Iasw Song!


New Member
We need you to talk to the Mexican Pavilion Dolls and get them on our side before the Spectro men have their way with them. Those dolls are not EVIL, yet. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I can't wait for battle #2!!!

120 pages of hype for battle #1...3 pages of actual battle...

120 more pages ahead of us guys :) :sohappy:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by spider-man
We need you to talk to the Mexican Pavilion Dolls and get them on our side before the Spectro men have their way with them. Those dolls are not EVIL, yet. :lookaroun

*shudders* Ewww Creepy Chucky-doll'esq Spectro guys


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
I can't wait for battle #2!!!

120 pages of hype for battle #1...3 pages of actual battle...

120 more pages ahead of us guys :) :sohappy:

Well, we did have peace time to factor in also.

Originally posted by DMC-12

*shudders* Ewww Creepy Chucky-doll'esq Spectro guys

Those guys will not stand aside any longer, next time I fear we may meet up with them as well. :lookaroun

(Hint, Hint)Did everyone read my report on the page before, lot's of important info in that post.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by spider-man
Well, we did have peace time to factor in also.

Those guys will not stand aside any longer, next time I fear we may meet up with them as well. :lookaroun

(Hint, Hint)Did everyone read my report on the page before, lot's of important info in that post.

yeah..the holiday treaty put a halt on all things war...which is good that we did....

Yeah.. I read your report.. good job keeping on your toes! :D


New Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
I think they were kewl,but I can`t figure out what they had to do with Disney or the parade! LOL!:lol:

Disney: They are what Small World Kids grow up to be

Parade: Their faces light up

Nuff Said.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
I've been out doing some spy work and boy... you are correct. This is more like the Naboo Battle that sparks the next five episodes.

The Spectro Leaders have converged and want to recruit their Mexican Comrades... I say we cut them at the pass and send our Ambassador out to EPCOT and strike an agreement before any actions take place. I even heard the possiblity of Metal Super Puppets being ordered for Armor Improvements, but I believe that was shot down due to Complications of the Equipment... it puts a real strain on the lower back.

Word is spreading quick to the other Small World Headquarters and troops are being rallied and enhanced. Think about our battle today like fighting the Terminator from the first movie... well the next battle will be like fighting the T2 Terminator.

Here's the biggest shocker of all... Spies who work for me are reporting that IASW at WDW is completly restocked and operational since last night. :eek: :eek: :eek: Apparently Disney under Doll Influence keep an Amble Stock of dolls for backup down there. :brick:

The Spectro War Balls are being prepared... gentlemen, We have Just Begun!

One more tid bit... as a Scientist, I am currently in the process of working on an Antidote for the Small World Song AND a Biological Weapon capable of decomishening the dolls into harmless, lifeless Animatronics who will never pose a treat again.

OH, and one more thing... the Dolls may be developing technology to not only rebuild their bodies after damage, but also the capability of a few select Super Dolls who will be able to combine into one Ultra Destructo-Doll.

That is all I have for now, use this info wisely.

Ok ok ok... :lol:

Nice reporting Spidey!

*gathers with Master DMC & J-rash*
Spidey has done his reconnaissance and feels that the Spectro-Dolls are trying to convey the evil ways onto the Mexican Pavilion Dolls...that are truly nice and just don't know any better...
Whattayasay...I feel that J-rash should grab some troops and flank around to the backside of the Pyramid and cut them off at the pass.

Ang...You have access to the plans of IASW West...We need to infiltrate their command tower and stop them from being able to transport "troops" out to IASW East. (Oh...and as Ambassador...you can use "any negotiation method" as necessary)

A NEW CAMPAIGN to recruit more Members to the Resistance must start immediately!!!

BALLS?!?!??! Nobody said ANYTHING about BALLS!!! (It's getting heavy around here)

Ok...so these dolls have given themselves the ability to REBUILD and CONNECT...NOT COOL *calls up Optimus Prime*


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Ok ok ok... :lol:

Nice reporting Spidey!

*gathers with Master DMC & J-rash*
Spidey has done his reconnaissance and feels that the Spectro-Dolls are trying to convey the evil ways onto the Mexican Pavilion Dolls...that are truly nice and just don't know any better...
Whattayasay...I feel that J-rash should grab some troops and flank around to the backside of the Pyramid and cut them off at the pass.

Ang...You have access to the plans of IASW West...We need to infiltrate their command tower and stop them from being able to transport "troops" out to IASW East. (Oh...and as Ambassador...you can use "any negotiation method" as necessary)

A NEW CAMPAIGN to recruit more Members to the Resistance must start immediately!!!

BALLS?!?!??! Nobody said ANYTHING about BALLS!!! (It's getting heavy around here)

Ok...so these dolls have given themselves the ability to REBUILD and CONNECT...NOT COOL *calls up Optimus Prime*

What can I do? *puts on seaflower beret* :cool:


*holds saber up high and turns to the troops*
Follow me men!!! To Epcot... and Victory!!!

