The Enforcer" is about a kid in the future who is deemed incapable of functioning normally in the modern world because he isn't a genetically modified clone. the kid finds a lost powersuit that turns him into a superhero, the suit is a lost weapon that was invented by his father for a war.


New Member
I have a few more ideas for the Alien VS. Stitch attraction
-Stitch turns evil for a part of the ride
-maybe make the alien look like predator
-a new exterior for the show building
-maybe make a special makeover during halloween and call it
Extermination Rocks!!!

here are a few more ideas for the new Space Mountain
-all-new trains like the ones in California
-rock 'n roll soundtrack
-improved station with video screens flashing lights and robots
-maybe near the end of the ride you go through a part of the space station that is hit by meteorites

That is all for now:wave:


what happened to this? I go to WDW thinking "if Stitchcastle had his way.." and now this thread is almost extinct, where is he?

-long time lurking fan of this thread.


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hey guys sorry I've been gone a while, school has just been taking a lot of my time from me lately (although I am making Spider-man and disney's Beast come to life so, it ain't so bad :D ) spring break is coming soon so i might be able to continue the tour then not to mention include new concept art for the parks, in the meantime, I'll be doing small scale verbal presentations in the Animal Kingdom concepts thread about my AK changes (which has since changed from a mega park to its own mini two-park destination featuring WDW's unofficial 6th park) :)

oh and here's a small preview of what's to come:
*Big changes are coming to EPCOT which will take it one step closer to becoming a real Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow.
*The Disney MGM-Studios will continue to grow to be a top entertainment center which will produce movies and music along with screening and accomodating major events.
*Port Disney will concentrate on its live entertainment reserving itself as a park targeted towards AP holders and locals.
*The Magic Kingdom's Tomorwland will soon have a facelift.

I know they are all very light on detail but I'm really pressed for time and I feel like I won't be able to please you all the way I should without concept art so I'll just leave these for now until I have the capacity to come up with great presentations.


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potential ride poster of Disney's Wild Animal kingdom's Dragon Tower:



New Member
I love many of your attractions. I'm making a Disney park too, just for fun of course, and it's a Saturday so I'm deadly bored.

Anyway, your Sleepy Hollow land gave me an idea. Since you added Geyser Mountain and Fire Mountain, what about Moonlight Mountain? Based on Sleepy Hollow. It'd be one of two Mountain's that actually deal with some characters. Anyway, you sparked my imagination, hope this sparks yours. :sohappy:


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Original Poster
thanks relloron! I'm curently trying to cut back on attractions for MK, Moonlight Mountain sounds interesting though...

anyway, here is a bigger version of the Dragon Tower poster (I forgot that photbucket automatically resized images) http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/8610/dragontowers8yu.jpg

- after passing Western River Expedition, we make our way further into Thunder Mesa and into Geyser County, an old mining town that was built when the miners over in Thunder Valley decided to explore other options after Liberty Square's Ravenswood Family monopolized the town.
-Geyser County lives up to its name by being full of Geysers and one of the most infamous of them all is "Old unfaithful"

Geyser Mountain
- This is another unrealized Disney attraction, this time for Disneyland Paris. Here is a description of what the ride could have been and would be for WDW:
-Once guests boarded there mine car the vehicle would start moving along the rails into impressive caves filled with natural wonders from stalactites and stalagmites to streams of water and gold highlighted by the lights fixed to vehicles. Just as in Big Thunder Mountain a homage to the “Rainbow Caverns” would have been included too - here the travelers would have passed a whole scene surrounded by wonderfully coloured (blacklight) water pools with drops of water falling of the cave's ceiling creating paddles of beautiful colours. As the cars proceeded deeper and deeper into these natural caverns the lights would have slowly started to fade and the sound of water dropping of the cave's ceiling would have subtly given way to the sound of wind moving around sharp corners, whistling and of rocks tumbling down a hill ... until (in the “usual” Disney style) something would go terribly wrong!
The vehicles would have entered a illuminated lit cave full of sleeping bats all with there eyes closed and silently resting. Unfortunately from one side of the vehicle a “loud hissing” sound would have been heard, a small geyser would have erupted and thus sleeping creatures would be woken up and in a matter of seconds would have been seen moving toward the car where they would immediately break the lights of the car! This incredible effect would have been a 3-D sound extravaganza using the same technology that is behind Walt Disney World's Alien Encounter show. Guests would have seen the AudioAnimatronic bats opening there eyes and wings and only a microsecond later would have heard the loud sound of breaking glass in the same second the lights would have gone out. The vehicle would have immediately started to move out of the cave with only a faint emergency light casting a barely visible spot on the paths ahead. Once every guest would have believed that now the worst part was over a small eruption of a long dormant geyser would have caused a chain reaction and the cave's walls and parts of its ceiling would have come down all around the car trying to navigate out of the caves...

As if the sound of the "attacking" bats and the eruption wouldn't be enough guests would have realised that their car had arrived up in a dead end - right above of the legendary “Old Unfaithful Geyser” which sounded as if it was going to explode in a matter of seconds.
“Kaboom”!! Like a bullet guests would have found themselves being shot up towards the caves ceiling - steam and hot water under and around them! The mine car itself would shake, rattle and some parts would break off emphasizing the dramatic situation. As the oar car would continued to rise and fall, bounce up and down on the water fountain of the geyser rocks would have started falling of the ceiling creating a natural opening right above the car, illuminating the cave before the geyser would have shot the car higher than ever before, right through the small hole in the ceiling! Rising up in the steam a breathtaking view of Geyser County and the Rivers of the Far West with the Big Thunder Mountain would have opened (don’t forget to smile for that onboard photo) before the geyeser would have lost some of its power and teh car would have plummeted back into the darkness, only to be shot up into the bright daylight once more. But luckily for the guests at this second shot the car would not fall back all the way down but only back onto the tracks on a second upper level of the cave, so the guests would have found themselves finally out of risk and back on their way to to the mine's entrance.


New Member
I looked up some old threads and I just know I'm gonna take heat for this, but, yes. I would LOVE to see a monorail extension ONLY to AK and MGM. Commence flames. That's right, I said it. What are YOU gonna do about it lol.


Well-Known Member
Interruption? said:
I looked up some old threads and I just know I'm gonna take heat for this, but, yes. I would LOVE to see a monorail extension ONLY to AK and MGM. Commence flames. That's right, I said it. What are YOU gonna do about it lol.

:fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: :fork: THAT TOPIC IS VERBOTEN, YOU HAVE UNLEASHED THE DEMONS!!!
Interruption? said:
I looked up some old threads and I just know I'm gonna take heat for this, but, yes. I would LOVE to see a monorail extension ONLY to AK and MGM. Commence flames. That's right, I said it. What are YOU gonna do about it lol.

Jim Hill wrote a great article explaining why they havent done any monorail expansions...

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