We're going to be in place here just in case Angel's diplomatic negotiations go awry... If they do, I'll be ready to step in with some aggressive negotiations.
Also, if we go to Cali to handle business there, I'll be ready to get goig over there. Angel has the layout all worked out, I assume.


New Member
DARN... my agent that was getting the pictures for me moved to FL for the time being. I'll try to get him to send them to me ASAP (although a little bribery may be in order lol).

I've studied the lay out... there is more unit is more issolated and has an outside waterway.. Vince can you help us there?

I tried to speak to the head of IASW West but I got no answer.. then I got a vicious letter in the mail.. I'll send it to Bri tomorrow for analization....

I think matters are getting crucial here.. it was calm during christmas with all the good will ... but it's changing back to the original format and I'm not sure how much longer we should wait.... But we must remember to be careful.. we don't want to take out any innocent dolls.... from my understanding some of the ones here still are faithful to Walt's dream.

(okay I'm tired and have been having computer issues all day (which are not over I still have to reinstall windows...) so if this makes no sense... let me know)


Well-Known Member
Jrash...keep your eyes out for the Darth Leader of the Dolls.
DMC...where should we go from here?

Ang, I'll "ANALYZE THAT" :lol: when you get it to me.

Jay do a fly over and see if you notice any suspicious action over IASW West.

Vince...I like your spirit...I was giving you some time to mourn your loss but you wanna jump right back into it!!! I'd ask DMC for your task. (I'm thinking scope out the World Showcase Lagoon to see if they'll hit the Mexico Pavilion through the waterways)


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
DMC...where should we go from here?

-Wellll.... Maria is our expert on El Rio de Tempo... maybe she has some pics or inside info to share with us.

-We have to keep an eye on the Ball Riding Specto-Chuckies!

-Our West Coast Peeps... Angel, jaylenofan, Tigggrl, we need reconnaissance of all things IASW West... including pictures and control tower info.

Once we gather all this info... We will decide our next move. :wave:


New Member
Original Poster
Well erverything is back to normal at IT`s a small world,ORLANDO! YAY! *takes Flag out of it`s position* Who put this ugly flag here? *breaks it* *puts it in a pile and lights it on fire* YAY I`m roasting marshmellows!:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
Well erverything is back to normal at IT`s a small world,ORLANDO! YAY! *takes Flag out of it`s position* Who put this ugly flag here? *breaks it* *puts it in a pile and lights it on fire* YAY I`m roasting marshmellows!:D

Darth...WHEN...(not IF) but WHEN I get my hands on you...I will NOT kill you...I will TORTURE you...burn you a little here and a little there...maybe a finger at a time...THEN...WHEN YOU ARE BEGGING FOR MERCY...I will turn you over to my MASTER. How dare you do that to your followers??? You lead them (well, ok, you started this whole war and ran away and let poor SirNim battle himself) and then you GAVE the doll/clone army to the resistance...leaving your "protectors" and followers to US. You led them into battle and turned on them and left them to die...luckily we took mercy on your "people" because we feel that they were mislead into believing that the dolls were "good." The dolls however...went down! And for this battle (not the war) we were victorious!

Queen Figmentmom...it is not too late to join the resistance...a "family" that is close and will not turn it's back on it's believers. I have always respected you and will continue to do so no matter how this goes down.

Maria...like DMC said...any pics or information would be helpful :)

Troop Stitch...don't think that I forgot about you...we have special "infiltration" plans for you...I will brief you when it is necessary.


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Darth...WHEN...(not IF) but WHEN I get my hands on you...I will NOT kill you...I will TORTURE you...burn you a little here and a little there...maybe a finger at a time...THEN...WHEN YOU ARE BEGGING FOR MERCY...I will turn you over to my MASTER. How dare you do that to your followers??? You lead them (well, ok, you started this whole war and ran away and let poor SirNim battle himself) and then you GAVE the doll/clone army to the resistance...leaving your "protectors" and followers to US. You led them into battle and turned on them and left them to die...luckily we took mercy on your "people" because we feel that they were mislead into believing that the dolls were "good." The dolls however...went down! And for this battle (not the war) we were victorious!

Queen Figmentmom...it is not too late to join the resistance...a "family" that is close and will not turn it's back on it's believers. I have always respected you and will continue to do so no matter how this goes down.

Maria...like DMC said...any pics or information would be helpful :)

Troop Stitch...don't think that I forgot about you...we have special "infiltration" plans for you...I will brief you when it is necessary.
I did not give the clone army to the resistance! they are under the command of SirNim,untill I get better!:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
Go ahead Jaylenofan reveal our secret weapon! and I give you command of the 10,000 Doll/clone army! I can`t give this war my all tonight! I can only stay on for short periods at a time!:(

No...and I QUOTE!...You did NOT give command of the 10,000 Doll/clone army to SirNim...you gave them to our SPY...JayLenoFan!!!

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